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- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Macao
- Malaysia
- Philippines
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- Thailand

About Us

ASHRAE Region XIII 2023-2024 Regional Officers

Director and Regional Chair (DRC) (2022-25)
Mr LEONG Cheng Wee
Region Members Council Representative (RMCR) (2022-25) Mr ONG Ching Loon
Assistant Regional Chair (ARC) Mr Bill WANG Wei-Dong Taiwan
Regional Vice-Chair for Membership Promotion (RVC MP) (2021-24)
Dr Sam C M HUI Hong Kong
Regional Vice-Chair for Research Promotion (RVC RP) (2020-) Mr CHEA Suei Keong
Regional Vice-Chair for Chapter Technology Transfer (RVC CTT) (2022-25)
Mr Gadam Sivakumar
Regional Vice-Chair for Government Affairs (RVC GA) (2021-24)
Mr Albert Y T SIN
Regional Vice-Chair for Student Activities (RVC SA) (2021-24)
Prof WANG Fu Jen
Regional Vice-Chair for Refrigeration (RVC RF) (2019-)
Dr Ardiyansyah YATIM
Regional Nominating Committee Member (RNM) (2023-)
Ms Tracy PANG
Hong Kong
Regional Nominating Committee Alternative (RNA) (2018-24) Mr LOW Han Guan Den
Regional Nominating Committee Reserve Alternative (2023-)
Mr Dominador De Guzman CASTRO, Jr. (Jojo)
Regional Historian (RH) (2019-) / Conference Secretary (2019-)
Mr NG Kah Choong
Regional Electronic Communications Chair (RECC) / Webmaster (2019-)
Ms Chia Chi HSU Taiwan
Regional Newsletter Editor (RNE) (2019-)
Dr WONG Chun Sing Hong Kong
Regional Treasurer (RT) (2022-25)
Ms Florence CHAN
Regional Representative (China) (2011-)
Mr Edward Ka Cheung TSUI Hong Kong
Regional YEA (Young Engineers in ASHRAE) (2022-25)
Mr LAM Chak Mou
Region XIII Internal Auditor Mr Raymond WONG
Region XIII Internal Auditor Mr Edward Ka Cheung TSUI
Hong Kong
Chapters Regional Conference (CRC) Chair 2023 (Taiwan) Mr JENG Ming Shan
Chapters Regional Conference (CRC) Chair 2024 (Macau) Mr Peter CHAN Macau
Chapters Regional Conference (CRC) Chair 2025 (South Korea) Prof LIM Jae-Han
South Korea
APCBE Steering Committee Chair (2023-)
Mr KING Yeong Jin Malaysia
18th APCBE 2025 Chair (Singapore)
Er. Leong Cheng Wee
19th APCBE 2027 Chair (Japan) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masayuki ICHINOSE Japan
Chapter Delegate and Alternate:    
- Hong Kong (143)
Mr LAM Yu Hung Peter
Mr CHOW Chi Fung Taylor
Hong Kong
- Macao (198) Mr WONG Seng Fat
Mr WONG Siu Hung
- Malaysia (149)
Mr Tone Vei TEE
Mr KokZhen LAW
- Indonesia (183)
Mr Ferdian LO
- Japan (194) Dr Junta NAKANO
Prof Masayuki ICHINOSE
- Philippines (167)
Mr Isagani G BRUGADA
Mr Edwin Diga RAGANIT
- Singapore (142)
Mr Ivan LIEW
- South Korea (195) Prof Minki SUNG
Prof Jae-Han LIM
South Korea
- Taiwan (157)
Dr Hung-Wen LIN
Mr Gavin CHANG
- Thailand (170)

Other related bodies:

  • CAR ASHRAE Beijing Group (200): Administrator: Prof LI Xianting (Tsinghua University)
  • CAR ASHRAE Shanghai Group (201): Administrator: Prof LI Zhengrong (Tongji University)
  • Guam Section of Philippines Chapter (Tamuning, Guam)
  • Kuching Section of Malaysia Chapter (Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia) Representative: Mr Rafal LULKO
  • Myanmar Section (Singapore Chapter as mentor) (Yangon, Myanmar) Representative: Mr Heng Guan HOU
  • Penang Section of Malaysia Chapter (Penang, Malaysia)
  • Vietnam Section (Thailand Chapter as mentor) (Hanoi, Vietnam) Representative: Mr Ngo Quang TROUNG
  • APCBE Steering Committee: (Current)
    • Mr NG Wen Bin (Chair)(Malaysia) 2020-2023
    • Prof Dr WANG Fu-Jen (Secretary)(Taiwan) 2019-2022
    • Dr YANG Junjing (Singapore) 2020-2023
    • Mr Michael SUNG Ka Leong (Hong Kong) 2020-2024
    • Dr Thosapron KATEJANEKAREN (Thailand) 2019-2022
    • Dr Ari Darmawan Pasek (Indonesia) 2020-2023
    • Prof Dr Shinsuke KATO (Japan) 2017-2020
    • Prof Dr Young Il KIM (South Korea) 2019-2022
    • Mr Tim CHENG (Macau) 2017-2020
  • APCBE Chairs:
    • 18th APCBE 2025 Chair (Singapore) Er. Leong Cheng Wee
    • 19th APCBE 2027 Chair (Japan) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masayuki ICHINOSE
History of ASHRAE Region XIII [under construction]
  • History of the Formation of Region XIII [PDF]
  • Motion to establish ASHRAE Region XIII [PDF]
  • Petition to establish ASHRAE Region XIII [PDF]
  • Historic and other photos [Gallery]
  • Pictorial history of Region XIII CRCs (prepared by Albert Sin of Singapore Chapter) [PowerPoint, 4.5 MB]
  • Historical photos presented at ASHRAE Region XIII 13th Chapters Regional Conference, 27-29 August 2010 (prepared by Albert Sin of Singapore Chapter) [PDF]
ASHRAE Board of Directors, Regional Directors and Directors-at-Large
  • Region XIII Director and Regional Chair
    • Mr LEONG Cheng Wee (Singapore), 2022-2025
ASHRAE Councils & Committees (Committees Reporting To The Board of Directors) [website]
  • Audit Committee
    • Mr LEONG Cheng Wee (Singapore), 2023-
  • Nominating Committee
    • Ms Tracy PANG (Regional Nominating Committee Member, Hong Kong), 2023-
    • Mr LOW Han Guan Den (Regional Nominating Committee Alternate, Malaysia), 2018-
    • Mr Dominador De Guzman CASTRO, Jr. (Jojo) (Regional Nominating Committee Reserve Alternative, Philippines), 2023-
    • Mr Edward Ka Cheung TSUI (Nominating Committee Board Elected Alternate, Hong Kong), 2020-
ASHRAE Members Council & Committees Reporting to Council [website]
  • Members Council
    • Mr ONG Ching Loon (RMCR, Malaysia), 2022-2025
  • Chapter Technology Transfer Committee
    • Mr Gadam Sivakumar (RVC-CTTC, Singapore), 2022-2025
  • Conferences and Expositions Committee
    • Mr CHOW Wai Hung Joe (Hong Kong), 2023-
    • Mr NG Yong Kong (Malaysia), 2022-
    • Mr LEONG Cheng Wee (Singapore), BOD ExO, 2023-
  • Government Affairs Committee
    • Mr Albert Y T SIN (RVC-GA, Singapore), 2021-24
  • Membership Promotion Committee
    • Dr Sam C M Hui (RVC-MP, Hong Kong), 2021-24
  • Research Promotion Committee
    • Mr CHEA Suei Keong (RVC-RP, Malaysia), 2020-2023
  • Student Activities Committee
    • Prof WANG Fu Jen (RVC-SA, Taiwan), 2021-2024
  • Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) Committee
    • Mr LAM Chak Mou (Regional YEA, Macao), 2022-25
ASHRAE Publishing and Education Council & Committees Reporting to Council [website]
  • Handbook Committee - Subcommittee for 2024 Systems and Equipment Handbook
    • Prof Chee Sheng OW (Malaysia), 2020-
  • Training and Education Committee
    • Mr Kozen LAW (Malaysia), 2023-
ASHRAE Technology Councils & Committees Reporting to Council [website]
  • To be confirmed

ASHRAE Honors and Awards

ASHRAE Scholarships, Grants, Student and YEA Awards from Region XIII

ASHRAE Region XIII 2022-2023 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2021-2022 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2020-2021 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2019-2020 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2018-2019 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2017-2018 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2016-2017 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2015-2016 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2014-2015 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2013-2014 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2012-2013 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2011-2012 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2010-2011 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2009-2010 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2008-2009 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2007-2008 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2006-2007 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2005-2006 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2004-2005 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2003-2004 Regional Executive Committee

ASHRAE Region XIII 2002-2003 Regional Executive Committee


| Created: 17 Aug 2002 | Updated: 5 May 2024 |