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South Korea Launches Court Interpretation Center to Ensure Justice for Non-Korean Speakers

South Korea Launches Court Interpretation Center to Ensure Justice for Non-Korean Speakers

SEOUL, Jul. 19 (Korea Bizwire) – In a move to ensure equal access to justice for non-Korean speakers, the National Court Administration of South Korea inaugurated a Court Interpretation Center at the Seoul Eastern District Court on July 17. The center, which began operations on July 1, aims to provide consistent interpretation services to courts nationwide [...]

Japanese Utility Prevails in South Korean Court Over Fukushima Wastewater Release

Japanese Utility Prevails in South Korean Court Over Fukushima Wastewater Release

BUSAN, Jul. 18 (Korea Bizwire) – A South Korean appeals court has rejected a lawsuit filed by civic groups in Busan seeking to prevent the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) from releasing treated radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean.  The 5th Civil Division of the Busan High Court, presided over by Judge [...]

Pakistan Man’s Naturalization in South Korea Revoked Over Undisclosed Polygamy

Pakistan Man’s Naturalization in South Korea Revoked Over Undisclosed Polygamy

SEOUL, Jul. 15 (Korea Bizwire) – A South Korean court has upheld the government’s decision to revoke the citizenship of a Pakistani man who concealed his polygamous marriage when applying for naturalization.  The Seoul Administrative Court ruled against the plaintiff, identified only as Mr. A, who had sued the Ministry of Justice to overturn the cancellation [...]

Government Broadcaster Sues Singer for Satirical Video of Presidential Performance

Government Broadcaster Sues Singer for Satirical Video of Presidential Performance

SEOUL, July 12 (Korea Bizwire) – The Korea TV Broadcasting System (KTV), a government-affiliated broadcaster operating under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, has filed a lawsuit against a singer who posted a satirical video of President Yoon Suk Yeol and his staff performing a choral piece, police sources confirmed on July 11. The Mapo [...]

S. Korea Files Suit against Int’l Court Order to Compensate Mason Capital over Samsung Merger

S. Korea Files Suit against Int’l Court Order to Compensate Mason Capital over Samsung Merger

SEOUL, Jul. 11 (Korea Bizwire) — South Korea has filed a suit to reverse an international tribunal’s recent order to pay US$32 million in compensation to U.S. hedge fund Mason Capital over a controversial 2015 merger of two Samsung affiliates, officials said Thursday. The suit filed by the government is in response to the Permanent [...]

Court Upholds Airline’s Pilot Layoffs During Pandemic, Citing Economic Hardship

Court Upholds Airline’s Pilot Layoffs During Pandemic, Citing Economic Hardship

SEOUL, Jul. 1 (Korea Bizwire) – A South Korean court has ruled that an airline’s decision to lay off pilots during the COVID-19 pandemic was justified, given the severe economic challenges faced by the aviation industry. The Seoul Administrative Court recently dismissed a lawsuit filed by 29 pilots who were laid off from Airline A in [...]

South Korean Court Rules Against Students in COVID-19 Tuition Refund Case

South Korean Court Rules Against Students in COVID-19 Tuition Refund Case

SEOUL, Jun. 28 (Korea Bizwire) – In a significant legal decision, the Seoul Central District Court has ruled against national university students seeking tuition refunds for classes moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic. The verdict, delivered on June 27, marks another setback for students claiming their right to education was infringed upon due to the shift [...]

Law Automatically Pardoning Property Crimes Against Family Members Declared Unconstitutional

Law Automatically Pardoning Property Crimes Against Family Members Declared Unconstitutional

SEOUL, June 27 (Korea Bizwire) – The Constitutional Court on Thursday struck down the criminal code that automatically pardons property crimes committed against immediate family members, saying it infringes upon victims’ rights to seek punishment of those crimes. Under a clause of the Criminal Act, property crimes committed against immediate family members, including parents, children [...]