Religious policy in Tibet --
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Religious policy in Tibet
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The majority of Tibetans are believers in Tibetan Buddhism. China's Constitution stipulates that it is a basic right of Chinese citizens to enjoy freedom of religious belief. The provisions on freedom of religious belief as stipulated in the Constitution have been actively implemented in Tibet. Protected by the Constitution and other state laws, the broad masses of Tibetans have the freedom to conduct normal religious activities.

It is the basic policy of the Chinese government to respect and protect freedom of religious belief. According to China's Constitution and laws, all citizens of the People's Republic of China have the freedom to believe or not believe in religion. They enjoy the freedom to follow any religion they choose to believe in, or to follow whatever sect within that religion. Those who had no religion in the past now have the freedom to adopt one, and former believers also have the freedom to renounce.

All religious organizations in Tibet enjoy the freedom to conduct religious activities under the protection of China's Constitution and laws.

Data indicates that the Tibetan Branch of the Buddhist Association of China has established a Tibetan Buddhist Institute, and opened sutra-learning classes in the monasteries of various sects. Every year, the Tibetan Branch recommends a certain number of Living Buddha candidates and monks to the China Advanced Institute of Tibetan Buddhism, for further training in Beijing.

( March 25, 2008)

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