Federal Justice Statistics Program | Bureau of Justice Statistics
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Federal Justice Statistics Program


The Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) provides comprehensive and detailed information about the federal justice system's processing of criminal cases. It includes annual data on the workload, activities, and outcomes associated with federal criminal cases. 

This program covers seven stages of federal criminal case processing:

  • Arrest refers to the arrest of a suspect by a federal law enforcement agency.
  • Prosecution refers to the investigation of criminal matters.
  • Pretrial release includes the release and detention of defendants before adjudication.
  • Adjudication covers the criminal court proceedings through case disposition.
  • Sentencing covers sentences imposed on convicted defendants.
  • Appeals covers cases filed and terminated on appeals.
  • Corrections includes offenders under supervision (i.e., probation, supervised release, or parole) and offenders in prison.

The FJSP receives the source data from the U.S. Marshals Service, Drug Enforcement Administration, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, U.S. Sentencing Commission, and Federal Bureau of Prisons. See the Federal Justice Statistics series for data covering 2005 through the present. For archived data from previous years, see the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics series.


The Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics (FCCPS) web query tool uses data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) database, which contains information about suspects and defendants processed in the federal criminal justice system.

Currently, data are obtained from the

  • U.S. Marshals Service
  • U.S. Attorneys
  • Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
  • U.S. Sentencing Commission
  • Federal Bureau of Prisons

Using the FCCPS tool, you can

  • find out more about the BJS Federal Justice Statistics Program
  • Access user guides that describe each element in the tool
  • Query/search the FJSP database to quickly obtain customized statistics describing federal offenses and offenders such as the number of defendants prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced in a given year
  • Download results from queries generated by the tool.