Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung

Sustainable sanitation. Water management. Circular economy.


ECOPSIS is a consulting firm specialized in sustainable sanitation, environmental and water resource protection and the circular economy. ECOPSIS designs and implements integrated and sustainable solutions to address technical, socio-economic, financial and institutional challenges. ECOPSIS is based in Switzerland and provides services worldwide, with in-house proficiency in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. ECOPSIS' areas of intervention cover : - Technical inputs in the design of sanitation, wastewater management, solid waste and water resources projets: planning, technical assistance, evaluations - Development of regulatory tools, including standards and tariff models - Advisory services on policies and strategic orientations - Design of financing instruments - Capacity building and institutional support

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung
2–10 Beschäftigte
Water, Sanitation, WASH, Governance, FSM, Solid waste management, Finance, Capacity building, Training, Wastewater, Institutional development, Climate change, Water resource management, Circular economy, Water security und Economics


Beschäftigte von ECOPSIS


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    As part of its technical support for the construction of two WWTPs in Thala and Feriana (Tunisia) supported by the SECO Economic Cooperation and Development , the ECOPSIS team organized training sessions in digital marketing to train the communication team of the Tunisian National Sanitation Office (ONAS). The themes and objectives of the training delivered to ONAS staff were: ▪ to raise awareness of the importance and impact of social networks in communicating and promoting ONAS reputation, ▪ to develop technical skills to master social networking platforms and content creation, ▪ to manage ONAS's online reputation through interactions with users of ONAS services. ➡ One of the first results of this training was the creation of a Facebook publication on the official ONAS account, about the Feriana WWTP construction project 💦 (extracts from the publication visible in the images below). Dans le cadre de l’Accompagnement technique aux projets de construction de deux STEP à Thala et Feriana (Tunisie) soutenu par le SECO Economic Cooperation and Development , l'équipe d'ECOPSIS a organisé des séances de formation dans le domaine du marketing digital pour former l’équipe de communication de l’Office Nationale de l’Assainissement de Tunisie (ONAS). Les thèmes et les objectifs de la formation délivrée au personnel de l'ONAS étaient: ▪ la sensibilisation à l'importance et l'impact des réseaux sociaux dans la communication et la promotion de la réputation et l’image de l'ONAS, ▪ le développement de compétences techniques pour maitriser les plateformes de réseaux sociaux et la création de contenu. ▪ la gestion de la réputation en ligne de l'ONAS par les interactions avec les utilisateurs des services de l'ONAS. ➡ L'un des premiers résultats de cette formation a été la création d'une publication Facebook sur le compte officiel de l'ONAS, au sujet du projet de construction de la STEP de Feriana 💦(extraits de la publication visible dans les images ci-dessous).

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  • Unternehmensseite von ECOPSIS anzeigen, Grafik

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    Despite a difficult socio-economic and political context, #Mali is making impressive strides towards at least basic #sanitation for all. Mali has already one of the lowest rates of open defecation in region (7% in rural areas, compared with 33% in the west and central Africa region). Today, the national directorate in charge of sanitation (DNACPN) is working with support from @UNICEF to draw a strategy to improve the quality and sustainability of sanitation facilities. ECOPSIS is proud to be supporting the process. 👉🏼Lots to learn from Mali’s experience on rural sanitation. Malgré un contexte socio-économique et politique difficile, le #Mali fait des progrès impressionnants pour assurer un #assainissement de base pour tous. Le pays a déjà l'un des taux de défécation à l'air libre les plus bas de la région (4 % dans les zones rurales, contre 20% dans la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre). Aujourd'hui, la direction nationale en charge de l'assainissement (DNACPN) travaille avec le soutien de l'UNICEF à l'élaboration d'une stratégie visant à améliorer la qualité et la durabilité des installations sanitaires. ECOPSIS est fier de soutenir ce processus. 👉🏼Les enseignements du Mali en assainissement rural sont nombreux. #sanitation #movinguptheladder #Mali #assainissement Kalifa Keita Alain DEMBELE Guy Médard Bourama Traoré

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    The consortium ECOPSIS-PROWATER is supporting the development of a national costed Roadmap to 2030 for rural sanitation in #Mozambique. The Roadmap will be an action plan and identifies financial resources required to implement the rural sanitation strategy formulated by DNAAS - Direcção Nacional de Abastecimento de Água e Saneamento Developed with financial support from @UNICEF Mozambique, the costed plan considers:  👉🏼Infrastructure required to achieve sanitation targets 👉🏼The requirement for long-term engagement with communities on behavior change 👉🏼Climate change, and the country’s exposure to extreme weather events 👉🏼Institutional strengthening and capacity development for sustainable sanitation services Thank you Manuela Sitoi from DNAAS Julie AUBRIOT, PhD and Americo Muianga from #UNICEFMozambique for the guidance and support. Claudette Lavallee UNICEF #sustainable #sanitation #rural #costing

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    The consortium ECOPSIS-PROWATER is supporting the development of a national costed Roadmap to 2030 for rural sanitation in #Mozambique. The Roadmap will be an action plan and identifies financial resources required to implement the rural sanitation strategy formulated by DNAAS - Direcção Nacional de Abastecimento de Água e Saneamento Developed with financial support from @UNICEF Mozambique, the costed plan considers:  👉🏼Infrastructure required to achieve sanitation targets 👉🏼The requirement for long-term engagement with communities on behavior change 👉🏼Climate change, and the country’s exposure to extreme weather events 👉🏼Institutional strengthening and capacity development for sustainable sanitation services Thank you Manuela Sitoi from DNAAS Julie AUBRIOT, PhD and Americo Muianga from #UNICEFMozambique for the guidance and support. Claudette Lavallee UNICEF #sustainable #sanitation #rural #costing

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    Profil von Steven Rowe anzeigen, Grafik

    Chartered Civil Engineer - Water at ECOPSIS

    Ethiopia has the highest donkey population globally. Why is this important? In the central rural region where I have been visiting, one of the donkey's main tasks is to transport drinking water, often being led by women or primary aged children. Donkeys are akin to a water (pipe) network, used because of the long distances people travel to collect water. Donkeys are so prolific that when asking communities about water costs, the preferred unit in their reply was sometimes donkeys (1 donkey carries 2 jerry cans = 50 litres). We've been assessing a rural water supply project, and hearing about the benefits from communities on closer and cleaner water supply. I've been fortunate to be welcomed by a huge number of communities and experience some of the unique cuisines of Ethiopia. Our trip was a reminder of challenges and impacts of rural water supply, succinctly summarised by the World Bank (2022): In every country of the world, rates of access to water supply and sanitation services are lower in rural areas than in urban ones. Yet investments in rural areas are often compromised by low-quality construction and poor maintenance. As a result, water and sanitation infrastructure falls into disrepair often only a few years after installation. These challenges must be addressed to achieve universal access and ensure water security for rural populations.

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    Are you an #economist or #finance specialist looking for new challenges in the #water#sanitation and #environment sectors? ECOPSIS is #hiring. We're a dynamic team working on a range of consultancy projects: from master plans for urban sanitation, flood risk management, feasibility studies for water supply, to global studies on water sector financing, and more. Check out the job description here:

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    ECOPSIS developed #guidelines for the #waste management of #agro-industries in #Ethiopia. We conducted a case study of sunvado in Yirgalem Agro-Industrial Park. We looked at optimising the production of #avocado oil for waste #valorisation. This work was commissioned by the GIZ-implemented project “Building an avocado and sesame value chain in Ethiopia (develoPPP)”.   We assessed industrial processes (inputs and outputs streams) and demand for by-products (energy, soil amendments, animal feed, etc.), compared waste management models and costs involved. We found that animal feed has the most promising revenue potential without large investments requirements and complex processes.   Thanks to sunvado Joost Heij for the collaboration and Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology for conducting additional research, funded through the GIZ “Strengthening Rural Value Chains in Ethiopia”. #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #ruralvaluechains GIZ Ethiopia and Djibouti @JanaBaur Frédéric K.



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