Health - OECD Data

Health care use

Health care useIndicator Group
Doctors' consultationsIndicator in group Health care use Total
Per capita
Computed tomography (CT) examsIndicator in group Health care use
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examsIndicator in group Health care use
Caesarean sectionsIndicator in group Health care use Total
Per 1 000 live births
Child vaccination ratesIndicator in group Health care use Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis
% of children
Influenza vaccination ratesIndicator in group Health care use Total
% of population aged 65+
Length of hospital stayIndicator in group Health care use Acute care
Hospital discharge ratesIndicator in group Health care use Total
Per 100 000 inhabitants
Health care utilisationDatabase OECD Health Statistics
Data warehouseDatabase OECD.Stat
Health at a GlancePublication (2023)
Health at a Glance: EuropePublication (2022)
Health at a Glance: Asia/PacificPublication (2022)
OECD Health Policy StudiesPublication (2024)

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Health equipment

Health equipmentIndicator Group
Hospital bedsIndicator in group Health equipment Total
Per 1 000 inhabitants
OECD - Total
Computed tomography (CT) scannersIndicator in group Health equipment In ambulatory care providers
Per 1 000 000 inhabitants
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unitsIndicator in group Health equipment In ambulatory care providers
Per 1 000 000 inhabitants
Mammography machinesIndicator in group Health equipment
Radiotherapy equipmentIndicator in group Health equipment
Health care resourcesDatabase OECD Health Statistics
Data warehouseDatabase OECD.Stat
Health at a GlancePublication (2023)
Health at a Glance: EuropePublication (2022)
Health at a Glance: Asia/PacificPublication (2022)
OECD Health Policy StudiesPublication (2024)

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Health resources

Health resourcesIndicator Group
Health spendingIndicator in group Health resources Total
US dollars/capita
Pharmaceutical spendingIndicator in group Health resources Total
% of health spending
DoctorsIndicator in group Health resources Total
Per 1 000 inhabitants
NursesIndicator in group Health resources Total
Per 1 000 inhabitants
Medical graduatesIndicator in group Health resources Total
Per 100 000 inhabitants
Nursing graduatesIndicator in group Health resources Total
Per 100 000 inhabitants
Health expenditure and financing: Health expenditure indicatorsDatabase OECD Health Statistics
Data warehouseDatabase OECD.Stat
Health at a GlancePublication (2023)
Health at a Glance: EuropePublication (2022)
Health at a Glance: Asia/PacificPublication (2022)
OECD Health Policy StudiesPublication (2024)

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Health risks

Health risksIndicator Group
Daily smokersIndicator in group Health risks Total
% of population aged 15+
Alcohol consumptionIndicator in group Health risks Total
Litres/capita (aged 15 and over)
Overweight or obese populationIndicator in group Health risks
Social supportIndicator in group Health risks Old
Non-medical determinants of healthDatabase OECD Health Statistics
Data warehouseDatabase OECD.Stat
Health at a GlancePublication (2023)
Health at a Glance: EuropePublication (2022)
Health at a Glance: Asia/PacificPublication (2022)
OECD Health Policy StudiesPublication (2024)
How's Life?Publication (2020)

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Health status

Health statusIndicator Group
Life expectancy at birthIndicator in group Health status Men
Life expectancy at 65Indicator in group Health status Women
Infant mortality ratesIndicator in group Health status Total
Deaths/1 000 live births
Potential years of life lostIndicator in group Health status Total
Per 100 000 inhabitants aged 0-69
Deaths from cancerIndicator in group Health status Total
Per 100 000 persons
Suicide ratesIndicator in group Health status Total
Per 100 000 persons
Health statusDatabase OECD Health Statistics
Data warehouseDatabase OECD.Stat
Health at a GlancePublication (2023)
Health at a Glance: EuropePublication (2022)
Health at a Glance: Asia/PacificPublication (2022)
OECD Health Policy StudiesPublication (2024)

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