


München, Bayern 41.282 Follower:innen

Your partner for climate action


ClimatePartner beschleunigt Klimaschutz in Unternehmen: Mit unserer Lösung aus Software und Beratung unterstützen wir Kunden dabei, das Klima zu schützen. So können Unternehmen ihre Carbon Footprints für sich oder den ihrer Produkte berechnen, Ziele für die Emissionsreduktion setzen, Reduktionen erreichen und Klimaschutzprojekte finanzieren. ClimatePartner unterstützt sie dabei bis zur Kommunikation ihres Klimaschutzengagements. Diese fünf Schritte lassen sich über das Label ClimatePartner-zertifiziert und die dazugehörige Climate-ID-Webseite nachvollziehen. Wenn Unternehmen die Anforderungen an die ClimatePartner-Zertifizierung nicht erfüllen, können sie sich an der Finanzierung von zertifizierten Klimaschutzprojekten beteiligen und dies über das Label Finanzieller Klimabeitrag sowie das etablierte ID-Tracking von ClimatePartner zeigen. In unserem Geschäftsbereich ClimatePartner Impact entwickeln wir zertifizierte Klimaschutzprojekte. Diese und die weiteren Klimaschutzprojekte aus unserem Portfolio sparen nachweislich Emissionen ein und haben zusätzlich positive Auswirkungen für die Entwicklung vor Ort. Dabei orientieren wir uns an den 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) der Vereinten Nationen. All das verstehen wir als das nächste Level im Klimaschutz. ClimatePartner wurde im Jahr 2006 in München gegründet. Unsere mehr als 500 Mitarbeitenden unterstützen aus Barcelona, Berlin, Boston, Essen, Frankfurt, London, Mailand, München (HQ), Paris, Stockholm, Den Haag, Wien und Zürich mehr als 6.000 Unternehmen aus 60+ Ländern.  Unsere aktuellen Stellenausschreibungen: Weitere Informationen zu ClimatePartner: Impressum:

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern
Carbon balancing, Climate action solutions, CO2 calculation, CO2 reduction, Sustainable procurement, Climate action for companies, Corporate climate action, Climate action, Calculate carbon footprint, Set reduction targets, Implement reductions, Finance climate projects und Communicate transparently


Beschäftigte von ClimatePartner


  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

    41.282 Follower:innen

    Let’s celebrate the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem! 🌿 Mangrove ecosystems are vital for protecting communities from rising tides, providing opportunities for local fishing, and being an important form of blue carbon. Mangroves can store up to four times as much carbon in their sediments as rainforests.    However, 35% of the world’s mangroves have disappeared since 1980. Restoration and conservation efforts, in part aided by awareness from today’s celebration, have led to a 0.04% rate of loss per year over the last decade. This provides hope for the future of the hardy and adaptable mangrove forest, but sustained commitment over time is needed to prevent its many threats.    We talked to Nirmal Beura from ClimatePartner Impact, an expert in blue carbon mangrove restoration about the importance of mangroves. Read our interview and find out what mangroves are and why they’re special, how they degraded over time, what they mean to the communities relying on them, and Nirmal’s adventures in attempting to measure deep inside their dense forests. 👉 #MangroveEcosystemConservation #MangroveDay #climateaction #ClimatePartner

    • nirmal beura mangrove forest indonesia
  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

    41.282 Follower:innen

    Erleben, erfahren, erhalten – unsere Fahrradexkursion im Naturpark Karwendel 🚴♂️ Vergangene Woche durften zwei unserer Kolleg:innen gemeinsam mit dem engagierten Team des Naturparks Karwendel, lokalen Politikern und Pressevertreter:innen, die Spirkenwälder in Österreichs größtem Naturpark erkunden. Bei traumhaftem Wetter erfuhren sie aus erster Hand, wie bedeutend der Erhalt der Spirkenwälder für die Biodiversität ist. Geschäftsführer Anton Heufelder, Landesrat René Zumtobel und Bürgermeister Christian Ihrenberger erklärten, dass sie wertvoller Lebensraum für zahlreiche Pflanzen und Tiere sind und wesentlich zum europäischen Naturerbe beitragen.     Dank der langjährigen Partnerschaft mit dem Naturpark Karwendel können unsere Kunden zum Erhalt dieses Ökosystems beitragen – durch die Wiedervernässung von Mooren, die Pflege der Almvegetation und den Schutz der Spirkenwälder.      Wir bedanken uns bei Anton Heufelder für die tolle Organisation und die spannenden Einblicke. 🌍💚 #Spirkenwald #NaturParkKarwendel #Naturschutz #ClimatePartner #Klimaschutz 

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  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

    41.282 Follower:innen

    Powering prosperity with renewable energy 💡 Welcome to Virunga National Park, Africa's oldest and most biodiverse park on the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is home to the world's last remaining wild mountain gorillas and other endangered species. 🦍    ⚡ On this border our project of the month is located: a run-of-river hydroelectric plant that harnesses the Rutshuru River's currents for renewable energy. With a capacity of around 13 megawatts, the plant generates clean electricity for homes and small businesses, providing access to around four million people. 💡 Additional benefits include improved safety and security after dark due to better street lighting, and new jobs created by business opportunities. Through responsible economic development, our project contributes to greater stability and peace in the region.    Read more about the benefits of this project and how it reduces carbon emissions:  👉 #projectofthemonth #hydropower #climateaction #ClimatePartner 

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  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

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    Vote for us in the Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings 2024! Every year Environmental Finance performs a survey on the voluntary carbon market, highlighting the leading players and pioneers in climate action. Looking back at last year, we’re especially proud of the diverse climate projects with positive environmental and social impacts that we have been developing with ClimatePartner Impact. We focus on both carbon and making an impact at the local level through high-quality project development, as well as perform robust due-diligence processes and leverage innovative technologies. With your support, here’s what we achieved: 🌱 In 2023, our customers saved over 11 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions through funding climate projects. 🌱 With ClimatePartner Impact, we are currently developing 17 projects in 10 countries. 🌱 In total, we are committed to restoring 16,000 hectares of land along with 10 million tonnes of Verified Emission Reduction (VER) commitments with ClimatePartner Impact. We hope that we can count on your vote in the following categories: ⭐ Best Project Developer, Overall ⭐ Best Advisory Service/Consultancy Nominations close at the end of this month, so vote now: #VoluntaryCarbonMarketAwards #EnvironmentalFinance #climateprojects #ClimatePartner 

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  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

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    CSRD and ESRS: How will your business be affected? 🤓 With the EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), carbon data becomes a crucial reporting element for companies.  Phasing in from 2024, affected companies will now have to report against the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.    Learn whether your company has a CSRD obligation and what you need to consider for your non-financial reporting.    Download our e-book now  👇 English:   German: #CSRD #ESRS #climateaction #ClimatePartner 

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  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 Growing our team with 18 new talents in Barcelona, Berlin, Essen, Frankfurt, London, Munich, The Hague, Vienna, and Zurich. This month we are thrilled to welcome 18 new colleagues at ClimatePartner. We are excited to have you all on board to support companies in climate action. See some of our newest ClimatePartnerians in the photos below. ✨ Interested in joining our team? Check out our open positions here: #newhires #welcomeaboard #climateaction #ClimatePartner

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  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

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    What are scope 4 emissions? 🤔 While scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are widely understood, scope 4 remains lesser-known. Let's shed some light on it! 💡    Scope 4 emissions, often referred to as avoided emissions, are indirect emissions of a company. The decisive factor for scope 4 is the use of a more efficient product or service by a third party.  For example, if end-users use a low-temperature laundry detergent, instead of a product that requires higher temperatures and therefore more energy, they save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These emission savings could be reported under the washing machine manufacturer's scope 4.    Learn more about scope 4 emissions in our climate action glossary 👇 English:  German: #scope4 #climateaction #ClimatePartner  

  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

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    20 years of corporate climate action: Let’s celebrate! 🍾 ClimatePartner had reason to celebrate last month: May marked 20 years since the founding of Sustainable Partner, the parent company of ClimatePartner GmbH. Back in 2004, still 14 years before Greta Thunberg would be sitting outside the Riksdagshuset, our founder Moritz Lehmkuhl recognised the great importance of companies being able to contribute to climate action. Since then, a lot has changed, but we have maintained our focus on helping companies throughout their climate action journeys.    Read more about where ClimatePartner came from and what the future holds in our latest climate action insight. 👇 English: German: #anniversary #climateaction #ClimatePartner  

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  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

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    Powering not only homes but also health, education, and economic growth in Togo – get to know our project of the month!   This solar power plant is one of the largest in West Africa and helps to make the country less reliant on fuel imports. The project provides clean electricity to nearly 160,000 homes and businesses and impacts the lives of the local people in many positive ways:   🏥 Healthcare: A new clinic in Blitta serves more than 700 patients annually, improving local health services. 📚 Education: The project has built three primary schools, giving 750 children access to quality education every year. 💼 Employment: The project creates jobs for the operations and maintenance of the power plant and fosters economic growth in the region.   The Blitta solar power plant project is developed by our local partner EMEA with technical support from ClimatePartner Impact.   Find out more about the co-benefits of this project and how it reduces carbon emissions: 👉 #climateaction #ClimatePartner #projectofthemonth #solar

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  • Unternehmensseite von ClimatePartner anzeigen, Grafik

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    ⚡️ Regardless of company size, energy consumption accounts for a large part of a company’s carbon footprint. Shifting to a net zero energy system requires rapid and urgent action to scale up the use of #renewables. Join our Deep Dive and learn how green energy procurement can help you lower your company's scope 2 emissions and reach climate action targets. 🗓️ Tuesday, 18th June 🕚 11:00 AM CEST 🎙️ ClimatePartner expert Oria Palmer ➡️Register here for free: #climateaction #climatepartner #renewableenergy #energytransition #netzero

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