IWT-Solutions AG

IWT-Solutions AG


Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen 97 Follower:innen

We know steel !!


IWT-Solutions AG is a consulting Company for structural steel applications of welded and casted components with respect to safety, reliability and remaining life time estimations. - We help our customers to understand and develop potentials of Steel, Steel Cast and Cast Iron and weldments. - We are there, when cracks or imperfections have impact on structural safety and fast solutions are needed. - And we are a motivated team of highly educated engineers who perform your projects in a team with you and where necessary with our network of universities, research institutions, assotiated consulting companies and test labs.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Fracture Mechanics, Structural Integrity Assessment, Life Time calculation and extension, Fracture Toughness Testing, Component Testing, Material Testeing and Analytics, Damage Case Analysis, Steel Selection Criteria, Steel application optimisation, Standardisation, Out of Standard problems, Arbitration Expert, BS7910, Wind Energy, Pressure vessels, Bridges, Yellow Goods, Fatigue, Welding, Structural Steel und EN10025 EN10028 EN1563 standardisation expert


Beschäftigte von IWT-Solutions AG


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    97 Follower:innen

    Vor 33 Jahren bei meiner ersten Werkstoffprüfung Konferenz ging es in meinem ersten Vortrag auf einer Konferenz um #Altstahl und #Bruchmechanik. Dieses Thema hat mich in die Selbstständigkeit gebracht und ist heute aktueller denn je. https://lnkd.in/eUYYt-yF Dieses Mal in Berlin bei der Werkstoffprüfung 2023 geht es um #Wasserstoff und Bruchmechanik. Mit unserem Vortrag: Sicherheitsbewertung von wasserstoffbelasteten Bauteilen mit Hilfe der Bruchmechanik – Stand der Technik, Beispiele und Ausblick P. Langenberg*1, J. Langenberg*1, B. Döbereiner*1, F. Bexter*1; S. Leif Schulze*2, S. Schuhmacher *2; 1: #IWTSolutionAG 2:#GoevertGmbH möchten wir die aktuellen Entwicklungen beleuchten und vor allem zur Dikussion anregen. Der Vortrag ist am Freitag 24.11.23. Wer möchte kann uns schon am Donnerstag 23.11.23 auf unserem gemeinsamen Stand mit unserem Partner #Goevert, @Sebastian Leif Schulze treffen. Mehr Infos unter: https://lnkd.in/e3vGJ3mB

    Profil von Dr.-Ing. Felix Bexter anzeigen, Grafik

    Infrastruktur und Materialqualifizierung für grünen Wasserstoff

    Nächste Woche geht's los nach Berlin! Da bin ich zusammen mit Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Langenberg und Sebastian Leif Schulze von unserem Partner Gövert GmbH auf der #DVM Werkstoffprüfung. Wer also Lust hat sich mit mir über Wasserstoff und die Stahlqualifikation zu unterhalten kann gerne bei uns am Stand vorbei kommen. Und wer auch da ist und sich einfach so unterhalten möchte, den bitte ich ebenso vorbei zu kommen. Denn ich kann in den Pausen vom Stand nicht weg :D Freue mich schon auf die Vorträge und viele bekannte Gesichter wiederzusehen!

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    97 Follower:innen

    Profil von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Langenberg anzeigen, Grafik

    Steel - helping us continously to build our future - since more than 150 years

    On the way:  European Standardisation for pressurised components under Hydrogen 👍 After our first meetings in Stockholm 2 weeks ago, we continued the work of the Task Group #Hydrogen_Environmental_Embrittlement (#HEE) covering the application temperature range between -150°C and +170°C. Experts from all over Europe met in #Munich (where there was a parallel meeting called "Oktoberfest"), hosted by @Linde engineering. Having enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the nearby Isar valley on my way to the hotel the night before, I was highly motivated to contribute my view as convenor of WG52 Materials in #CEN TC54 (#EN 13445_2 and #EN 13480_2) on the Essential Safety Requirements (#ESR) of the Pressure Equipment Directive (#PED), as well as my expertise in #structural_integrity, #toughness and #fracture_mechanics. At the end of a busy day, a first draft of parts #EN13445_15 and #EN13480_11 covering hydrogen requirements for #pressure_vessels and #piping was ready for further discussion. #IWT_Solutions is glad to be part of this work in view of the transformation to a #hydrogen economy towards a #climateneutral future of our industries in #Europe. #Hydrogen #steel #pressurevessel #piping #standardisation #Europe #CEN

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  • Unternehmensseite von IWT-Solutions AG anzeigen, Grafik

    97 Follower:innen

    Profil von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Langenberg anzeigen, Grafik

    Steel - helping us continously to build our future - since more than 150 years

    European Standardisation for #Hydrogen application These days everyone seems to be talking about #hydrogen and the opportunities this energy carrier offers to make our energy consumption greener and transform our industrial society into a #climateneutral age. At the same time, however, there is a lack for hydrogen specific #standards according to which parts and components can be directly designed. Of course, the pressure Equipment Directive (#PED) and the aligned #EuropeanStandards offer opportunities to solve this problem. But for a large number of new users and players in the market the use of this standard is not daily practice like it is in the chemical process industries. For this reason, the TC 54 and TC267 working groups are striving for a rapid implementation of appropriate hydrogen requirements into the standards #DINEN13445 and #DINEN13480. As chairman of Part 2 of both standards, and expert for avoidance of #material #embrittlement it is particularly important for me to engage in this work and to ensure that appropriate material parameters become part of these standards. That is why I visited #Stockholm last week where 2 out of 4 task groups started detailed discussion on #Low_temperature application between -273 °C and -150 °C and on impact of fatigue under hydrogen pressure. With other specialist from Europe we met at #KIWA for 2 days and discussed first rules based on existing experience. However, open points have been identified and shall be further discussed. The strength of European committees in binding experts from industry was again demonstrated. A great Thank You goes out to @Andreas Kittel from Linde who initiated and structured the process in the respective working groups to #EN13445 and #EN13480 and to all participants for the fruitful and constructive atmosphere and to Mr. @Tobias Bolinder from #KIWA for being a perfect host. I am looking forward to continuing this cooperation in Pullach next week, where we discuss the applications in temperature range from -150 °C and 170 °C (HEE) and above 200 °C (HTHA). #standardisation #Hydrogen #greensteel #pressurevessel #piping #embrittlement #IWT_Solutions

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