Porsche Consulting

Porsche Consulting


Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg 129.069 Follower:innen

Strategic Vision. Smart Implementation.


As a leading consultancy for putting strategies into practice, we have a clear mission: we generate competitive advantage on the basis of measurable results. We think strategically and act pragmatically. We always focus on people—out of principle. This is because success comes from working together with our clients and their employees. We can only reach our aim if we trigger enthusiasm for necessary changes in everyone involved. As consultants we take a sporting approach to every project. We place a premium on fair play. And we are never satisfied with what we achieve. We always seek to do a little better. Our independence is helpful here, for it gives us the liberty to find uncommon solutions. Headquartered in Stuttgart, Porsche Consulting GmbH is a subsidiary of the sports car manufacturer Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Founded in 1994 with a team of four, it currently employs more than 800 people. An internationally active company with five international subsidiaries of its own in Milan, São Paulo, Atlanta and Palo Alto, Shanghai and Beijing, and Paris, it is one of Germany’s leading management consultancies. Following the principle of “strategic vision, smart implementation,” its experts advise large corporations and medium-sized companies worldwide in the automotive, aviation and aerospace, and mechanical and plant engineering industries. Clients also come from the life sciences, financial services, consumer goods, retail, and construction sectors. Legal notice: https://www.porsche-consulting.com/international/en/legal-notice Data privacy: https://www.porsche-consulting.com/international/en/data-privacy

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Corporate development, Development and innovation, Procurement and quality, Production and logistics, Sales and service, Automotive industry, Aviation and aerospace, Industrial goods, Construction industry, Consumer goods and retail, Services und Life Sciences


Beschäftigte von Porsche Consulting


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    🌟 Exciting times in Paris! 🌟   The Olympic Games have officially begun today, and we couldn't be more thrilled! As the games are taking place in Paris, a vibrant city where one of our Porsche Consulting offices is located, we look forward to the unique atmosphere and the global spirit of unity and competition they bring.   To all our French clients and colleagues who will be experiencing this incredible event firsthand, we wish you a memorable time and an inspiring experience. And to the athletes from around the world, we send our best wishes for success and a fantastic time!   In the spirit of our own culture of excellence and sportsmanship, we’re cheering for you all! 🏅🏆 #OlympicGames #Paris2024 #Consulting #Sportsmanship

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  • Unternehmensseite von Porsche Consulting anzeigen, Grafik

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    Hydrogen as the propulsion energy for future mobility? The French train manufacturer Alstom is demonstrating how the path to sustainable mobility can succeed with its hydrogen-powered Coradia iLint regional train. 🚈🌱 When it comes to future mobility, Jens Sprotte, Vice President for Marketing & Strategy at Alstom, is fully committed to protecting the climate and conserving resources. He is responsible for the hydrogen-powered Coradia iLint local transport train at the German subsidiary, which already runs on a regular service in the North Sea coastal region around Cuxhaven, Germany. Alstom was the first manufacturer to establish the new system with fuel cells from Canada in regular operation. If the authorities let Alstom have its way, environmentally friendly hydrogen-powered trains could play an important role even sooner. This would be particularly useful in regional public transport, which is characterized by relatively short distances and frequent stops, and where there are many lines that at present can only be operated with diesel locomotives due to the lack of overhead electric lines. The big challenge: there are hardly any suitable hydrogen refueling stations for trains on the line. “It’s no longer enough for us to put a train on the rails for our customers. When running them on hydrogen, we also have to supply them with the infrastructure and operate it. And that begins with the hydrogen filling stations,” says Sprotte. Read more in the Porsche Consulting Magazine article: https://lnkd.in/eER4cuTu #Mobility #Sustainability #Hydrogen #Transportation #PublicTransport

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    Summer means increased flight movements. ✈ ☀   Airlines, airport operators and ground handling companies are undertaking great efforts to stabilize their operations for the upcoming summer period. Large-scale recruiting campaigns, initiatives on process improvements and enhanced IT solutions are some of the most common activities that are taking place. In many cases, there is no adequate coordination of activities across system partners. To ensure future success, Porsche Consulting has developed a full-scope target picture to guide implementation of smart airport operations. Despite the importance of automated or digitalized operations and operational resilience, it is also necessary to focus on a comprehensive decision-making process:   ✈ Full information transparency across system partners is the basis for optimized operational management.   ✈ Decision making relies on data and should be system-supported to handle operational complexity.   ✈ Centralized operational management is necessary to achieve system optimization in case of disruptions and resource shortages.   #Aviation #Airport #SmartAirport #Autonomous

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    Porsche Consulting has caught the European Championship soccer fever! 🌟⚽ Last weekend, our Porsche Consulting soccer team participated in the well-known Munich Consultant Soccer Cup. Competing against 20 consulting companies, our team not only demonstrated exceptional football skills and tactical flexibility, but also proved that sportsmanship and passion are guiding principles that do not just apply to our everyday work. A big shoutout to the entire team for embodying true Porsche sportsmanship! #TeamSpirit #Sportsmanship #MunichConsultantCup 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Porsche Consulting anzeigen, Grafik

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    Over the past three weeks, it has been a pleasure for us to welcome 19 new team members to our Porsche Consulting family. 🌟   Our special onboarding program, known internally as the "Warm Up," offers our new colleagues a fantastic opportunity to network across departments and experience our exceptional company spirit and values through personalized training sessions and group activities.   With various learning experiences and engaging discussions, our internal trainers ensured that our employees gained a solid understanding of our company, became familiar with relevant topics, and seamlessly integrated into our culture. However, it isn’t all about professional training. The entire group also had a lot of fun and enjoyed team-building activities to strengthen their internal network.   Welcoming all the new colleagues to our large community has brought us a great time, and we hope they have enjoyed their first three weeks. We wish them all a fantastic start at Porsche Consulting!   #Onboarding #Teamspirit #Consulting #Welcome

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      ChatGPT has demonstrated what is possible with large language models.   When such models are trained with vast amounts of data, they can interpret human language and perform a large variety of tasks: engaging in conversations, simulating answers to questions or translating sentences. However, the potential applications of such models extend much further. Modern language models have been around since 2018. While the field is advancing at an incredible pace, there are still some milestones that are to be reached in the future. This applies especially with respect to the reliability, economic viability, and portability of language models.   ⚙️ Reliability Language models must become more reliable and fact-based so that their outputs can be used for research and provision of information. Products that combine standard language modeling with databases (“Retrieval Augmented Generation”) are a good start. Additionally, models can be prompted to generate explainable outputs including reasoning and references.   💰 Economic Viability Training large language models is very expensive and can quickly cost several millions of euros in computing costs. This is due to GPU and energy prices combined with growing model complexity. Once models become more efficient or GPU prices fall, language model training will become affordable not only for large players but for anyone. This will open up the market and lead to even more innovation and diverse use cases in the future.   🛄 Portability Language models take up terabytes of space. Using language models on portable devices, including cars, is mostly possible via cloud infrastructure. However, in areas where internet connectivity is low, this is a deal breaker. Having smaller, portable models (“model distillation”) will allow us to deploy language models anywhere, making them readily available for many more use cases.   #LanguageModels #AI #Technology #DataDriven #FutureTech

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    CSRD, LkSG, GRI, SASB, CDP, NFRD, SBTi – navigating the terrain of sustainability often feels like traversing a dense jungle of abbreviations, even though one has recently gained prominence: CSRD.   The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an EU initiative to enhance corporate transparency and accountability in sustainability matters. Companies subject to CSRD must report their sustainability performance, impacts, risks, and opportunities in detail and ensure the reports are audit-proof starting from the fiscal year 2024. This directive poses challenges, such as audit-proof reporting, data availability, cross-functional data collection, and a lack of harmonization with internal guidelines and other ESG initiatives. Porsche Consulting has identified several opportunities arising from CSRD for companies:   🍃 Improved stakeholder engagement CSRD compliance encourages companies to engage with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders, including customers, employees, communities, or NGOs. This engagement fosters trust and loyalty, allowing for long-term partnerships and innovative impulses.   🍃 Innovation and differentiation Although CSRD is basically only a disclosure obligation, it encourages companies to innovate and develop new products, services, and business models that address sustainability challenges. Companies that proactively address these issues through CSRD reporting can pre-emptively mitigate risks associated with changing regulations, consumer preferences, and environmental impacts.    🍃 Access to capital and investment opportunities Investors are increasingly integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into their investment decisions. By demonstrating strong sustainability performance through CSRD reporting, companies can attract investment capital and access a broader range of financing options.   🍃 Improved ESG data management The CSRD can give companies the opportunity to optimize the management of ESG data, –which has often been neglected in recent years –, helping them to align financial data and enable strategic steering. ➡ Let us know whether you see the CSRD more as a burden or an opportunity. #CSRD #Sustainability #Regulations #SustainabilityReporting 

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    A memorable evening: colleagues from our Stuttgart Airport office came together for a delightful evening event. 🥂✨   The ambiance was perfect for relaxing and connecting outside the office environment. The evening event offered a varied catering, providing a wonderful backdrop for colleagues from different departments to engage in meaningful conversations and build stronger connections. Here's to more memorable evenings and shared moments with our fantastic team! #Team #Networking #Connecting #Consulting

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  • Unternehmensseite von Porsche Consulting anzeigen, Grafik

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    By 2030, traditional parcel delivery will be a less frequent sight in cities due to regulatory constraints and the quest for sustainable and efficient delivery solutions. 🚚🔋   With around 5.4 billion parcels expected to be delivered in Germany by 2030 and ever rising city regulations, a significant 30% gap between delivery capacity and the projected parcel demand in Germany is expected. According to Robert Stolt, Associate Partner at Porsche Consulting, rethinking the last mile has never been more urgent since the gap cannot be closed with parcel stations, and cargo bikes alone are also unable to meet the demand. To close this gap, shippers, cities, logistics service providers and recipients must jointly develop innovative approaches to increase delivery capacities, optimize existing structures and reduce avoidable parcel volumes.   ➡ Learn more about emerging future delivery solutions in the latest Porsche Consulting Strategy Paper “Last Mile Delivery 2030: https://lnkd.in/eAYwjSY2   #Logistics #UrbanLogistics #LastMile #Ecommerce #CustomerServices #FutureOfDelivery

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    Italian brands are on the brink of a consumption boom in China, driven by double the GDP growth of the USA by 2028.   China’s Gen Z is particularly poised to fuel demand for "Made in Italy" products. Giulio Busoni, Partner at Porsche Consulting Italy, emphasizes the need for cultural immersion and innovative strategies to conquer this market, where 46% of retail transactions take place online. Jiawei Zhao, Managing Director Porsche Consulting China, highlights the importance of solid supply chain management and adaptability. Success stories, like Lavazza's market penetration with over a hundred coffee shops, showcase the potential. Yet, maintaining agility, technological compliance, and strong branding are crucial for sustained growth and market leadership. Read the whole interview and find out more about why the future of made in italy points east published in Gruppo Food: https://lnkd.in/eNZ_Eb7y #Italian #China #MadeInItaly #FoodIndustry #Ecommerce #MarketStrategy

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