

Technologie, Information und Internet

Reducing buildings’ carbon footprint with Energy AI


Preflet Energy AI Platform provides attainable actions to improve buildings’ energy efficiency. Our technology harnesses multidimensional data such as smart meter energy, weather, and satellite. We help building owners and property managers to reduce costs and decarbonize building assets while saving energy.

Technologie, Information und Internet
2–10 Beschäftigte
Energy Efficiency, Decarbonisation, Proptech, Energy AI, Climatetech, cleantech, Efficient Building und renewable insights


  • Primär

    Preflet GmbH, ESA BIC Baden-Württemberg, Gerhard-Kindler Straße


    Reutlingen, Germany, DE

  • Rua Cidade de Bolama 381


    Lisbon, Lisbon 1800-077, PT


Beschäftigte von Preflet


  • Unternehmensseite von Preflet anzeigen, Grafik

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    💥Proud to have successfully completed the comprehensive onboarding course with Pagoda Projects and received our Host Company Certificate! 💥 This certification is a testament to our dedication and commitment to providing an exceptional experience for our interns from now on . 🔝A huge thank you to the amazing professionals at Pagoda Projects ,especially Lorena Azores and Rina Bao ,for their excellent work and support. Your efforts have been invaluable in making this possible.🔝 🚀We also want to extend our gratitude to our fantastic interns, Evelyn and Emmanuel, and the University of Scotland for their collaboration. As a Techstars company portfolio, we understand the importance of giving back—our time, passion, and energy. #givefirst ! ❤️ We take this responsibility seriously and are committed to welcoming and developing new talent. Our interns, EVELYN Anthony-Alifa and Emmanuel Nwokemodo have been working on exciting projects that align with our mission. Evelyn has been focusing on collaborating with Francesca to go-to-market strategy in a new country .Meanwhile, Emmanuel has been developing a marketing package to support our customer's sustainable initiatives. After a month in Startup Lisboa they will now continue their projects remotely. Let's continue to foster young talent and create impactful experiences together. If you're interested in collaborating or learning more about our journey, feel free to reach out! #PagodaProjects#InternshipSuccess#Techstars#TalentDevelopment

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  • Unternehmensseite von Preflet anzeigen, Grafik

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    🤝🌟Proud to announce our partnership with zevvy! 🤝🌟 Preflet is excited to join Zevvy’s partner ecosystem, delivering advanced, AI-enhanced energy management solutions. This partnership enables precise ESG reporting and clear energy billing through seamless data integration. 📈🔍 Zevvy’s flexible ecosystem ensures that clients can access the best solutions without vendor restrictions. Together, we bring innovative energy management to the forefront. 🌱⚡ Learn more about it by clicking the links in the first comment.

    Unternehmensseite von zevvy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Heute stellen wir Ihnen unseren Partner Preflet vor. 🤝 Wir freuen uns, Preflet, ein innovatives Unternehmen für individuelle Energiemanagement-Lösungen, in unserem Partner-Ökosystem haben zu dürfen. Preflet bietet AI-unterstützte Energieoptimierung und Reporting. Mit der nahtlosen Datenübergabe an zevvy ermöglichen wir unseren Kunden präzises ESG-Reporting sowie eine transparente Energieabrechnung. Unser flexibles Partner-Ökosystem bietet Ihnen die Freiheit, aus verschiedenen Lösungen zu wählen, ohne an einen einzelnen Anbieter gebunden zu sein. So verhindern wir einen starken Lock-in-Effekt und bieten Ihnen die besten Optionen auf dem Markt. Erfahren Sie mehr über unser Partner-Ökosystem: Mehr über Preflet und zevvy erfahren Sie hier: - Preflet: - zevvy:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Preflet anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀Proud to share a successful case study with IHK Reutlingen, led by Dr Stefan Engelhard, Head of Innovation and Environment, who champions energy efficiency and sustainability.🌍 Thanks to Dr. Engelhard and the entire team for their openness to innovation and support for our startup. Together, we’re driving the energy transition and advancing the digitalisation of building management systems. 🌱💡 🌱💡 🌱💡Want to learn more about this transformation and how we can help your building? Click on and feel free to schedule an exploratory talk with us, we are happy to jump on a call and answer your questions🌱💡 🌱💡 🌱💡 #EnergyEfficiency #Sustainability #AI #Innovation #EnergyTransition #Digitalization #IHKReutlingen #GreenEnergy

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    Profil von Felix Schneider anzeigen, Grafik

    Senior Venture Manager @innoWerft 🚀 Event-Moderator🎤

    🌍 Heute ist Welttag der Umwelt! 🌿   Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, wie viele Startups in Baden-Württemberg sich dem Themenkomplex #Nachhaltigkeit, #Umweltschutz, #Klimaneutralität u.ä. verschrieben haben. Diese jungen Unternehmen sind nicht nur #Innovationstreiber, sondern auch Hoffnungsträger für eine grünere Zukunft.   Egal ob #GreenTech, erneuerbare Energien oder nachhaltige Produktionsmethoden - diese Startups zeigen, dass wirtschaftlicher Erfolg und Umweltschutz Hand in Hand gehen können. #Baden-Württemberg bietet optimale Rahmenbedingungen und natürlich hat auch KI das Potential, nachhaltige Lösungen zu boosten.   Lasst uns heute die Startups feiern, die mit ihren Ideen und Technologien einen positiven Beitrag leisten. Auf unserer Ecosystem Map haben wir #Sustainability Focused B2B Startups aus Baden-Württemberg versammelt, die eine beeindruckende Bandbreite von nachhaltigen Geschäftsmodellen zeigen.   📢 Jetzt brauchen wir noch eure Mithilfe, um diese Map so vollständig und aktuell wie möglich zu halten. Fehlt dein Startup oder kennst du eines, das unbedingt darauf erscheinen sollte? Dann lass es mich in den Kommentaren wissen! Gemeinsam können wir noch stärker für die Themen sensibilisieren, die unsere Wirtschaft in Zukunft bestimmen werden und eine Umgebung schaffen, die nachhaltige Startups fördert. Lasst uns die Karte füllen und zeigen, wie vielfältig und stark die Startup-Landschaft in Baden-Württemberg wirklich ist! 💪   #WorldEnvironmentDay #Nachhaltigkeit #GreenTech #Umweltschutz #Klimaneutralität #Startups innoWerft Bettina J. Reinhard Start-up BW

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    Unternehmensseite von Choose Paris Region anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Investment in AI startups surged to nearly $50 billion in 2023, reaching over $300 billion since 2013 across more than 16,000 companies according to Crunchbase News Today. Even non-AI startups are incorporating AI into their operations. The location of a startup impacts its funding, talent accessibility, and operations. The good news is that Paris ranks among the top 10 cities for AI startups   Hence, today’s TechMeeting on Artificial Intelligence ignited insightful discussions with industry leaders! 🔥   With a fiery chat session featuring Thomas FAUVEL, Deep Tech Industry Expert at Choose Paris Region, Thierry Gruszka, Head of Cisco Innovation Labs France Strategy, Corporate Development & Incubation, and Eric Greffier, Business and Technology Lead Paris 2024 Olympics at Cisco. They delved into the intersection of AI and real-world impact 💡   Moderated by Thomas FAUVEL, a panel session explored "Making an Impact with AI: Sustainability Use Cases in Mobility and Energy," featuring Mihir Sarkar, Head of AI at ENGIE Research & Innovation, and Matthieu de Chanville, Co-founder & Managing Partner, who shared invaluable insights   🎤 The event reached new heights with a remarkable keynote from Benoit Bergeret (Ben), Metalab for data, technology, and society, shedding light on unlocking alignment between AI startups and large corporations   And let's not forget the pioneering startups who took the stage to pitch their revolutionary ideas:   ➡️ Marcus Vernon, CEO of Arion AI ➡️Linda Bew, Head of Commercial Partnerships at dijuno ➡️ Lex Avstreikh, Head of Strategy at Hopsworks ➡️ Rajesh Iyengar, Co-Founder and CEO of Lincode ➡️ Vorga Can, Co-Founder & CRO of Novus ➡️ Shailendra Tomar, CEO at Preflet ➡️ Batuhan Özcan, Founder & CEO of Syntonym ➡️ Emmanuel Schneider, VP Sales Europe at Vyntelligence   👉 Stay tuned for more TechMeetings to come and join us to witness groundbreaking innovations unfold!   A heartfelt thanks to our esteemed panelists, keynote speakers, and all participants for contributing to the success of this event🤝   Francesco Travagli Thomas FAUVEL Nadia B. Fatima-Zahra ALAOUI Hélène Tinti Matheus Morandini #AI #Innovation #Sustainability #TechMeeting #Future #Event

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    Unternehmensseite von Climate Lab anzeigen, Grafik

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    ♻️🏙️ Zirkuläre Ideen fürs Wochenende 💡....die Circular City Challenge hat viele gute Ideen gebracht. Hier wollen wir euch ein paar Ideen zu Logistik und Mobilität ins Wochenende mitgeben. 📦 The Ocean Package haben wiederverwendbare Verpackungen für den Online-Handel entwickelt. So soll Einwegverpackung gespart werden. 📦 hey circle | Die Mehrweg-Versandlösung haben ebenfalls eine wiederverwendbare Versandlösung für den E-Commerce entwickelt, die bis zu 50 Mal zwischen Online-Händlern und Verbrauchern zirkuliert, wodurch Abfall von Einwegkartons reduziert, CO₂-Emissionen verringert und Ressourcen geschont werden. 😎 PANELY ermöglicht dezentrale und nachhaltige Energieversorgung durch Photovoltaik und befähigt Mieter, aktiv zu einer sozial verantwortlichen Energiewende beizutragen. 👛 Preflet unterstützt das Gebäudemanagement bei der Senkung von Energiekosten durch eine Webplattform. Alles, was das Gebäude benötigt, ist ein intelligenter Zähler und eine Internetverbindung. 💬 everyone energy fördert die Einführung von erneuerbarer Stromerzeugung. Die automatisierte Energieberatung informiert Endverbraucher und erstellt ein individuelles Exposé, das alle Grundlagen für die Installation eines PV-Systems, einer Batterie oder einer Wallbox umfasst. 👉 Weitere Informationen zu diesen Projekten findet ihr hier: #Circularity #CircularCity #Kreislaufwirtschaft #Sustainability #ActNow #Climate Action #Klimawende Fab City Hamburg e.V. Circonnact - Regenerative Circularity materialkreislauf. Studio für Material- und Kreislaufwirtschaft Circular Berlin Circular Munich Creative Climate Cities

  • Unternehmensseite von Preflet anzeigen, Grafik

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    Big Win for Energy Efficiency! The European Parliament approved the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive this week,  a major step forward in making EU buildings greener. By 2030, all new buildings will need to be highly energy-efficient, with a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The directive outlines a plan to renovate the most energy-wasting buildings, with a focus on the worst performing 16% of non-residential buildings by 2030 and 26% by 2033. #EnergyEfficiency #EPBD

    European Parliament votes through controversial buildings law

    European Parliament votes through controversial buildings law

  • Unternehmensseite von Preflet anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are proud to have been featured by Net Zero Insights as 💣 🥇 “The gold mine of decarbonizing commercial buildings” 💣 🥇 together with other great startups. Thank you Anna Trendewicz and Future Energy Ventures, So, 💥 congratulations to #all the Teams working to fight climate change and make the built world profitable for people and the planet. 🌏 🌍 It felt significant to be mentioned because #wearehumans, and at the end of the day, a #cleantech startup is simply a term that describes a group of like-minded people who come together with fresh and exciting ideas to work towards a common goal that benefits everyone. 📣 Thank you to all our families, stakeholders, investors and mentors for support, trust and help us. It is a long journey, and we are not alone. 🚀 #energyefficiency #commercialbuildings #climatetechnology #builtenvironment

    Unternehmensseite von Net Zero Insights anzeigen, Grafik

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    🏗 The gold mine of decarbonizing commercial buildings 👇 Climate tech startups in the built environment have showcased remarkable resilience, raising $5.4B in 2023 with "only" a 10% YoY decline in VC funding. We recently partnered with Anna Trendewicz and Future Energy Ventures to further explore this space and discover the most effective decarbonization solutions going forward. 💡 The article zooms in on the commercial buildings sector, which is responsible for one-third of built environment emissions and is ripe for substantial emission cuts. With a specific focus on digital solutions which can be implemented at lightning speed and at scale contributing to up to 30% of energy efficiency improvements and accelerating retrofits, starting from the highest impact and most economical locations. Venture investments have more than tripled in the past five years, which further reinforces this colossal opportunity. 💼 When examining startups in this sector, we broadly categorized software solutions for commercial buildings into two primary domains: Planning & Implementation, and Operations. The market map below illustrates a selection of notable software startups focusing on commercial buildings across both Planning & Implementation and Operations segments across the US, Europe and Israel. 🚀 Join us as we drill down on this opportunity uncovering valuable insights, solutions and startups. Link to the article in the comments section. #builtenvironment #decarbonization #commercialbuildings #climatetechnology #funding

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  • Unternehmensseite von Preflet anzeigen, Grafik

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    As the year ends, we at Preflet would like to thank all our stakeholders, customers, friends, and colleagues for your support and trust. We are proud to be part of the global effort to reduce buildings' carbon footprint with our Energy AI platform. We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year, and we look forward to working with you in 2024 to create a more sustainable future for our planet. 🌍 #Preflet #EnergyAI #Sustainability #HappyHolidays

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    Profil von Shailendra Tomar anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder & CEO at Preflet | Building Energy Efficiency | Techstars '23

    We would like to share our experience of attending Kickstart Innovation Switzerland, which selected Preflet in the Smart Cities vertical this year. Kickstart is very different from other accelerators and incubators, as it laser-focused on removing the barriers and time taken to engage between startups and corporates. There are no classroom sessions, but straightforward 1-on-1 meetings with corporate partners who are interested in getting down to work and solving real-world challenges. They also facilitate warm introductions to companies in Switzerland from their network, with special events like executive CEO dinners in Zurich, Lausanne, and Geneva. Kickstart is a world of networking itself, and its objective from my perspective is simple: understand the needs of corporates and bring best-in-class startups to innovate faster. It would have taken us probably a year or more to engage with the corporate partners without them. We had the opportunity to pitch our solution, together with my co-founder, Francesca Rubbiani to leading organizations in the smart city sector, such as AXA Switzerland, Zurich Insurance, VNTR | Innovation & Venturing Post Finance, ewz, and more. Beyond the valuable introductions, we also got hands-on support on expert mentorship, market access, investor meetings. Additionally, we got to visit two leading institutions like EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), Swisscom Digital Lab and NEST Empa, showcasing the collaborative ecosystem of research institutes, startups, and corporations who are working together on future opportunities in the fields of energy, mobility, and smart buildings. While we still have a lot of work to do, from exploring POC to partnership deliverables, our experience at Kickstart has been invaluable. We are looking forward to continuing our collaboration with the corporate partners and bringing our solution to building managers to reduce energy costs with an AI-based platform. We are grateful to Katka Letzing, Noémie Délèze, and the entire Kickstart team for their support. Special thanks to our mentor Nicole Wieting-Kaelin and advisor Raimund Philip Neubauer for their guidance and expertise. Here's to more promising connections and innovation milestones in the future! See you soon!

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120.000,00 $


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