Today in Korean History
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Today in Korean History

Today in Korean History
  • Today in Korean history

    July 19 1965 -- Former South Korean President Rhee Syng-man dies in exile in Hawaii. 1980 -- The administration of President Chun Doo-hwan dismisses 431 managers and executives from banks, insurance firms and securities firms. 1985 -- South Korea's southeastern city of Busan begins to... 14:00 Jul. 18
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 18 1973 -- The United States announces it supports the unified entry of North Korea and South Korea into the United Nations. In 1991, the two Koreas were simultaneously admitted to the U.N. as the Cold War structure of global politics receded. 1989 -- Kang Su-yeon, a South Korean act... 14:00 Jul. 17
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 17 1946 -- The U.S. military government, which occupied the southern half of the Korean Peninsula at the end of World War II, places a ban on civilian passage across the inter-Korean border set along the 38th parallel. Following the surrender of Japan, which controlled Korea as a colony ... 14:00 Jul. 16
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 16 1950 -- As North Korean invaders advance on the nation in the early days of the Korean War, President Rhee Syng-man moves his government from Daejeon in central South Korea to the southeastern city of Daegu. Rhee was later forced to move it further south to Busan, a port city. North K... 14:00 Jul. 15
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 15 1902 -- The Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) signs a treaty of commerce with Denmark. 1939 -- The Japanese colonial authority begins drafting Koreans to fight for Japan in World War II. It had formerly announced a decree for Korean mobilization. Japan ruled the Korean Peninsula as a col... 14:00 Jul. 14
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 14 1907 -- Lee Jun, a Korean patriot, dies by suicide by slashing his belly with a knife in The Hague after he was blocked from attending an international peace meeting in the Dutch city, where he wanted to protest Japan's colonial subjugation of the Korean Peninsula. 1950 -- The Uni... 14:00 Jul. 13
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 13 1919 -- The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea establishes the National Red Cross in Shanghai. Korea's Red Cross, originally established in 1905 by a decree of King Gojong, had been merged into the Red Cross of Japan by the Japanese colonial regime. Korea's government in ... 14:00 Jul. 12
  • Today in Korean history

    July 12 1948 -- South Korea's National Assembly formulates the nation's Constitution. The elections for the country's National Assembly were held under U.N. supervision on May 10. 1979 -- South Korean football player Cha Bum-kun starts his career in Germany's Bundesliga. In South Korea, C... 14:00 Jul. 11
  • Today in Korean history

    July 11 1866 -- The U.S. commercial ship General Sherman is set alight in a clash with Koreans after it sailed into the Taedong River, which flows through Pyongyang, now the North Korean capital. The ship sought to open trade with Korea, then a "hermit kingdom." 1876 -- Kim Koo, one of the... 14:00 Jul. 10
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 10 1953 - The U.S.-led United Nations Command reopens armistice talks with China-backed North Korea after a long suspension. The talks, which began in 1951, continue on and off until the two sides sign a cease-fire agreement on July 27, 1953, ending the three-year Korean conflict. 19... 14:00 Jul. 09
  • #today in Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 9 1966 -- South Korea signs the Status of Forces Agreement with the U.S. 1980 -- The special committee for national security announces the punishment of 232 high-ranking government officials for corruption. 1987 -- More than 1 million people take to the streets to pay tribute to ... 14:00 Jul. 08
  • #Today in Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 8 1951 -- The U.S.-led U.N. Command begins talks with North Korea to end the Korean War, which began with a southward North Korean invasion on June 25, 1950. The negotiations, which dragged on for two more years, came to a close on July 27, 1953, when a cease-fire agreement was signed. ... 14:00 Jul. 07
  • #Today in Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 7 1970 -- The Gyeongbu Expressway linking Seoul and Busan opens. 1988 -- President Roh Tae-woo issues a special declaration for the "pride of Korean people, unification and prosperity" to ease cross-border tensions and develop inter-Korean relations with an aim to lay the groundwork ... 14:00 Jul. 06
  • #Today in Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 6 1905 -- Rhee Syng-man, who later became the first president of South Korea, pleads for American support for Korea's independence in a letter to U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt while the former was still a student at George Washington University. The two later met in person, but Rhee'... 14:00 Jul. 05
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 5 1907 -- Envoys of King Gojong, the 26th monarch of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), submit a statement to a peace conference of major nations at The Hague against the 1905 Eulsa Protective Treaty, which stripped Korea of its diplomatic rights. Korea was ruled by Japan from 1910-45. ... 14:00 Jul. 04
  • #Today in Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 4 1950 -- U.S. troops engage North Korean forces in Osan. The encounter marks the first clash between U.S. and North Korean soldiers in the Korean War. 1972 -- South and North Korea announce the July 4 joint communique outlining the future direction of cooperation between the two sides... 14:00 Jul. 03
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 3 1961 -- Army Maj. Gen. Park Chung-hee takes office as chairman of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction, which ruled South Korea until 1963 and comprised military officials involved in or supportive of Park's May 16 coup. 1971 -- South Korea opens diplomatic ties with Maurit... 14:00 Jul. 02
  • #Today in Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    July 2 1950 -- An Australian Air Force unit leaves for Korea to join the U.S.-led U.N. command that fought on South Korea's side in the 1950-53 Korean War. Shortly after the war broke out on June 25 with a North Korean invasion of South Korea, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution to ... 14:00 Jul. 01
  • Today in Korean history

    July 1 1906 -- A Japanese colonial agency takes control of Korea's railways from the Joseon Dynasty. Named Joseon Tonggambu, Imperial Japan established the agency in Seoul the previous year as part of efforts to seize diplomatic rights and gradually increase its grip over royal authority. Kor... 14:00 Jun. 30
  • #Korean history

    Today in Korean history

    June 30 1882 -- Joseon signs a commerce treaty with Germany. 1983 -- State-run television station KBS broadcasts its first live program to help people find their family members separated by the 1950-53 Korean War. The emotional show, initially planned as a one-off program, was extende... 14:00 Jun. 29
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