Denmark - EUR-Lex

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ELI coordination

Organisation/state agency responsible for the ELI implementation

Ministry of Justice, Department of Civil Affairs

Responsible person(s)

Morten Thams Nord Hansen

Contact email

Status of ELI implementation

Access to the ELI startpage

Level of implementation

Pillar 1, 2 and 3 (full implementation)

URI template structure for pillar 1

Denmark legislation is published using the following URI template:

Primary/canonical URI:

A unique search applied to identify any single document in The URI varies depending on the domain, year, natural identifier and format of the specific document.

Primary/canonical URI specific for regulation:{domain}/{year}/{natural identifier}/{format}

Implemented metadata elements (only applicable for pillar 2)


1. Primary/canonical URI:

A unique search applied to identify any single document in The URI varies depending on the domain, year, natural identifier and format of the specific document.

Primary/canonical URI specific for regulation:{domain}/{year}/{natural identifier}/{format}

Example, The Danish Administration of Justice Act (Retsplejeloven):

  • {domain}: lta (Lovtidende A)
  • {year}: 2014 (year of signature)
  • {natural identifier}: 1308 (number)
  • {format}: PDF, HTML or XML

Full URI:

Primary/canonical URI specific for the documents of the Danish Parliament:{domain}/{natural identifier}/{format}

Example, legislative proposal:

  • {domain}: ft (Folketinget)
  • {natural identifier}: 201314L00805 (accession number)
  • {format}: PDF, HTML or XML

Full URI:

2. Alias URI:

A unique search applied to redirect from an alias URI to a primary/canonical ELI URI of a specific document in Technically, the redirection is an HTTP redirection as the user's browser is redirected to the primary/canonical URI if using an alias URI.

Alias URI specific for regulation only:{domain}/{docType}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{number}

Example, The Danish Administration of Justice Act (Retsplejeloven):

  • {domain}: regel
  • {docType}: lbkh
  • {year}/{month}/{day}: 2014/12/09 (date of signature)
  • {number}: 1308

Full URI:

This alias URI is specific for regulation only as {year}, {month} and {day} have a different meaning regarding the documents of the Danish Parliament.

Alias URI specific for regulation and the documents of the Danish Parliament:{accn}

Example, legislative proposal:

  • {accn}: 202112L00195

Full URI:

3. Partial/search:

A search applied to identify a group of documents. The URI varies depending on the domain and year of the specific documents.{domain}/{year}

Example, list of search results:

© Legal Information Division, Department of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Denmark
For any use of the content of this page, please contact

Last update: 19/09/2022