Norway - EUR-Lex

EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

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ELI coordination

Organisation/state agency responsible for the ELI implementation

The Lovdata Foundation

Responsible person(s)

Odd Storm-Paulsen

Contact email

Status of ELI implementation

Access to the ELI startpage

Level of implementation

Pillar 3

URI template structure

Norwegian legislation is published using the following URI template:

/eli/{jurisdiction}/{type}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{natural_identifier}/{level…}/{version}/{point in time}/{language}/{format}

Implemented metadata elements (only applicable for pillar 2)

  • eli:type_document
  • eli:title
  • eli:title_short
  • eli:id_local
  • eli:version
  • eli:language
  • eli:date_document
  • eli:date_publication
  • eli:first_date_entry_in_force
  • eli:realizes
  • eli:embodies
  • eli:publisher
  • eli:format
  • eli:is_embodied_by


Additional information

Norway implemented ELI in September 2016 as a beta-version. The beta-version is intended to fulfill the recommendations for step 1, 2 and 3.

  • Step 1
    ELI URIs are implemented for all consolidated legislation, both statutes and regulations. The Official Journal versions (Lovtidend) are also referrable using ELI URIs.
  • Step 2
    Using ELI URIs as URLs returns a set of metadata for each document, which we believe covers the mandatory fields in the ELI standard, in addition to a few more. Documentation will follow the transition from the beta phase.
  • Step 3
    All the metadata described in Step 2 are also embedded in the pages as RDFa attributes, adhering to the ELI standard.

The most recent information is online at

© The Lovdata Foundation, Norway
For any use of the content of this page, please contact

Last update: 02/12/2022