United Kingdom - EUR-Lex

EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

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United Kingdom

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ELI coordination

Organisation/state agency responsible for the ELI implementation

Legislation Services, The National Archives, UK

Responsible person(s)

Catherine Tabone

Contact email



Status of ELI implementation

Access to the ELI startpage


Level of implementation

Pillar 1 (implemented), pillar 2 (implemented), pillar 3 (in progress)

URI template structure for pillar 1

UK legislation is published using the following URI template:


Implemented metadata elements (only applicable for pillar 2)

See our XML schema http://www.legislation.gov.uk/schema/legislation.xsd



© Legislation Services, The National Archives, UK
For any use of the content of this page, please contact OP-COPYRIGHT@publications.europa.eu.

Last update: 01/12/2022