Waga Energy

Waga Energy

Production d’énergies renouvelables

Eybens, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes 19 005 abonnés

Le biométhane pour tous

Develop new markets and sign new contracts

Waga Energy integrates all the necessary skills to carry out biomethane injection projects from a landfill site. Join our business teams to prospect for new customers, study the technical, economic and regulatory feasibility or evaluate the financing plan of the project. Our teams are composed of engineers business developers, contract managers and financial analysts.

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Design and build the next WAGABOX® units

Our solution based on the WAGABOX® technology and adapted to the biogas flow rate and to the site characteristics, guarantee an optimal valorization of the resource. We are looking for designers, R&D process engineers or project managers to design, build on site and standardize our biomethane production units.

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Keep our machines fleet rolling and updated

Waga Energy is the exclusive operator of the WAGABOX® units. We ensure a 24/7 watch for an availability rate of 95%. For this, our operation and maintenance teams are at work: production or maintenance technicians, R&D process engineers,...

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Photos de l’entreprise

  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 1
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 2
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 3
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 4
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 5
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 6
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 7
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 8
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 9
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 10
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 11
  • Photo de Waga Energy no. 12

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