René Rohrbeck

EDHEC Business School Technische Universität Berlin

Lille, Hauts-de-France, France Coordonnées
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René is best known for his pioneering work on future preparedness of organizations…

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  • Foresight in Strategy and Innovation Management

    IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

    Strategic foresight activities in both research and practice aim to identify superior courses of action in situations of future uncertainty and change. While the field has existed for more than 70 years and has its own concepts and methodologies, over time it has incorporated and used many of the theories and methods found in cognate fields, particularly in strategy and innovation management. The reverse is also true as these various areas of study have begun to adopt the frameworks of a…

    Strategic foresight activities in both research and practice aim to identify superior courses of action in situations of future uncertainty and change. While the field has existed for more than 70 years and has its own concepts and methodologies, over time it has incorporated and used many of the theories and methods found in cognate fields, particularly in strategy and innovation management. The reverse is also true as these various areas of study have begun to adopt the frameworks of a maturing foresight field. However, these interfaces are frequently encapsulated and restrained by paradigmatic rigidity. The objective of this article is to raise awareness and build bridges across these parallel but often unconnected fields of research endeavor. In particular, we review traces of foresight in cognate literatures and highlight "forward-looking search" as a promising way to formulate a joint conversation. The papers of the IEEE-TEMS special issue on foresight in strategy and innovation management are introduced, with their particular contributions that echo our call to build bridges across closely associated fields.

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  • 50 Years of corporate and organizational foresight: Looking back and going forward

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Technology Forecasting & Social Change, we review the evolution of corporate and organizational foresight within the journal and look ahead to the coming decade. We apply a systematic literature review process to identify the major contributions in this area of foresight theory and practice spanning five decades and present a thematic summary of these articles. We reveal the concerns of authors as they have sought to apply foresight in corporations…

    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Technology Forecasting & Social Change, we review the evolution of corporate and organizational foresight within the journal and look ahead to the coming decade. We apply a systematic literature review process to identify the major contributions in this area of foresight theory and practice spanning five decades and present a thematic summary of these articles. We reveal the concerns of authors as they have sought to apply foresight in corporations, organizations, and institutions; how they have attempted to resolve the concerns; and the progress the authors have made. We discuss how these authors have cumulatively defined and evolved this portion of the strategic foresight field, from integrating technology with market forecasting, to expanding forecast approaches to include multiple futures and integrating foresight to create agile and adaptive organizations. We use this as a base for discussing current priorities and future challenges in corporate and organizational foresight and suggest three trajectories for further research: (a) further advancing organizational foresight practices; (b) connecting organizational foresight to strategy practice and theory; (c) and connecting organizational foresight to innovation, engineering, and R&D management practices and theory.

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  • Corporate foresight as a microfoundation of dynamic capabilities

    Futures & Foresight Science, Wiley

    The dynamic capabilities perspective is aimed at explaining how firms achieve and sustain competitive advantages, especially in environments that become volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). In this paper, we combine factors that explain dynamic capabilities on the firm level with factors of dynamic managerial capabilities on the individual level. In addition to the dynamic capabilities theory, we draw on corporate foresight literature to test the impact of corporate foresight…

    The dynamic capabilities perspective is aimed at explaining how firms achieve and sustain competitive advantages, especially in environments that become volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). In this paper, we combine factors that explain dynamic capabilities on the firm level with factors of dynamic managerial capabilities on the individual level. In addition to the dynamic capabilities theory, we draw on corporate foresight literature to test the impact of corporate foresight training. We find that both the organizational-level practices and the individual-level training of leaders are positively associated with firm-level outcomes. We further observe that this relationship is mediated by dynamic managerial capabilities (i.e., the ability of leaders to challenge current business models, make decisions under uncertainty, and reconfigure organizational resources). Our findings emphasize the importance of training leaders and building organizational corporate foresight practices to build the dynamic capabilities needed in VUCA environments.

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  • Combining scenario planning and business wargaming to better anticipate future competitive dynamics


    The deliberate exploration of how the future competitive landscape may evolve is critical to uncovering threats and opportunities for firms that seek to improve their core businesses and advance to a superior position in the markets of the future. While techniques such as business wargaming can effectively support this process, such techniques can benefit from placing competitive considerations within a broader future landscape shaped by geopolitical, social, technological and economic forces…

    The deliberate exploration of how the future competitive landscape may evolve is critical to uncovering threats and opportunities for firms that seek to improve their core businesses and advance to a superior position in the markets of the future. While techniques such as business wargaming can effectively support this process, such techniques can benefit from placing competitive considerations within a broader future landscape shaped by geopolitical, social, technological and economic forces. Scenario planning allows for the exploration of interactions across multiple external forces to create a rich set of narratives on how the future may unfold. This paper will discuss the potential of combining scenario planning and business wargaming to enable strategists to anticipate moves and countermoves and foresee their consequences. We use a real-life case study to illustrate how a scenario-planning exercise can guide the crucial stage of selecting relevant future competitors of a firm prior to engaging in a business-war-gaming exercise. We then introduce what we term the prospective competitive strategy process to guide the analysis of potential competitive dynamics, emphasizing the synergies between scenario planning and business wargaming.

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  • Forward-looking search during innovation projects: Under which conditions it impacts innovativeness


    The study finds that:
    i) Forward-looking search (strategic foresight during new product development (NPD) projects boosts innovativeness
    ii) The effect is strongest in medium levels of project planning
    iii) The availability of slack resources (budget reserves) further boosts the effect
    iv) To maximise innovativeness NPD projects should provide budgetary reserves and apply medium level of project planning

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  • Corporate Foresight Benchmarking Report 2018: How leading firms build a superior position in markets of the future

    Strategic Foresight Research Network, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University

    Future Preparedness is shown to be a factor strongly influencing mid-term future firm performance, and such preparedness can be achieved via the systematic application of future preparation activities, particularly Perceiving, Prospecting, and Probing, as part of the strategic leadership function.

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  • Corporate foresight and its impact on firm performance: A longitudinal analysis

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    We developed a model for assessing the future preparedness (FP) of a firm
    We match FP data from 2008 and performance in 2015
    Future-prepared firms outperformed the average by a 33% higher profitability
    Future-prepared firms outperform the average by a 200% higher growth
    Firms with deficiencies face with a performance discount of 37% to 108%.

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  • Double ambidexterity: How a Telco incumbent used business-model and technology innovations to successfully respond to three major disruptions

    Creativity and Innovation Management

    We leverage the business model innovation and ambidexterity literature to investigate a contradictory case, the Swedish-Finnish Telecom operator TeliaSonera. Despite being challenged by three major disruptions, the company not only still exists but also enjoys remarkably good financial performance. Building on extant archival data and interviews, we carefully identify and map 26 organizational responses during 1992–2016. We find that the firm has overcome three critical phases by experimenting…

    We leverage the business model innovation and ambidexterity literature to investigate a contradictory case, the Swedish-Finnish Telecom operator TeliaSonera. Despite being challenged by three major disruptions, the company not only still exists but also enjoys remarkably good financial performance. Building on extant archival data and interviews, we carefully identify and map 26 organizational responses during 1992–2016. We find that the firm has overcome three critical phases by experimenting and pioneering with portfolios of business models and/or technological innovations. We describe this behaviour as double ambidexterity. We use an in-depth case study to conceptualize double ambidexterity and discuss its impact on the business's survival and enduring success.

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  • Scenario-based strategizing: Advancing the applicability in strategists' teams

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    For over 40 years, scenarios have been promoted as a key technique for forming strategies in uncertain environments. However, many challenges remain. In this article, we discuss a novel approach designed to increase the applicability of scenario-based strategizing in top management teams. Drawing on behavioural strategy as a theoretical lens, we design a yardstick to study the impact of scenario-based strategizing. We then describe our approach, which includes developing scenarios and…

    For over 40 years, scenarios have been promoted as a key technique for forming strategies in uncertain environments. However, many challenges remain. In this article, we discuss a novel approach designed to increase the applicability of scenario-based strategizing in top management teams. Drawing on behavioural strategy as a theoretical lens, we design a yardstick to study the impact of scenario-based strategizing. We then describe our approach, which includes developing scenarios and alternative strategies separately and supporting the strategy selection through an integrated assessment of the goal-based efficacy and robustness. To facilitate the collaborative strategizing in teams, we propose a matrix with robustness and efficacy as the two axes, which we call the Parmenides Matrix. We assess the impact of the novel approach by applying it in two cases, at a governmental agency (German Environmental Ministry) and a firm affected by disruptive change (Bosch, leading global supplier of technology and solutions).

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  • The role of corporate foresight in exploring new markets: evidence from 3 case studies in the BOP markets

    Technology Analysis & Strategic Management

    We examine to what extent successful business-development activities in uncertain environments can be classified as corporate foresight (CF) and to what extent they have been intentional and systematic. Beginning with identifying successful cases of new-business development in Bottom of the Pyramid markets, we use various data sources to reconstruct timelines and map CF activities. We selected the cases to maximise their heterogeneity in firm size, industry, nature of the product and ownership…

    We examine to what extent successful business-development activities in uncertain environments can be classified as corporate foresight (CF) and to what extent they have been intentional and systematic. Beginning with identifying successful cases of new-business development in Bottom of the Pyramid markets, we use various data sources to reconstruct timelines and map CF activities. We selected the cases to maximise their heterogeneity in firm size, industry, nature of the product and ownership structure. Our findings suggest that the probing (experimental search) phase is particularly important in unknown and uncertain environments but that perceiving and prospecting (cognitive search) activities are necessary to find distant opportunities. In addition, we find that successful business-development activities rely on multiple iterations between perceiving, prospecting and probing. Our findings emphasize that CF should include activities that encompass both experimental and cognitive search elements.

    The role of corporate foresight in exploring new markets – evidence from 3 case studies in the BOP markets. Available from: [accessed Jun 1, 2017].

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  • Corporate Foresight: An Emerging Field with a Rich Tradition

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the state of the art, major challenges and to identify development trajectories. We define corporate foresight as an ability that permits an organization to lay the foundation for a future competitive advantage. Historically we distinguish and discuss four main phases 1) birth of the field (1950s), 2) the age of scenarios (1960s-1970s), 3) professionalization (1980s-1990s), and 4) towards an organizational ability (2000- ). A systematic…

    The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the state of the art, major challenges and to identify development trajectories. We define corporate foresight as an ability that permits an organization to lay the foundation for a future competitive advantage. Historically we distinguish and discuss four main phases 1) birth of the field (1950s), 2) the age of scenarios (1960s-1970s), 3) professionalization (1980s-1990s), and 4) towards an organizational ability (2000- ). A systematic literature search revealed 102 articles on foresight, 29 of them on corporate foresight. Based on these articles and those in this Special Issue, we identify four main themes. Two more mature themes, namely ‘organizing corporate foresight’, and ‘individual and collective cognition’, and two emerging themes ‘corporate foresight in networked organizations’, and ‘quantifying value contributions’. In the conclusion we make a plea for establishing corporate foresight as a separate research stream that can adopt various theoretical foundations from a number of general management research traditions. To help the field move forward we identify three areas in which corporate foresight research can build on theoretical notions in general management, and can contribute to such on-going debates.

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  • Open innovation: the activities and views of companies in Wales

    Report for the Welsh Government

    This report presents the results of a study conducted for Welsh Government on open innovation activities in Wales. The study included interviews with companies, a survey and a focus group.

    This research accompanied the Open Innovation Pilot Development Awards, a Welsh Government initiative to support collaborative innovation.

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  • Luxury organizations and responsibility: a toolbox

    Kogan Page

    Sustainability is defined and a framework is provided for how luxury firms can become more responsible through eight generic tools used to assess the luxury firm's level of sustainability, and to guide the selection and implementation of responsible practices.

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  • Kooperative Geschäftsmodellentwicklung für systemische Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen: Eine Fallstudie im deutschen Smart Energy-Markt

    Schallmo, D.R.A. (Ed.): Kompendium Geschäftsmodell-Innovation-Grundlagen, aktuelle Ansätze und Fallbeispiele zur erfolgreichen Geschäftsmodell-Innovation, Wiesbaden: Springer-Gabler.

    Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen zeichnen sich häufig durch einen systemischen Charakter aus, so dass deren Entwicklung ein koordiniertes Vorgehen mehrerer Akteure erfordert. Um gemeinsam Chancen für systemische Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen zu erkennen, sie zu planen und umzusetzen, werden neue kooperative Methoden und Ansätze benötigt.

    Insbesondere für die Entwicklung der Energiewirtschaft hin zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung sind systemische Innovationen von großer Bedeutung. Die…

    Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen zeichnen sich häufig durch einen systemischen Charakter aus, so dass deren Entwicklung ein koordiniertes Vorgehen mehrerer Akteure erfordert. Um gemeinsam Chancen für systemische Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen zu erkennen, sie zu planen und umzusetzen, werden neue kooperative Methoden und Ansätze benötigt.

    Insbesondere für die Entwicklung der Energiewirtschaft hin zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung sind systemische Innovationen von großer Bedeutung. Die Integration eines schnell wachsenden Anteils erneuerbarer Energien und dezentraler Erzeugungsanlagen stellt Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) vor Herausforderungen, die sie nicht alleine lösen können. Moderne Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) werden zur effizienten Steuerung verteilter Erzeugungsanlagen und Verbraucher und zur Koordinierung zahlreicher Marktakteure benötigt. Die Entwicklung intelligenter Energiesysteme („Smart Energy“) eröffnet aber auch Chancen für die Erweiterung der Geschäftstätigkeit von EVU. Hierzu werden neue Geschäftsmodelle benötigt.

    In diesem Beitrag stellen wir unseren Ansatz der kooperativen Geschäftsmodellentwicklung (KGE) vor. Wir wenden die KGE in einer Fallstudie an, bei der acht Unternehmen kooperiert haben, um neue Geschäftsmodelle für die Energiewirtschaft zu entwickeln. Nach der Darstellung unseres Ansatzes diskutieren wir seine Stärken und Limitationen und vergleichen ihn mit zwei alternativen Methoden der Strategie- und Innovationsplanung, der Szenariotechnik und dem Roadmapping.

    Es zeigt sich, dass die KGE gut geeignet ist um 1. potentiellen wirtschaftlichen und geselleschaftlichen Nutzen zu identifizieren, 2. kooperative Wertschöpfungsarchitekturen zu entwickeln, 3. in komplexen und unsicheren Märkten zu planen und 4. die Umsetzung neuer Geschäftsmodelle vorzubereiten.

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  • Why intended business model innovation fails to deliver: Insights from a longitudinal study in the German smart energy market

    Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, June 3-6, 2014

    This paper aims to explore whether intended business model innovation (BMI) activities enhance exploration capabilities of incumbent firms. We report findings from a longitudinal study that spans from 2010 to 2014. We find that even though incumbent firms generated 21 generic business models in 2010, only one has been successfully implemented by incumbents by February 2014. The majority has been pioneered by new entrants. These findings suggest that intended BMI activities can only partly…

    This paper aims to explore whether intended business model innovation (BMI) activities enhance exploration capabilities of incumbent firms. We report findings from a longitudinal study that spans from 2010 to 2014. We find that even though incumbent firms generated 21 generic business models in 2010, only one has been successfully implemented by incumbents by February 2014. The majority has been pioneered by new entrants. These findings suggest that intended BMI activities can only partly contribute to overcoming the challenges associated with exploration. While evidence suggests that they are effective in overcoming some cognitive challenges, a second set of cognitive challenges and all action-level challenges remain.

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  • IT Tools for Foresight: The Integrated Insight and Response System of Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change, forthcoming

    In this article we present and discuss the IT tools that Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories use to support their corporate foresight activities. These tools are integrated into an approach that encompasses the discovery of change, interpretation, and triggering managerial responses. The overall system consists of a tool for scanning for weak signals on change (PEACOQ Scouting Tool), a tool for collecting internal ideas (PEACOQ Gate 0.5), and a tool for triggering organizational responses…

    In this article we present and discuss the IT tools that Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories use to support their corporate foresight activities. These tools are integrated into an approach that encompasses the discovery of change, interpretation, and triggering managerial responses. The overall system consists of a tool for scanning for weak signals on change (PEACOQ Scouting Tool), a tool for collecting internal ideas (PEACOQ Gate 0.5), and a tool for triggering organizational responses (Foresight Landing page). Particularly the link to innovation management and R&D strategy is discussed in detail. We further report on the value creation and lessons learned that have accumulated over the last eight years throughout which the tools and approach have been built gradually.

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  • Collaborative Business Modelling for Systemic and Sustainable Innovations

    International Journal of Technology Management, Forthcoming

    Sustainability innovations are characterized by a systemic nature and require that multiple organizations act in an orchestrated fashion. To jointly identify opportunities and plan sustainability innovations, new methods and approaches are needed. In this article we describe a case study where 8 firms have collaborated to envision and create new business models in the energy industry. After describing this collaborative business modelling (CBM) approach, we discuss its strengths and limitations…

    Sustainability innovations are characterized by a systemic nature and require that multiple organizations act in an orchestrated fashion. To jointly identify opportunities and plan sustainability innovations, new methods and approaches are needed. In this article we describe a case study where 8 firms have collaborated to envision and create new business models in the energy industry. After describing this collaborative business modelling (CBM) approach, we discuss its strengths and limitations and compare it to two alternative methods of strategy and innovation planning: scenario technique and road mapping. We find that CBM creates a powerful platform for jointly identifying economic and societal value, defining value creation/value capture systems, and planning of complex and uncertain future markets.

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  • The Value Contribution of Strategic Foresight: Insights from an Empirical Study on Large European Companies

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    This paper focuses on exploring the potential and empirically observable value creation of strategic foresight activities in firms. We first review the literature on strategic foresight, innovation management and strategic management in order to identify the potential value contributions. We use survey data from 77 large multinational firms to assess how much value is generated from formalized strategic foresight practices in these firms. We show that it is possible to capture value through an…

    This paper focuses on exploring the potential and empirically observable value creation of strategic foresight activities in firms. We first review the literature on strategic foresight, innovation management and strategic management in order to identify the potential value contributions. We use survey data from 77 large multinational firms to assess how much value is generated from formalized strategic foresight practices in these firms. We show that it is possible to capture value through an enhanced capacity to perceive change, an enhanced capacity to interpret and respond to change, influencing other actors, and through an enhanced capacity for organizational learning.

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  • Strategic Foresight for Collaborative Exploration of New Business Fields

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79 (5), 819-831.

    To ensure long-term competitiveness, companies need to develop the ability to explore, plan, and develop new business fields. A suitable approach faces multiple challenges because it needs to (1) integrate multiple perspectives, (2) ensure a high level of participation of the major stakeholders and decision-makers, (3) function despite a high level of uncertainty, and (4) take into account interdependencies between the influencing factors. In this paper, we present an integrated approach that…

    To ensure long-term competitiveness, companies need to develop the ability to explore, plan, and develop new business fields. A suitable approach faces multiple challenges because it needs to (1) integrate multiple perspectives, (2) ensure a high level of participation of the major stakeholders and decision-makers, (3) function despite a high level of uncertainty, and (4) take into account interdependencies between the influencing factors. In this paper, we present an integrated approach that combines multiple strategic-foresight methods in a synergetic way. It was applied in an inter-organizational business field exploration project in the telecommunications industry.

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  • Exploring value creation from corporate-foresight activities

    Futures 44 (5), 440-452.

    This paper looks at value creation from corporate futures research. Through a literature review, potential value creation is identified. This serves as guidance for an empirical investigation in which value creation is observed and linked to methods and practices. Using data from 20 case studies, three examples of value creation are discussed in detail. In addition, cross-case analysis allowed me to identify four success criteria for corporate foresight activities: (1) foresighters committed to…

    This paper looks at value creation from corporate futures research. Through a literature review, potential value creation is identified. This serves as guidance for an empirical investigation in which value creation is observed and linked to methods and practices. Using data from 20 case studies, three examples of value creation are discussed in detail. In addition, cross-case analysis allowed me to identify four success criteria for corporate foresight activities: (1) foresighters committed to creating value, (2) participation of internal stakeholders, (3) analysis that follows a systemic logic, and (4) methods and processes that are tailored to companies’ needs. The paper concludes with the recommendation to take a dynamic-capabilities perspective on future research into corporate foresight.

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  • Corporate Foresight: Its Three Roles in Enhancing the Innovation Capacity of a Firm

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 78, No. 2, pp. 231-243

    Although in the last three decades much knowledge has been produced on how best to conduct foresight exercises, but little is known on how foresight should be integrated with the innovation effort of a company. Drawing on empirical evidence from 19 case studies and 107 interviews, we identify three roles that corporate foresight should play to maximize the innovation capacity of a firm: (1) the strategist role, which explores new business fields; (2) the initiator role, which increases the…

    Although in the last three decades much knowledge has been produced on how best to conduct foresight exercises, but little is known on how foresight should be integrated with the innovation effort of a company. Drawing on empirical evidence from 19 case studies and 107 interviews, we identify three roles that corporate foresight should play to maximize the innovation capacity of a firm: (1) the strategist role, which explores new business fields; (2) the initiator role, which increases the number of innovation concepts and ideas; and (3) the opponent role, which challenges innovation projects to increase the quality of their output.

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  • Corporate Foresight: Towards a Maturity Model for the Future Orientation of a Firm

    Physica-Verlag, Springer

    Have you ever wondered why even large companies fail when faced with changes in their environment? Would you be surprised to learn that the average life expectancy of a Fortune 500 company is below 50 years? This book presents findings from 19 case studies in multinational companies such as Siemens, Volkwagen, General Electric, Philips and Deutsche Telekom. René Rohrbeck proposes a Maturity Model to assess how prepared a company is to respond to external (disruptive) change. He uses data from…

    Have you ever wondered why even large companies fail when faced with changes in their environment? Would you be surprised to learn that the average life expectancy of a Fortune 500 company is below 50 years? This book presents findings from 19 case studies in multinational companies such as Siemens, Volkwagen, General Electric, Philips and Deutsche Telekom. René Rohrbeck proposes a Maturity Model to assess how prepared a company is to respond to external (disruptive) change. He uses data from 107 interviews with board members, corporate strategists, innovation managers, and corporate foresight professionals to present and discuss best practices. Using illustrations to show the complex interaction of corporate foresight with other units such as innovation and strategic management, René Rohrbeck provides the reader with rich insights on how to make an organization agile and reactive towards change. For scholars this book proposes multiple hypotheses and frameworks for future research.

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  • Strategische Frühaufklärung in der Praxis: Benchmarking der Praktiken von Großunternehmen

    J. Gausemeier, Vorausschau und Technologieplanung, Paderborn: Heinz Nixdorf Institut, 47-70

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  • Harnessing a Network of Experts for Competitive Advantage: Technology Scouting in the ICT Industry

    R&D Management, 40(2), 169-180.

    In order to identify discontinuous technological change and develop appropriate action, companies are increasingly building technology foresight (TF) practices. This paper explores how, using networks of experts, technology foresight capabilities can be built. On the basis of three case studies and 43 interviews, it is shown that building foresight systems through networks of scouts yields several benefits, including the support for sourcing external technologies. Using insights from the three…

    In order to identify discontinuous technological change and develop appropriate action, companies are increasingly building technology foresight (TF) practices. This paper explores how, using networks of experts, technology foresight capabilities can be built. On the basis of three case studies and 43 interviews, it is shown that building foresight systems through networks of scouts yields several benefits, including the support for sourcing external technologies. Using insights from the three major telecommunication incumbents in Europe, the paper describes and discusses (1) what can be achieved by technology scouting, (2) how a process can be set up, (3) what is important in the design of a scouting network, and (4) the characteristics that should be aimed for when choosing technology scouts. The paper contributes to the methodological base of corporate foresight, to the technology management literature, and to the understanding of how companies can increase their open-innovation capabilities by extending the intertwinement with their environment.

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  • Innovation Instruments for Translating Future Insights Into Managerial Actions

    ISPIM Annual Conference: Bilbao, Spain

    One of the challenges in innovation management is managing uncertainty. Most industries repeatedly face disruptions coming from emerging technologies, political and legislative regulation, alternative business models, as well as from socio-cultural shifts. Continuous scanning and monitoring of a company’s environment can contribute to reducing uncertainty. Corporate foresight activities address these dynamics and many methods and tools for collection and interpretation of information are known.…

    One of the challenges in innovation management is managing uncertainty. Most industries repeatedly face disruptions coming from emerging technologies, political and legislative regulation, alternative business models, as well as from socio-cultural shifts. Continuous scanning and monitoring of a company’s environment can contribute to reducing uncertainty. Corporate foresight activities address these dynamics and many methods and tools for collection and interpretation of information are known. But the utilization of this information remains a weakness of many companies. Foresight and innovation management literature has repeatedly lamented the failure of translating future insights into managerial actions and thus boosting a firm’s ability to adapt to a changing environment. Based on case studies in various industries three major instruments have been identified to cope with this problem and are presented in this paper on the example of Deutsche Telekom.

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  • Sourcing Innovation from You Customer: How Multinational Enterprises Use Web Platforms for Virtual Customer Integration

    Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 22 (2), 117-131.

    Integrating the customer in the innovation process is believed to be a powerful means to reduce failure rates and to increase the revenue from new products. Although many companies have launched programs to enable such integration, the understanding of the mechanisms behind successful programs remains limited. Furthermore, the benefit of integrating customers in the innovation process has to be weighed against the costs. Virtual customer integration has been discussed as a way to limit these…

    Integrating the customer in the innovation process is believed to be a powerful means to reduce failure rates and to increase the revenue from new products. Although many companies have launched programs to enable such integration, the understanding of the mechanisms behind successful programs remains limited. Furthermore, the benefit of integrating customers in the innovation process has to be weighed against the costs. Virtual customer integration has been discussed as a way to limit these costs and bring the benefits of potentially unlimited scalability. Using a sample of the Euro Stoxx 50 companies, we shed light on the various types of virtual customer integration platforms, their limitations, their benefits and the mechanisms that have to be put in place to make them succeed. Results indicate that only a limited number of platforms go beyond the sourcing of ideas. Especially the integration of the customer in the execution phase of the innovation process remains largely limited to digital goods.

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  • Technology Foresight in the ICT sector - Exploration of New Business Opportunities

    2nd ISPIM Innovation Symposium: New York City, USA

    Rapid changes in technology and growing competition in consumer as well as business customer markets are forcing industry to explore new ways to foster innovation. This is also true in times of economic crises, where innovation can lead to the competitive advantage needed for success and survival. Making the right decisions is crucial and has to be supported by means of identifying developments and trends in an organizations’ environment early. These developments can be both, opportunities or…

    Rapid changes in technology and growing competition in consumer as well as business customer markets are forcing industry to explore new ways to foster innovation. This is also true in times of economic crises, where innovation can lead to the competitive advantage needed for success and survival. Making the right decisions is crucial and has to be supported by means of identifying developments and trends in an organizations’ environment early. These developments can be both, opportunities or threats and demand sufficient time for developing appropriate action.

    Deutsche Telekom Laboratories have introduced a tool of technology foresight – the Technology Radar. This paper describes the methodology of the tool, which uses networks of experts for the identification of discontinuous technological change. Based on insights from the Technology Radar energy-related developments have been identified and will be presented as an example for new business opportunities for telecommunication providers through technological change.

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  • Benchmarking Report: Strategic Foresight in Multinational Companies

    Report of the European Corporate Foresight Group: Berlin, Germany

    The results of this study indicate that companies have built strong capabilities for collecting information. However, their ability to interpret information, disseminate gained insights and trigger management reactions leaves room for improvement: Only 23% of the participants state that SF insights are rapidly diffused, which implies that future insights might not reach relevant decision-makers. Only 54% of the analyzed companies choose methods deliberately. This indicates that 46% of companies…

    The results of this study indicate that companies have built strong capabilities for collecting information. However, their ability to interpret information, disseminate gained insights and trigger management reactions leaves room for improvement: Only 23% of the participants state that SF insights are rapidly diffused, which implies that future insights might not reach relevant decision-makers. Only 54% of the analyzed companies choose methods deliberately. This indicates that 46% of companies take the risk of having inadequate method portfolios, endangering their ability to interpret information. Only 28% of companies regularly challenge basic assumption, implying a low level of alertness towards discontinuous change. The comparison of top performing companies with all participating companies shows that top performers invest significantly more resources in gathering data from restricted sources, utilize more qualitative methods, and more often select methods deliberately. Furthermore, top performing companies engage in more bottom-up triggered foresight activities, which should raise the overall level of alertness as well as their scanning reach and scope. Compared to findings from previous studies a continuing enhancement of corporate foresight systems can be attested. However, towards the ubiquitous installment of systems that allow systematically detecting discontinuous change and triggering appropriate actions, there is still a long way to go.

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  • The Role of Corporate Foresight in Promoting Sustainability

    In: UN Global Compact International Yearbook, 2012

    In this article we want to give our answer to the question about if and how corporate foresight can increase the likelihood that we move toward sustainability – both on a company and a societal level. We propose a framework that links barriers to sustainability with corporate foresight methods that can be used to overcome these barriers and support the transition toward a more sustainable future.

    Other authors
    See publication


  • OI-Net

    The European Academic Network for Open Innovation (OI-Net) is an EU co-financed project designed to promote cooperation on open innovation (OI) topics in European Higher Education curricula and institutes for the benefit of EU competitiveness. The aim is to facilitate European cooperation by outlining and exchanging up-to-date concepts, and good practices in open innovation and open innovation education. It will identify the needs, challenges, and obstacles of public and private sectors in the…

    The European Academic Network for Open Innovation (OI-Net) is an EU co-financed project designed to promote cooperation on open innovation (OI) topics in European Higher Education curricula and institutes for the benefit of EU competitiveness. The aim is to facilitate European cooperation by outlining and exchanging up-to-date concepts, and good practices in open innovation and open innovation education. It will identify the needs, challenges, and obstacles of public and private sectors in the exploitation of open innovation.

    Other creators
    See project
  • PERISCOPE: Platform for Expanding Regional Innovation SCOPE


    Periscope fosters long-term cooperation in the North Sea Region bringing forward innovative products, services & processes for sustainable development of emerging maritime and marine activities. It strengthens the fragmented maritime and marine clusters, and develops transnational, cross-sector partnerships between players in the ecosystem. Other long-term impacts include increasing the visibility and understanding of Blue Growth opportunities and attracting finance, skills and entrepreneurship…

    Periscope fosters long-term cooperation in the North Sea Region bringing forward innovative products, services & processes for sustainable development of emerging maritime and marine activities. It strengthens the fragmented maritime and marine clusters, and develops transnational, cross-sector partnerships between players in the ecosystem. Other long-term impacts include increasing the visibility and understanding of Blue Growth opportunities and attracting finance, skills and entrepreneurship to the sector, while respecting environmental protection & sustainability. To discover, understand and open up emerging market opportunities with sustainable innovations, the clusters in the ecosystem must lead jointly the open entrepreneurial discovery process to reinforce the knowledge base, identify and valorize innovation opportunities and ideas, and to stimulate business driven innovation actions on the concrete opportunities.

    Other creators
    See project

Prix et distinctions

  • Most Significant Futures Work Award

    Association of Professional Futurist

  • Rupe Chrisholm, Theory to Practice Award

    Academy of Management


  • German

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  • English

    Capacité professionnelle complète

  • French

    Compétence professionnelle limitée

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  • Danish

    Compétence professionnelle limitée

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