Lufthansa flight diverted to Delhi after couple fight onboard | Delhi News - The Indian Express

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Lufthansa flight diverted to Delhi after couple fight onboard

According to airport sources, the couple, a German man and a Thai woman, started an argument onboard the flight after which the pilots of the aircraft sought permission to land at IGI Airport.

Lufthansa Delhi IGI airport"The wife sought the intervention of the airplane staff after she and her husband had a quarrel. They have been sent back to Munich," the officer added. (Representational/ Fie)
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Lufthansa flight diverted to Delhi after couple fight onboard
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A Munich-Bangkok Lufthansa flight was diverted to Delhi Wednesday after a quarrel broke out between a couple onboard the plane, forcing the aircraft to make an emergency landing to deboard them. Police said the man, a 53-year-old German national, shouted at his wife and tried to burn a blanket with a lighter.

According to airport sources, the couple, a German man and a Thai woman, started an argument mid-air after which the pilots sought permission to land at IGI Airport.


“They landed at Delhi IGI Airport at 10.26 am. The ATC was informed about an unruly passenger. The couple was taken away by immigration officials along with CISF officers,” said an officer, adding that the matter was not brought to the attention of Delhi Police and was resolved at the terminal.

“The wife sought the intervention of the cabin crew after she and her husband had a quarrel. She complained she was being threatened by her husband. They have been sent back to Munich,” the officer added.


Sources alleged the man was drunk. “The crew complained the man was shouting at his wife, he then threw food and tried to burn a blanket with a lighter. We think this led to the emergency landing as the staff had to intervene and were troubled. They complained the man didn’t listen to their pleas.” said a source.

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An inquiry revealed the wife was travelling on a separate ticket and later asked the airline to continue her journey to Bangkok alone but she was too deboarded.


Police said the man, who works at a private company, was going to Bangkok to attend a family function. Police are talking to airline staff to ascertain the sequence of events and check if an FIR needs to be registered.

Meanwhile, Lufthansa Airlines released a statement saying their flight was diverted to Delhi due to an unruly passenger on board. A spokesperson said, “The person in question was handed over to authorities. The flight to Bangkok is expected to continue subsequently with minor delays. Safety and security on board for our passengers and crew is our top priority.”

First uploaded on: 29-11-2023 at 16:15 IST
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