ETC Engineering

ETC Engineering

Ingegneria civile

Vicenza, Vicenza 326 follower

Chi siamo

The company Etc Engineering, located in Vicenza, ranks among the major Italian companies in the field of integrated design. Thanks to thirty years’ experience, we are able to develop highly complex projects, ensuring also an accurate execution of the same through a careful analysis and control during works management. High competence, availability of our own personnel, specialized professionalism and language skills are just some of the key factors that allow us to be present not only on the domestic market but also internationally with customers having different backgrounds, from public administrations to the major Italian credit groups, from civil to industrial and advanced services sector. Etc Engineering is a leading partner of the most important Italian IT companies for the engineering and management of Data Centers and some of the largest Italian bank institutions for the management and optimization of their real estate assets.

Sito Web
Ingegneria civile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Vicenza, Vicenza
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Data Center, Renewable Energies, Traditional Energies, Superbonu 110%, Ecobonus, Sismabonus, TIA 942 – Internal Auditor (CTIA), TIA 942 – Design Consultant (CTDC) , TIA 942 – Certified Network cabling design professional (CNCDP), UPTIME INSTITUTE ATD (Acredited Tier Designer), UPTIME INSTITUTE ATS (Acredited Tier Specialist), Professionisti antincendio iscritto all’albo del Ministero degli Interni e EGE, esperti gestione energia, con iscrizione nell’apposito albo ministeriale


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