

Produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili

Milan, Lombardy 52.598 follower

Chi siamo

Renantis opera per creare un futuro migliore per tutti, ogni giorno, con dedizione. Sviluppiamo, progettiamo, costruiamo e gestiamo parchi eolici onshore, impianti solari, sistemi di accumulo energetico e progetti eolici marini galleggianti in diversi Paesi del mondo.     La sostenibilità fa parte del nostro Dna e va ben oltre il significato tradizionale del termine.   Per noi, sostenibilità significa creare valore condiviso per tutti gli stakeholder, salvaguardando e migliorando l'ambiente in cui operiamo e costruendo relazioni durature con le comunità locali. La ridistribuzione del valore creato dai nostri impianti è al centro di ogni nostra azione.   Con sede in Italia, 1.420 MW installati negli impianti di Regno Unito, Italia, Stati Uniti, Spagna, Francia, Norvegia e Svezia, produciamo energia rinnovabile dal 2002.    Come precursore nel settore delle energie rinnovabili, vantiamo una solida esperienza nella fornitura di servizi specializzati e competenze lungo tutta la catena del valore. Dalla produzione al consumo, forniamo ai clienti servizi di consulenza tecnica, di gestione degli impianti e dell'energia, con attività in oltre 40 Paesi.   Siamo guidati dall'impegno nel fornire soluzioni innovative e sostenibili attraverso le rinnovabili, con la convinzione che l'unica energia possibile sia quella pulita. Non accontentandoci di essere un semplice produttore, partecipiamo attivamente alla transizione energetica globale, collaborando con l'industria in ogni fase, per lo sviluppo di nuovi e migliori risultati. Per il futuro delle persone e del nostro Pianeta. 

Sito Web
Produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lombardy
Società quotata
Settori di competenza
Energia da Eolico, Energia da Biomasse, Waste to energy, Energia Solare e Energia da fonti Rinnovabili


Dipendenti presso Renantis


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    In celebration of International Women in Engineering Day, a few of our colleagues within Renantis and Ventient Energy have given insight into their journey into the wind industry!   Women in the energy sector benefit from equal opportunities, career development, and a supportive community, and we are dedicated to fostering this environment. Both companies have always supported women in engineering, and as we move forward as Nadara, this commitment will not only continue but become even more evident.   Here's to celebrating the incredible women who inspire and lead the way in engineering every day!

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    Our 2023 Sustainability Report is now live, detailing how we’ve placed #sustainability at the core of our operations throughout the year. And what a year it was! One of profound internal transformation, while continuing to deliver value for our stakeholders and making significant Environmental, Social, and Governance progress. Although Renantis and Ventient Energy are now one combined organisation, throughout 2023 we were operating as two separate entities, which is why we are each releasing a Sustainability Report. In our 2023 report you’ll be able to read in detail about our approach to sustainability, learn how we started a comprehensive journey to define a new, robust and common methodology to measure all Scope 3 emissions, and explore how we’ve further developed our industry-leading commitment to the communities we work alongside.   Swipe through the images to explore some of the highlights and visit our website to read the full report:

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    We had a great time at the webinar with Joinrs Italia, attended by around 40 engaged students, on "The Role of the Project Engineer through a Real Case Study: Designing a Sustainable Future with Renantis."   During this online experience, we explored Renantis' expertise in photovoltaic projects through the insights of Carmelo Scalone, our Chief Growth Officer, and Francesco De Santis, Solar Project Engineer. From the initial conception to the final implementation, attendees got a detailed look at the critical phases of developing and executing significant photovoltaic projects. Participants also gained an inside perspective on the Project Engineer role, learning about the challenges, experiences, and perspectives of this key position in the sector.   Here’s a recap of the key points we covered: ✱ Introduction to Renantis ✱ The real-life experience of a Project Engineer at Renantis ✱ Detailed insights into the development and execution phases of photovoltaic projects   A big thank you to our wonderful speakers: ✱ Carmelo Scalone - Chief Growth Officer at @Renantis ✱ Francesco De Santis - Solar Project Engineer at @Renantis ✱ Anna Frangi - Recruitment Manager at @Renantis ✱ Cristina Fiordelisi - HR Generalist Corporate at @Renantis   Thank you to all the students and recent graduates who joined us for this informative session. Together, we're shaping a sustainable future in the field of solar energy!   #SolarEnergy #STEM #CareerDevelopment

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    Yesterday, we celebrated #WorldEnvironmentDay with a series of impactful activities across our locations, demonstrating our commitment to environmental sustainability. Here's a glimpse into how we marked the day: 🔧 Oil Spill Drills: At our Desafio and Cabezo Wind Farms in Spain, we tested our preparedness for emergency situations by conducting oil spill drills. Ensuring quick and effective response to potential spills is crucial for protecting our ecosystems. 🔥 Fire Prevention: At Degracias Wind Farm in Portugal, we took proactive steps to prevent fires by clearing access roads and areas around the wind turbines ahead of the warmer weather. These measures are essential for safeguarding our operations and the surrounding natural habitats. 🚶♂️ Car-Free Day: Site Managers, Compliance Managers, and Area Managers from our UK Wind Farms avoided using vehicles for the day. This small gesture reduces the amount of fuel consumed during our operations, therefore reducing the associated greenhouse gas emissions. Well done to our UK Asset Managers! 🗑️ Litter Picking: Colleagues at our Lisbon Office engaged in a litter-picking activity, cleaning up the areas around our office and promoting environmental best practices. Keeping our surroundings clean is a responsibility we all share. 🌿 Greener Offices: In our offices in Italy and France, we added new office plants to remind us of our ongoing commitment to nature. A touch of green not only beautifies our workspace but also reinforces our dedication to a sustainable future. 🐝We also adopted a beehive, receiving in return a supply of honey that was distributed to the team. Together, these activities highlight our ongoing efforts to protect and preserve the environment. Every action counts, and we are proud to play our part in creating a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable world.

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    We were delighted to host a group of students from Rogart Primary School at our Kilbraur Wind Farm. The children were incredibly engaged, asking insightful questions and showing a keen interest in renewable energy. At Renantis we believe that initiatives like these are crucial for inspiring the next generation and fostering a deeper understanding of sustainable practices. We are always eager to welcome students to our sites, helping to nurture their curiosity and passion for a greener future.

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    Nous avons organisé une journée portes ouvertes de la ferme des Pérelles en Normandie avec la famille Marie, agriculteurs, afin de présenter les activités de l’exploitation ainsi que le projet agrivoltaïque que nous co-portons. Cette journée a été l’occasion d’expliquer aux habitants les contours du projet et de les informer sur ce qu’est l’agrivotaïsme, de découvrir la réalité du travail à la ferme tout en dégustant de délicieux produits locaux. Une réunion publique aura lieu le 27 juin afin de continuer d’informer la population sur ce projet. Pour plus d’informations sur le projet: *** We organised an open day with the Marie family, who are local farmers, at the Pérelles farm in Normandie to showcase the activities of the farm and our agrivoltaics project. It was a great opportunity to present the project to the local community, allowing them to learn more about life on the farm, as well as having the chance to savour some local products. On the 27th of June we will be holding public meeting to provide the local residents with further updates and information on the project. To find out more about Pérelles, please visit

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    Last week we attended the Comité Maritime International (CMI) 2024 Colloquium in Göteborg, Sweden, for the CMI International Working Group for Mobile Offshore Renewable Units (MORU) on 22 May. Our Legal Manager Offshore, Joana Albuquerque, was at the developers panel, advocating for the need of an international convention on MORUs. International recognition and uniformity of treatment of floating offshore wind turbines in maritime law is much needed for the expansion of the industry by facilitating bankability and insurability. Events and discussions like these are crucial for driving progress in the offshore renewable energy sector. Renantis values these opportunities to collaborate and share insights, and we look forward to future engagements that will help improve and advance the industry.

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    We had an amazing time at the All-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow, Scotland! Thank you to everyone who visited our stand and connected with us. It was fantastic to share ideas and explore new opportunities with so many passionate professionals in the renewable energy sector. We had a large number of visitors and great discussions about our proposals for route to market PPAs and, more generally, about all the services we offer to renewable generators. Our afternoon drink session saw great participation and provided an excellent opportunity to discuss our services, get to know our customers better, and enjoy a good time together. Last but not least, Simone Giacche`'s talk generated strong interest among several counterparties, highlighting the significant changes that REMA will bring, which are particularly relevant for generators. We’re really excited to build on these connections and drive forward our mission for a sustainable future! Margherita Tassi Velissarios Kourkoulis Rob Gallacher Damaris Orme Erin Murchie Holly Backhurst Ed Flanders

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    Yesterday was the International Day of Families and we hosted a workshop on "Parenthood and Digital Devices," focusing on technology addiction and its impact on family life.   Swipe through the images and find out some of the Key Points we discussed on how to navigate these challenges and create a balanced, healthy digital environment for our families.

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