Post di FIPER- Federazione Italiana Produttori di Energia da Fonti Rinnovabili

Per costruire insieme un’Europa più sostenibile… promuoviamo le bioenergie💪

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🏛 Dear future Members of the European Parliament   Today, 50% of the EU’s heating stock is old and inefficient and mostly relies on #fossilfuels   💪EU policymakers need to design a clear strategy to replace old #heatingappliances   🍃Modern #biomass heating systems offer a local, affordable and reliable solution to decarbonise #heating   When you take your seat at the #europeanparliament we will be happy to work with you for a more #affordable and #sustainable EU   🔗 Find out Bioenergy Europe proposals on the #energytransition   Irene di Padua #europeanelections   European People's Party EPP Group in the European Parliament Party of European Socialists (PES) Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament ALDE Party Renew Europe European Greens The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament

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