How to make Quick BBQ Mushroom Tacos - Times Food
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How to make Quick BBQ Mushroom Tacos

BBQ Mushroom Tacos offer a tantalising twist to traditional taco recipes, bringing together smoky barbecue flavours with earthy mushrooms for a mouth-watering vegetarian delight. Juicy mushrooms are cooked in a homemade BBQ sauce, infusing them with a rich and smokey essence. These flavourful mushrooms are nestled into warm corn tortillas and topped with a vibrant medley of fresh ingredients such as crisp lettuce, sour cream, mozzarella cheese and homemade BBQ sauce with beetroot, spinach, red cabbage and turmeric purees. Each bite is a harmonious blend of savoury, sweet, and tangy flavours, complemented by the satisfying crunch of the taco shell. Whether served as a main course for a weeknight dinner or featured as a star dish at your next barbecue, BBQ Mushroom Tacos are sure to impress with their bold flavours and irresistible appeal to both vegetarians and meat-lovers alike. (Recipe courtesy: Chef Vikas Seth - Chef & Culinary Director, BLVD Club by Embassy)

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