FAQ - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
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"How to submit a project for installing grid-connected solar systems for military personnel or widows of military personnel?

Submission is done through the Hashemite Authority for Injured Military Personnel."

What documents are required to benefit from the project of installing solar cell systems connected to the electrical network for military injured or widows of military injured?

The documents required to benefit from the project are: an organizational site plan, a land plan, a land registration deed, a copy of the beneficiary's identity, a receipt for the beneficiary from the Electricity Distribution Company according to the license areas (to be requested upon implementation)

What are the foundations for delivering electricity at the expense of rural penny outside the organization?

The principles for providing electricity on the account of the Rif Fund outside the regulated areas are as follows:

  1.  Providing electricity through the grid to residential clusters consisting of a minimum of three houses located outside the regulated boundaries.
  2.  Providing electricity to clusters consisting of five houses located outside the regulated boundaries, provided that the cluster is served by infrastructure (roads and water).
  3.  Providing electricity to individual houses located outside the regulated boundaries with a maximum of two low-voltage poles, provided that the house is served by a paved road with temporary accreditation.

What are the procedures for installing solar energy systems in order to cover the electricity consumption of subscribers?

The procedures for installing solar energy systems in order to cover the subscribers ' consumption of electric energy are carried out according to the instructions regulating the sale of electric energy from renewable energy sources, the net Metering meter system or the instructions regulating the crossing of electric energy (electricity Wheeling) issued by the energy and minerals sector regulatory authority and through the review of the concerned electricity company, in particular about the availability of installed capacity and the procedures and requirements for proper connection.

What are the principles for delivering electricity to homes within regulatory boundaries?

Electricity is supplied to homes located within regulatory boundaries only upon obtaining a social case study from the Ministry of Social Development.

What is the contribution percentage of local energy sources in electricity generation by the end of 2030?

The contribution percentage of local energy sources in electricity generation by the end of 2030 is 48%. However, it is worth noting that the sector's strategy is currently being reviewed to increase this percentage.

What is the cost of conducting an energy audit for a house with an area of 150 square meters?

The estimated cost of conducting an energy audit for a house with an area of 150 square meters does not solely depend on the area and ranges between 100 to 500 dinars per house.

"What support is provided through the program for installing solar panels for homes?

To review the program supporting the installation of solar systems and heaters for the residential sector."

What are the conditions required to benefit from the service of installing solar panel systems for beneficiaries from the National Assistance Fund?

To benefit from the service of installing solar panel systems for beneficiaries from the National Assistance Fund, the following conditions must be met:

1. The applicant must be receiving assistance from the National Assistance Fund.

2. The monthly electricity consumption rate should not exceed 300 kWh.

3. The house must be owned by the applicant.

Can electricity be supplied to a single house outside the regulated area at the expense of the Rural Fund?

Yes, electricity can be supplied to a single house outside the regulated area with a maximum of two low-voltage poles at a cost of 800 dinars per house, provided that the house is not more than 1200 meters away from the power transformer.

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