

Informatietechnologie en services

Rotterdam, South Holland 9.082 volgers

De wereld van onbevooroordeelde werving vormgeven door middel van data en gamification.

Over ons

We zijn op een missie om de wereld van onpartijdige werving vorm te geven. Zodat jij kunt handelen op basis van wetenschappelijke inzichten om de beste hire te vinden, en je kandidaten een eerlijke sollicitatie kunt geven. Door middel van wetenschappelijk gevalideerde game-based assessments selecteer jij de beste kandidaten. Hoe? Eerst je team(s) laten spelen om high-performing skills te indentificeren en mogelijke skill gaps op te sporen. Daarna alle kandidaten helemaal aan het begin van je hiring funnel dezelfde games laten doorlopen zodat jij direct de inzichten krijgt die je nodig hebt.

Informatietechnologie en services
11 - 50 medewerkers
Rotterdam, South Holland
Naamloze vennootschap
Recruitment, Human Resource Management, Diversity & Inclusion, Artificial Intelligence, HR Tech, Recruitment Tech, SaaS, Gamification, Unbiased Hiring, Team Analysis, Hiring for Cultural Fit, Game-based assessments, Objective hiring, Psychometric tests, Behavioural assessments, Cognitive ability assessment, Candidate experience, Talent Acquisition, Assessments, Volume hiring, Talent Matching, Predictive hiring en Volume recruitment



  • Primair

    Mauritsweg 35

    Rotterdam, South Holland 3012JT, NL

  • Mappin House, 4 Winsley St, Fitzrovia, London W1W 8HF, Verenigd Koninkrijk

    London, United Kingdom W1W 8HF, GB


Medewerkers van Equalture


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    In de huidige krappe arbeidsmarkt is het schrijven van goede vacatures essentieel om talent aan te trekken. Maar hoe pak je dit nu het beste aan? Een sterke vacaturetekst is voor jouw organisatie een kans om een goede eerste indruk achter te laten bij kandidaten en je te onderscheiden van de concurrentie. Hier zijn enkele strategieën om jouw vacatures aantrekkelijker te maken voor nieuw talent: 👉 Zet het salaris in de vacature: Transparantie over salaris (en overige arbeidsvoorwaarden) wekt vertrouwen en trekt kandidaten aan. 👉 Geef doorgroeimogelijkheden aan: Laat zien dat er ruimte is voor groei en ontwikkeling binnen jouw bedrijf. 👉 Zorg voor inclusief taalgebruik: Door gebruik te maken van gender neutrale termen zorg je ervoor dat je niemand buitensluit. 👉 Geef een duidelijke functieomschrijving. Vermijd vage of subjectieve verwoordingen, zoals “geen negen-tot-vijf mentaliteit”. 👉 Houd het relevant en bondig. Zorg dat jouw vacature makkelijk te lezen is. Veel kandidaten scannen door de tekst, dus zorg ervoor dat de belangrijkste punten naar voren komen. Welke strategieën hebben jou geholpen bij het aantrekken van kandidaten? Deel je ervaringen in de comments!

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    Identifying your candidate’s strengths and weaknesses is essential to retain them. We often focus on improving a candidate's weaknesses instead of their strengths. Whereas the biggest gains can be achieved when allowing someone to excel at what they’re already good at. Identifying this journey can be excellent way to retain your candidates. Stephen Rhyne, CEO of ConveYour, shares how an efficient process can positively impact volume recruitment, leading to better hiring decisions and effectiveness of the recruitment process. Curious to learn more about how you can tackle the complexities of volume recruitment? Listen to the full episode by clicking the link in the comments.

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    Do you often stick with the familiar rather than exploring new, potentially better options? 🤔 Consider your daily commute: Are you taking the same route to work daily, despite apps suggesting faster alternatives? This is a classic example of conservatism bias in action. Conservatism bias means we prefer existing evidence over new evidence that might challenge our views. You might find yourself favouring candidates from a particular background, even when there is evidence that others might be more qualified. In hiring, conservatism bias can lead to a homogenous workforce that lacks diversity of thought and perspective. Sound familiar? Here’s how you can help counter conservatism bias in your organisation: ◾Awareness and training. Educate yourself and your team about different types of biases, including conservatism bias. Awareness is the first step towards minimising its impact. ◾ Ensure diverse decision-making panels.This can help counteract conservatism bias by bringing in a range of viewpoints and reducing the likelihood of biased decision-making. ◾ Create structured decision-making processes. This will ensure consistency and minimise the influence of subjective judgments. ◾ Align evaluation criteria and apply them consistently. This ensures that assessments are based on job-related factors rather than influenced by personal biases. ◾ Use objective assessment methods such as skills tests, cognitive ability tests, or simulations, to evaluate candidates’ abilities and performance. Are you interested in learning more about conservatism bias? Click the link in the comments!

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    Wondering where to start with implementing candidate assessments? 🤔 Matthew Parker, Talent Acquisition Leader and host of the Open to Work podcast, explains why understanding your organisation’s decision-making framework is essential to build the right assessment methodology. Curious to learn more about how you can build a fair, unbiased and effective recruitment process? Listen to the full podcast by clicking the link in the comments. 👇

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    Wist je dat game-based assessments jouw efficiëntie als recruiter aanzienlijk kunnen verhogen? Selke Ruijssenaars en Mariolein van der Plas leggen uit hoe zij binnen Young Colfield game-based assessments hebben ingezet om hun wervingsproces inclusiever en efficiënter te maken. Door deze innovatieve aanpak hebben zij meer tijd om persoonlijk contact te leggen met kandidaten en betere selecties te maken. Benieuwd naar hun aanpak? Klik op de link in de comments en bekijk de volledige webinar opname 👇

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    What’s your preferred method for screening candidates? 🔍 We all know screening is a crucial step in the recruitment process. The right method can make all the difference in finding the right candidates for your organisation. There are a lot of options available, and we are curious to know what works best for you. So, what screening method works best for your organisation and why? Let us know by participating in this poll or share your insights in the comments section.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    To ensure you select the right talent, having an efficient process is absolutely essential. In high volume recruitment, finding the right candidates can be challenging. An efficient process that enables you to assess all candidates consistently is crucial to ensure you don’t miss out on valuable talent. Stephen Rhyne, CEO of ConveYour, shares how an efficient process impacts volume recruitment, leading to better hiring decisions and more efficient use of your time as a recruiter. Want to learn more about how you can improve your efficiency in high volume recruitment? Watch or listen to the full podcast episode by clicking the link in the comments 👇

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    Nearly 70 percent of children entering today will do jobs that don’t exist yet 🤯 Are you ready for this shift? The World Economic Forum predicts that while 85 million jobs will disappear, almost 100 million new roles will emerge by next year. As the job market evolves, the demand for specific experiences will decrease, making transferable skills more essential than ever. Competency-based hiring ensures you’re selecting candidates who can adapt and thrive in these new roles. By adopting competency-based hiring now, you can build a team that is not only effective today but also prepared for the jobs of tomorrow. Here’s how you can leverage this approach: 1️⃣ Identify Key Competencies: Determine the skills that make your top performers excel compared to average ones.  2️⃣ Define Must-Have Competencies: Establish these key skills as essential for new hires. Other competencies can help you build a more diverse and versatile team.  3️⃣ Assess and Interview: Use targeted assessments and situational interview questions to evaluate the competencies of your candidates effectively. Want to learn more about how competency-based hiring can future-proof your organisation? Click the link below for the English blog, or check the comments for the Dutch version. https://lnkd.in/eMMx-RiD

    Competency-Based Hiring: Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent

    Competency-Based Hiring: Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Equalture, afbeelding

    9.082 volgers

    Diverse companies are 35% more profitable than non-diverse companies. 📈 Wondering why DE&I boosts company performance? Let's break it down: Organisations thrive on two key factors: high profitability and the invaluable knowledge, skills, and attributes of their employees. Enhancing DE&I can significantly boost both. ◾ Profitability: Companies with inclusive policies, particularly those supporting LGBTQ+ employees, often see higher profitability and better stock market performance. DE&I initiatives foster innovation and better decision-making, leading to increased earnings and reduced operating costs. ◾ Human Capital: Human capital refers to the unique knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees that drive company performance. DE&I initiatives enhance this by attracting highly skilled employees, leading to improved productivity and innovation. Research shows a strong positive relationship between diverse human capital and firm performance. Having DEI policies helps you translate your strong human capital into high company profitability. Does your company have a DE&I policy? Have you noticed the benefits? Share your experiences in the comments! Want to learn more about how DE&I can further improve organisational performance? Check out our in-depth blog linked in the comments.

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