Beta Mobility

Beta Mobility

Forretningsrådgivning og -tjenester

Beta Mobility is a team of mobility experts running an integrated Management Consultancy and Startup Studio.

Om oss

Beta Mobility is an integrated Management Consultancy and Startup Studio specializing in new mobility.

Forretningsrådgivning og -tjenester
2–10 ansatte
Ansvarlig bedrift
mobility, micromobility, smartcity, transportation, logistics, shared mobility, urbanism, technology, startup, entrepreneurship, innovation


Ansatte i Beta Mobility


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    🏗 What is the Role of Property Developers in Urban Mobility? 🚲 Urban integration of mobility, encompassing everything from street planning to neighbourhood design, significantly influences how we move and the modes of transport we choose. Through Beta Mobility’s collaboration with property developers over the past 18 months, we have identified four distinct roles they can assume in mobility planning. Each role varies in terms of investment, control, and potential for influencing behaviour change. Understanding these roles is crucial for property developers. It aids in determining the desired level of involvement, control, impact, and investment. Strategically selecting a role that aligns with their skills, resources, and project goals leads to more efficient planning, smoother execution, and successful project outcomes. Are you interested in identifying the most suitable role in urban mobility planning to ensure alignment with your goals, resources, vision, and impact on behaviour change? - Over the last 18 months, Beta Mobility has been working with real estate developers to help them navigate the evolving landscape of New Mobility within urban development in the Nordics. From our experience, there are emerging a series of macro and regional trends that are going to affect how cities are developed in the future. These trends present both risks and opportunities for real estate developers navigating this new landscape. Over the next few weeks we'll be outlining these trends in our series Navigating New Mobility in Property Development. Want to learn more about how to build for New Mobility? Reach out at: Øyvind Sævig Laura Herzig Johan Høgåsen-Hallesby Robert Joseph Martin Olivia Hecht Stenum

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    Last week Johan Høgåsen-Hallesby went on The Norwegian Road Federation podcast [NO] to discuss where we're at with autonomy and why a full FSD rollout for privately owned cars is not coming anytime soon.

    Allerede på 50-tallet tegnet vi drømmen om selvkjørende biler. Familien koste seg med middag, mens bilen kjørte dem trygt dit de skulle. For selv om det vil ta tid før den selvkjørende bilen kan hente og kjøre deg hjem, er selvkjørende ferger og kanskje busser nærmere virkeligheten. I den nyeste episoden av Opplysningsrådet er Jenny Simonsen (She/Her) fra ITS Norway og Johan Høgåsen-Hallesby fra Beta Mobility gjester. Vi spør hvor langt er selvkjøringen kommet, hvilke aktører er på banen, og trenger vi det egentlig? Hør episoden her: Rikard Gaarder Knutsen & Mikkel Friis

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    Vis profilen til Øyvind Sævig, grafisk

    Partner and co-founder Beta Mobility

    📈 Is the Nordic Mobility Startup Scene Losing Momentum? 📉 So far in 2024, we have seen more stories of shutdowns and bankruptcies than successful growth stories. This is, of course, unfortunate but an expected consequence of the more bearish funding climate. This can also explain the dip in new mobility startups being founded compared to the peak in 2020. While there is a certain lag from when a company is founded until it pops up on our radar, quite a few startups still need to emerge from 2022 until today to be consistent with what we've seen in prior years. On the whole, we are far from achieving sustainable mobility. The gap between our current state and our climate goals is more likely to be bridged together with new players than by incumbents alone. In other words: this is not a positive development. Please, let us know if we’ve missed a mobility startup that has been founded in the last few years or if there are significant changes to an existing company on the list. You will find a link to the open database in comments. --------- Why do Beta Mobility focus on mobility startups specifically? We believe they play an instrumental part in driving the much-needed change in the mobility ecosystems. They represent new ideas, solutions, and business models that will challenge the status quo. For this reason we have been tracking Nordic mobility startups over time. We do this to: 🤓 Understand new technologies and business models. 📈 Follow what resonates in the market and what may not. 🤝 Identify good candidates for collaboration, piloting, and innovation. Disclaimer: This list will never be complete, it is largely based on our research and incoming through the submission form (link in comments). However, we do our best to keep it updated and haven't found a more comprehensive list for the Nordics yet.

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    How do we ensure a holistic and efficient collaboration between the city and real estate development when it comes to bike infrastructure? This week Johan Høgåsen-Hallesby discussed these matters with Marit Kristine Vea, Eline Strøm-Gundersen, Øystein Thorup, and Iwan Thomson. Two topics we found particularly interesting to dive into were how we can align development plans making sure connectivity and bike lanes are in sync with bike-optimized real estate projects. Secondly, how a bike-based lifestyle also tends to come with other mobility behaviors new development projects need to design for such as increased use of car-sharing and grocery delivery. Thanks for hosting Fredensborg Bolig AS and Syklistforeningen!

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    🇳🇱 A lot of great conversations in the Netherlands this week! ✔️ Kicking it off with our pre-conference canal cruise in Amsterdam with friends in the mobility industry. ✔️ Hosted a panel @ Micromobility Industries on the pursuit of operational excellence with a good group of operators, vehicle producers, and enabling software. #MMEurope ✔️ Wrapping it all up with a deep dive into mobility challenges in Rotterdam at Urban Future. #UF24

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    🚲 What impact does mandated bicycle parking have on the way we build? 🅿️ Increasing cycling can reduce CO2 emissions, pollution, and benefit communities. However, a lack of bicycle parking spaces is a major barrier to cycling uptake. A new EU directive to decarbonise building stock will enforce strict rules about the provision of bicycle parking in new developments or significantly renovated buildings. Two bicycle parking spaces will need to be provided for every residential unit, including a provision for cargo bikes. The mandated provision of bicycle parking is not a new concept in Nordic cities. However, property developers often try to minimise the cost of providing parking by placing the parking spaces in leftover areas within the development, leading to underutilisation of bicycles and higher demand for private car spaces. The location of the bicycle parking is critically important. The placement, accessibility, and level of security of parking are all crucial factors in determining bicycle use. Are you ready to provide the necessary infrastructure and comply with the new EU legislation that ensures effective bicycle parking facilities are being properly established and utilised? - Over the last 18 months, Beta Mobility has been working with real estate developers to help them navigate the evolving landscape of New Mobility within urban development in the Nordics. From our experience, there are emerging a series of macro and regional trends that are going to affect how cities are developed in the future. These trends present both risks and opportunities for real estate developers navigating this new landscape. Over the next few weeks we'll be outlining these trends in our series Navigating New Mobility in Property Development. Want to learn more about how to build for New Mobility? Reach out at: Øyvind Sævig Laura Herzig Johan Høgåsen-Hallesby Robert Joseph Martin Olivia Hecht Stenum

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    ⚡ How does a growing demand for electric vehicles affect the way we build? 🔌 In 2023, the purchase of electric cars (EVs) outnumbered that of petrol cars in Denmark. This shift has been driven by a growing awareness of climate change and government policies aimed at decarbonising the transport sector. EVs are not a 1:1 replacement for internal combustion engines. They require a new ecosystem of infrastructure for charging. The question is, how do we provide this infrastructure? The majority of house owners will simply charge their vehicles at home. Public charging stations will also be available along motorways and major roads. But what about those living in inner-city apartments and those needing to charge at work? A new EU directive to decarbonise building stock will enforce strict rules about the provision of charging infrastructure in new developments or significantly renovated buildings. Are you ready to provide the necessary infrastructure and comply with the new EU legislation? - Over the last 18 months, Beta Mobility has been working with real estate developers to help them navigate the evolving landscape of New Mobility within urban development in the Nordics. From our experience, there are emerging a series of macro and regional trends that are going to affect how cities are developed in the future. These trends present both risks and opportunities for real estate developers navigating this new landscape. Over the next few weeks we'll be outlining these trends in our series Navigating New Mobility in Property Development. Want to learn more about how to build for New Mobility? Reach out at: Øyvind Sævig Laura Herzig Johan Høgåsen-Hallesby Robert Joseph Martin Olivia Hecht Stenum

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    This Sunday the 2nd of June, Beta Mobility partner, Robert Joseph Martin will be giving a keynote at Impact the Future's Future Living Festival in BaneGaarden on the topic Future Mobility: Beyond electric cars for happier, healthier and sustainable cities. The keynote will include: 🌿 The current state of transport's decarbonisation efforts in the Nordics and globally. 🚘 An insight into our AI car-mapping tool, AutoAtlas. 🔮 Strategies to think about the future of mobility that don't replicate our existing car-dominant planning paradigms. Following the keynote, Beta Mobility will moderate a discussion between nabogo, Urban Impact, and GoPlugable - (We are fundraising SEIS/EIS) on how citizens can be involved in how we re-think mobility. _ Future Living is a free one-day festival where citizens, companies, academia and public officials come together to collectively discuss how we can create the sustainable and inclusive cities of our futures.

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    Vis profilen til Johan Høgåsen-Hallesby, grafisk

    Mobility Entrepreneur / Angel Investor / Co-founder Beta Mobility

    Smart and efficient operation is at the core of profitable mobility. Come join me, Haya Verwoord Douidri, Timo Buetefisch, Ryan Leidigh, Adam Benz, and Alexander Matveenko as we discuss operations of optimal supply and demand in an efficient mobility fleet. Wednesday, June 5th @ 11.25 on the City Stage at Micromobility Europe in Amsterdam. Beta Mobility | Bolt | Cooltra | Mapbox | Hydroride | Rainbow Weather | Micromobility Industries

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