ONAU | Going Net Zero

ONAU | Going Net Zero

Desenvolvimento de software

Sobre nós

The best-in-class energy transition assessment based on accurate measurement Guiding SMEs through their decarbonization journey

Desenvolvimento de software
Tamanho da empresa
2-10 funcionários
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Net Zero, Energy Transition, Descarbonization e Climate Solutions


Funcionários da ONAU | Going Net Zero


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    📊 Digitalize Your Product's Carbon Footprint with LCA 📊 Did you know that digitalizing your product's life cycle information can significantly boost your sustainability efforts? Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) provides: 🔴 Detailed, digital, and verified impact estimates. 🔴 Insights for better ecodesign and decision-making. 🔴 A competitive edge by differentiating your product from more polluting competitors. ONAU’s digital services help you calculate and manage your product emissions, ensuring compliance with both internal and client requirements. Curious about how LCA can benefit your business? Let’s discuss! #LCA #SustainableProducts #EcoDesign #GreenManufacturing #Innovation

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    This Deloitte survey revealed that over 40% of Gen Z and millennials would change jobs over climate concerns underscores a critical shift in workforce values ❗ This demographic is not only demanding corporate responsibility but is also willing to act on it, influencing workplace policies and consumer markets. Employers must recognize that sustainability is no longer a peripheral issue but central to attracting and retaining top talent. Investing in genuine climate action, sustainability education, and green initiatives will be essential for future-proofing businesses. How is your organization responding to this shift? Let's discuss your strategies and experiences in the comments 💭 #Sustainability #ESG #ClimateAction #FutureOfWork #CorporateResponsibility

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    Understanding Science-Based Targets (SBTIs) and Their Benefits 🔍 What are SBTIs❓ Science-Based Targets (SBTIs) are greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals that companies set to align with the latest climate science, aiming to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement. What are the Benefits of SBTIs for Companies❓ - Respond to Client Demands: Many large clients require their supply chains to align with SBTIs. Failing to do so can risk losing contracts with these significant customers. - Enhanced Reputation: Commitment to climate goals builds trust with customers, investors, and stakeholders. - Risk Management: Mitigating climate-related risks ensures long-term business sustainability. - Operational Efficiency: Reducing emissions leads to energy efficiency and cost savings. How ONAU Supports SBTIs❓ At ONAU, we make it easy for businesses to set and achieve their science-based targets through our comprehensive SaaS platform: 😁 Easy Alignment: Align with SBTI targets directly through our platform. 📲 Streamlined Submission: Avoid the complexities of submitting SBTI forms. Our platform handles the intricacies, allowing you to focus on your sustainability goals. 📈 Progress Tracking: Use customizable graphs to track and measure reduction goals. Want to know more? Reach us out! #SBTI #ScienceBasedTargets #ClimateAction #Sustainability #Decarbonization #GreenBusiness

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    Nokia's Climate Commitment: What does it mean for SMEs? 🚀 Nokia has announced its ambitious goal to achieve net zero GHG emissions across its operations and value chain by 2040, setting a new benchmark in the tech industry. This commitment, accelerating their previous target by ten years, isn't just a win for the planet—it's a signal to businesses everywhere, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Here's the deal: A significant chunk (95%) of Nokia's carbon footprint comes from its value chain—those Scope 3 emissions we hear so much about. To tackle this, Nokia isn't just looking inward; they're transforming their entire ecosystem, aiming for 50% reduction in all Scopes in 2030. 💥 Why should SMEs care? Because the future of doing business is green. Large corporations like Lidl España, El Corte Inglés, Leroy Merlin have also set targets to reduce their Scope 3, and their suppliers are now in the spotlight. If your client requieres you to share your footprint, and you refuse, you can risk losing a very important client. It's no longer a question of if SMEs should start measuring and managing their emissions, but how quickly they can start. 💡 Do you want to know how? At Onau, we make beginning your journey effortless and cost-effective, leveraging technology to eliminate obstacles in the process. Let us tell you more about it! 📲

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    Really enjoyed joining this this coffee-chat last week with Cristina García-Mochales. It was a great opportunity to connect with industry peers and dive into the latest trends in #climatetech 😊 Looking forward to the next one!

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    English guy in Spanish VC

    At this point becoming a regular occurrence, but still very proud to see edition #6 of ☕ Climate Coffee [Madrid] convening another 60+ people to chat all things #climate and #impact, this time in beautiful En Bruto cafe in Justicia. Conversations were wide-ranging and covered: 🍻 All things vertical farming and saving the brewing industry with Ines Sagrario [Ekonoke] and Christopher Bjork [Lead by Thought] 🏭 Infra, infra, infra, and the challenges asset-light climate start-ups are facing with inflated valuations with Jose Maria Garcia [Gratix] and Ciro Alberto Cuenca Ruiz [EDP Ventures] 🚲 Building an e-mobility business in Spain when major cities are not bike-friendly with Erik Ojantakanen [Rhyde ] 📊 Mid-term perspectives on how the carbon accounting + ESG reporting spaces will look as businesses develop with Fernando Lelo de Larrea H. [Rumbo Ventures] 😇 Angel investing in climate and impact in Southern Europe with Ignacio Lago Fernandez [COREangels Climate] Interested in the next event? Sign up here - bit.ly/climatemadrid Want to help us organise events in other cities? Drop me or Miguel de Ros a message...

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    ❓ ¿Qué son los 3 sellos de Huella de Carbono para empresas del #MITECO? Son distintivos oficiales que certifican que una empresa ha calculado (calculo), reducido (reduzco) y compensado (compenso) las emisiones de carbono generadas por su actividad. ❓ ¿Por qué deberías registrar tu huella de carbono en MITECO? - Regulación: según la ley de cambio climático en 2024 las empresas de +500 empleados (+50 en Valencia y Baleares) están obligadas a calcular y verificar - Cumplir con las exigencias de tus cliente: Para registrar sus emisiones indirectas, tu cliente necesitará tu huella de carbono como proveedor. ¡No te arriesgues a perder contratos clave! ⚠ - Mejora tu imagen y reputación como empresa responsable. - Accede a beneficios fiscales y otras ventajas (+ puntos en licitaciones, subvenciones, ayudas públicas...) ❓ ¿Cómo podemos ayudarte desde ONAU? En Onau afrontamos este reto de forma digital. Nuestra plataforma software te permitirá calcular y verificar tu huella de carbono de forma sencilla, rápida y rentable. Calcula en días, y no meses. ¿Te contamos más? ⬇

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    🔵 How to unlock Financial Growth measuring your emissions: Today, your Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) is not just a measure of environmental impact—it's a strategic advantage for accessing green financing But, how to? By quantifying your environmental impact, your business can unlock: 💲 Lower Interest Rates: Secure competitive bank loans with favorable terms. 🚀 Boost Investment Appeal: Attract investors by minimizing risks. 💰 Access Green Finance: Tap into lucrative opportunities in renewable energy, photovoltaics, and climate transition initiatives. At Onau, we stand at the forefront of integrating sustainability with financial growth. Are you interested in knowing more? Contact us and we can tell you everything about it!

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    Hi community! We want to hear your opinion 👀 At ONAU, helping companies reduce their emissions is our ultimate goal. Which corporate-led initiative do you think will make the most significant impact in advancing global decarbonization efforts?

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    Exciting News from ONAU 🚀 We're very excited to share that ONAU's Carbon Measurement Solution is now featured in Daniel Lösch's AtlasZero Global guide for SaaS Sustainability Solutions. This inclusion distinguishes ONAU as the only provider in Spain & Portugal 🔴 offering a one-stop-shop decarbonization solution, including in our services: ♻ Measurement: Detailed carbon footprint assessment. ♻ Reduction Plans: Tailored strategies for lowering emissions. ♻ Implementation of Reduction Measures: Solar Panels, Green energy, EVs... Check all about it here: https://lnkd.in/dzqzPMJS #ONAU #Sustainability #CarbonFootprint #Decarbonization #SaaS #GreenTech #Portugal #Spain

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