Our commitment and values | Rewilding Europe

Our commitment and values

Making a positive change

Our commitment and values

Making a positive change

At Rewilding Europe, we believe that we have a responsibility to help shape a sustainable and wilder future for our continent. The inclusive, holistic approach to the way we operate cares for people, has a net positive impact on climate, and collaborates respectfully with local teams and numerous partners. In actively working towards a better world, we aim to lead the way in realising positive change.

Our dedication

Nature positive

Rewilding Europe is committed to the global goal of halting and reversing nature loss by 2030 and realising a full recovery by 2050. Underpinned by a profound dedication to the restoration of ecosystems and their biodiversity, our mission is to demonstrate the benefits of wilder nature through the rewilding of diverse European landscapes, inspiring and enabling others to engage in rewilding by providing tools and practical expertise. We collaborate with a range of local partners as we work to make this vision a reality.

Carbon & climate

In addition to offsetting our carbon, we have set targets to reducing our carbon emissions, implementing a conscientious travel policy and encouraging eco-friendly travel choices. Eliminating our carbon emissions is just a first step. Fixing our climate will require the substantial removal of carbon from the atmosphere, which can be achieved with nature’s help. Rewetting peatlands, for example, can change them from carbon sources to carbon sinks, while the rewilding of forests can also help to lock up atmospheric carbon. The restoration of wildlife populations could also play a game-changing role in stabilising our climate. Nature is our best ally in fighting climate change.

Good governance

At Rewilding Europe, we take corporate responsibility seriously. We believe in transparency and good governance. Our commitment to integrity is reflected in our policies, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism through our code of conduct. We take a zero-tolerance approach towards fraud, corruption and inappropriate behaviour. Read more on our Public Disclosures page.

Corporate engagement

Recognising the vital role that the corporate sector can and should play in advancing nature recovery, we actively seek partnerships with progressive, environmentally and socially responsible businesses. Through this collaboration, which is guided by our Principles of Corporate Engagement, we aim to unlock powerful synergies that benefit both nature and society, fostering positive change and a lasting impact.

Diversity and inclusivity

We embrace diversity within our organisation. Our team encompasses a wide range of nationalities, cultures, perspectives and experiences. We strive to create a welcoming environment for all people who want to help us progress rewilding in Europe and believe that everyone is different yet equally valuable. We acknowledge the ongoing need to improve inclusivity in our organisation and foster an inclusive organisational culture by learning and taking action.

Respectful collaborations

Collaboration is a cornerstone of our work. We engage respectfully with local teams, partners, and stakeholders, recognising that together we can achieve more. Through cooperation, we build lasting relationships that contribute to the well-being of nature and society.


Our actions prioritise the well-being of individuals, both within our organisation, and in the communities where we operate. This involves creating a positive and supportive work environment for our team members, and respecting the rights and culture of local communities, including indigenous and marginalised peoples.

Empowering younger generations

Young people are the future of rewilding. Through the European Young Rewilders network we actively engage and empower younger generations, enabling them to drive the rewilding movement forward with passion, expertise, and commitment.

Rewilding Principles

In 2019, Rewilding Europe convened a meeting of leading rewilding practitioners from across Europe. Together we co-formulated a set of rewilding principles that guide rewilding efforts across Europe. These principles not only help to characterise rewilding, but also inspire collective action and communication, playing a vital role in scaling up efforts to protect and enhance nature.

Our core values


We take bold steps to lead the way in rewilding and conservation. Through innovation and trailblazing initiatives, we push boundaries and set new standards for ecological restoration.


We foster creative, entrepreneurial thinking to identify and realise practical solutions to sometimes complex environmental challenges. Our ability to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world defines our success.


We work to scale up positive action and impact by setting an example. Our efforts motivate others to join the rewilding movement and become champions of conservation.


We empower individuals and communities to take ownership of their environments. By providing resources, knowledge, and opportunities, we enable others to become stewards of nature.


Practicality is the key to achieving our goals. We focus on tangible actions that produce real-world results, ensuring that our efforts translate into positive impact.


Our optimism fuels our determination. We believe in the potential for positive change and approach challenges with a hopeful outlook.


We are unwavering in our commitment to rewilding and the realisation of a wilder Europe. Dedication to our mission drives us forward and helps us achieve our goals and targets.

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