Climate Finance Access Network - RMI

Climate Finance Access Network

What Is CFAN?

The Climate Finance Access Network (CFAN) aims to unlock and accelerate climate finance at scale by deploying highly trained climate finance advisors to supplement capacity in developing countries’ governments and direct access entities. These embedded advisors work to develop high-quality projects and to build lasting national capacity that will ultimately maximize adaptation and mitigation outcomes.

Why It Matters

Although the volume of climate finance pledged and made available by developed nations for developing countries has increased, the system for accessing that finance has become highly complex. Most capacity-constrained and vulnerable countries lack sufficient capacity to navigate the system, resulting in a climate finance bottleneck that is mutually frustrating for those providing finance as well as those urgently trying to access it.

What We’re Doing

CFAN brings together almost two dozen regional and global member initiatives experienced in building in-country climate finance capacity. Member initiatives with the required experience and presence in countries will act as implementing partners and enroll advisors. Advisors participate in a state-of-the-art, cohort-based, multi-month intensive training program that grounds participants in a deep understanding of the climate finance ecosystem and prepares them to unlock finance flows. From climate finance fundamentals to region-tailored strategy, the training is designed to grow national and regional capacity by providing participants with the expertise required to accelerate finance for climate investments.

CFAN provides ongoing technical support to advisors while also building long-term capacity on the ground through in-country trainings for civil servants. Following its leadership role in designing CFAN, RMI serves as network coordinator, building on and enhancing the impact of existing climate finance initiatives.


Visit the CFAN website to learn more about the network

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CFAN in Canary Media

Canary Media writes about the 'cruelty' of the climate finance system and how CFAN has been designed to address it.

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The Climate Finance Access Network supports developing countries in securing and structuring finance for climate investments.

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Canada Announces CA$9.5 Million for the Climate Finance Access Network

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that Canada will contribute CA$9.5 million to the Climate Finance Access Network to support developing nations in accessing funding to fight climate change.

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Country Demand Brochure

105 respondents from 45 developing countries completed a survey aimed at assessing demand for Climate Finance advisors, identifying priority activities for advisors, and describing the profile of the advisor. Those results can be explored here.

Program Document

In response to a clear demand signal from developing countries struggling to access climate finance, a group of organizations has convened to establish the Climate Finance Access Network (CFAN), which will increase the number and caliber of in-country climate finance advisors.

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RMI Introduces the Climate Finance Access Network at COP25, 2019

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Market Testing a Climate Finance Access Service, 2018

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Unsnarling Climate Finance Gridlock, 2018

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