James Sherwood - RMI
James Sherwood

James Sherwood

  • Global South

James is a principal with RMI’s Global South Program, where he helps lead RMI’s Africa Energy Program and supports RMI’s US Electricity Program. He is an experienced project leader and power systems expert working across North America and sub-Saharan Africa, particularly on the technical integration and economic evaluation of distributed energy resources, including solar PV and batteries and hybrid minigrid systems. He has worked with over a dozen utilities to design innovative business models and strategies for these technologies and has separately advised regulators and government agencies on policy design to drive appropriate support and cost-effective subsidy design.


In Nigeria, James has worked extensively with the Rural Electrification Agency, distribution utilities, and development partners to create strategies for increasing electricity and access, particularly focusing on the implementation of interconnected minigrids and DERs, and productive use stimulation. James previously led RMI’s US Electricity practice work on innovative rate design and modeling of the grid integration of distributed energy resources. This work ranged from developing a strategy for the US Navy to increase resilience on installations through cost-saving distributed resource options to evaluating the operational benefits and costs of batteries and solar photovoltaics deployed on utility distribution grids. James advised the New York Public Service Commission on its Reforming the Energy Vision Initiative and supports RMI’s Electricity Innovation Lab, a collaborative network of stakeholders working to address cutting-edge electricity system issues.


M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University
B.S., Environmental Studies, Sonoma State University (summa cum laude)
Member, Power and Energy Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Boulder, CO