

At SchoolOps we are constantly thinking about every detail that goes into running an operationally excellent school or organization. We train teams, coach leaders, and provide the resources your organization needs to be highly effective.

Our Clients

Our Services

Bring the SchoolOps team into your school or organization to conduct interviews, evaluate standard operating procedures and review key operational outcomes. We’ll create a structured report of strengths, improvement areas, and recommendations for your team to achieve operational excellence.

SchoolOps can support teams that are looking to execute or improve a specific operational project such as systematizing compliance, increasing enrollment, or creating a budget, schedule, and staffing plan that achieves your organizational goals. If there’s an operational project that your team has to get right, reach out to us to learn more about how we can partner.  

SchoolOps runs Communities of Practice (CoPs) that strike the right balance between our four core elements of operational learning:

  • Directly teach new operational frameworks and hard skills.
  • Provide opportunities to reflect on learning and implementation with peers in similar roles.
  • Walk through the SchoolOps library of resources, templates and exemplars that participants can tweak and turnkey in their own organizations.
  • Guide participants through structured work time to apply their learning immediately at their own schools and organizations.
  • Whether you’d like to enroll a single staff member in our flagship CoP, or partner with our team to create a custom CoP for the operations staff across your organization, SchoolOps can support your team with a learning experience that teaches skills while building teams and networks.

SchoolOps can work with you to create a custom professional learning session or series designed specifically for your team. Whether you want to support your team to achieve an organizational goal, design role-specific training, or just chat and learn what’s possible, reach out to our team for a consultation.

SchoolOps supports current and rising operations leaders within organizations to accelerate their growth while connecting them to a library of resources, templates, and exemplars. Invest in your top stars and rising leaders to ensure that they move your operations forward every day and receive the support they need to thrive.

Partner with SchoolOps to design a recruiting and hiring process that finds the perfect fit. Our team will design interview questions and work products, evaluate submissions, and participate in interviews. Together, we’ll attract, identify, and hire operational excellence onto your team.

The SchoolOps Story

Anders founded SchoolOps to ensure that schools and organizations have access to high quality, role-appropriate professional learning for their operations teams.

Previously, Anders served as the Founding Director of Operations for a school in Baltimore. Over his tenure there, he grew the school’s operations from scratch, ultimately serving nearly five hundred students while consistently outperforming peer schools. Finding that there was no professional learning built specifically for operations professionals, Anders traveled widely to shadow other school operations leaders, meet with mentors, and piece together resources for himself and his operations team. 

Afterwards, he joined SchoolKit – an instructional professional development organization – as their Director of Operations and Innovation. Experiencing the abundance of high quality professional learning in the instructional world compared with the absence in the operational world inspired Anders to found SchoolOps.

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