


Ratos is a business group. We develop companies headquartered in the Nordics that are or can become market leaders.

Om oss

Ratos is a group with focus on technology and infrastructure solutions, consisting of 16 companies. Our business concept is to develop mid-sized companies headquartered in the Nordics that are or can become market leaders. We enable independent mid-sized companies to excel by being part of something larger. Everything we do is based on Ratos’s core values: Simplicity, Speed in Execution and It’s All About People.

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Anställda på Ratos


  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    Q2 2024 report today: Increased earnings, strong cash flows and high order intake “EBITA for the quarter increased 2% and profit for the period rose 8%. The EBITA margin increased to 12.1%. Sales in the quarter fell 9% but the order intake was strong", says Jonas Wiström, President and CEO, Ratos, in a first comment on the earnings. Press release: https://lnkd.in/dF9JxD2B

    Ratos AB: Increased earnings, strong cash flows and high order intake


  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    😀📢 Starting the week with happy news about the development in the Ratos company SSEA Group: Secures new contracts including construction of arena area worth SEK 800 million! The construction group SSEA Group has secured four new contracts in its important geographic regions of Stockholm and Gothenburg in Sweden, of which the largest is worth SEK 800 million and was signed with the municipality of Kungälv in the Gothenburg area. The contract pertains to the development and construction of a new arena area with a swimming facility, two indoor ice rinks, two sports halls and an ice stadium. The total value of all four new contracts is approximately SEK 1.1 billion. All four projects will be carried out as partnering projects, with SSEA Group involved in the early stages and thus in the development phase. “SSEA Group has added four excellent projects to its backlog of orders that are entirely in line with our business model and our strategic focus on conducting partnering projects together with our customers. We’re pleased that our customers have entrusted us with these assignments and look forward to many years of rewarding collaboration,” says Christian Johansson Gebauer, Chairman of the Board of SSEA Group and President, Business Area Construction & Services, Ratos. 🙌👏 Great job Christian Wieland, CEO of SSEA Group and Team - keep up the good work! More info about the four new contacts in the full Press release: https://lnkd.in/drP3xRse

    Ratos company SSEA Group secures new contracts including construction of arena area worth SEK 800 million


  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    😊📣 Happy to share some great news today: Ratos company Presis Infra AS secures new contracts amounting to NOK 3 billion in the first half of 2024 During the first half of 2024, Ratos company Presis Infra, which specialises in the maintenance of critical infrastructure including ferry quay operation and maintenance, and rockfall protection in Norway and Sweden, was awarded new contracts amounting to NOK 3 billion. In total, there are nine new contracts in both Norway and Sweden, signed with existing customers, with terms from 2024 to 2030. “As we summarise the first half of 2024, we can state that Presis Infra’s development has been positive and that the company’s establishment in Sweden, which began in 2023, is progressing well. Maintenance of critical infrastructure will play an important role in the future in Norway and Sweden, and Presis Infra has what it takes to succeed and the expertise to do so in a cost-efficient and sustainable manner,” says Christian Johansson Gebauer, Board member of Presis Infra and President, Business Area Construction & Services, Ratos. The contracts were signed with Norwegian municipalities, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) and the Swedish Transport Administration, and the projects are spread throughout Norway and in Järna in Sweden. 👲👏 Hats off to Eivind Iden, CEO of Presis Infra, with Team! Keep it up! Press release: https://lnkd.in/dyF_mkWP #maintananceofcriticalinfrastructure #sustainability #newcontracts

    Ratos company Presis Infra secures new contracts amounting to NOK 3 billion in the first half of 2024


  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    Ratos is proud owner: HENT AS - wins billion-krone contract for two stations on the new Fornebubanen metro line in Oslo HENT and Fornebubanen have signed an agreement for the construction of the two stations Fornebuporten and Flytårnet on the new Fornebubanen metro line in Oslo, Norway. The contract is valued at NOK 1.67 billion. “HENT has added another exciting and prestigious contract to its already impressive order book. The company is a community builder in its truest sense. Thanks to our unique experience built up over many years, we can contribute to the residents of Oslo being able to travel climate smart in the future,” says Christian Johansson Gebauer, Chairman of the Board of HENT and President, Business Area Construction & Services, Ratos. Hats off to Jan K. Jahren and Team HENT - keep up the good work! (Full Press Release in the comments)

    Visa organisationssidan för HENT AS, grafik

    18 361 följare

    Vi skal bygge Fornebuporten og Flytårnet stasjon🚇🏗 Fornebubanen har tirsdag signert kontrakt med HENT AS for den første rene stasjonskontrakten i prosjektet Fornebubanen. Prosjektet har oppstart allerede i september i år og arbeidene skal ferdigstilles i løpet av 2027. Vi takker Fornebubanen for tilliten, ser frem til et godt samarbeid i årene fremover og gleder oss til oppstart! Les mer om prosjektet her 👇 https://lnkd.in/dveYaFHz #teamhent #fremtidensbygg #bærekraft #byggebransjen

    Signerte milliardkontrakt med Fornebubanen

    Signerte milliardkontrakt med Fornebubanen


  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    🌍😊🔊 Great news today! Ratos Company Semcon’s climate target approved by the Science Based Targets initiative “We are proud that Semcon has now had its climate goal approved by SBTi. It shows that Semcon's own climate work is scientifically based, and it is another important piece of the puzzle in Ratos's group-wide sustainability work. It is a result of purposeful work at Semcon and a conviction that everyone needs to contribute to the journey towards net-zero” says Josefine Uppling, Vice President Communication & Sustainability, Ratos. Markus Granlund, Heidi Östlund and Team Semcon - thank you for excellent, purposeful and long-term work to help your customers contribute to a more sustainable society - that's what is really profitable in the long run! (Full press release in the comments)

    Visa organisationssidan för Semcon, grafik

    46 824 följare

    Semcon’s climate target has now been validated and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). “While our largest possibility to contribute to the shift to a net-zero society is through our customer projects, we ourselves must do what is required of all companies and organisations right now. The approval of our climate target by the SBTi validates that our commitment is in line with the 1.5°C ambition,” says Markus Granlund, CEO of #Semcon. To halve our emissions by 2030 has been Semcon’s target for several years and we are continuously taking actions to turn our ambition into reality. Because action is of course what matters in the end. Read more in our press release, link in comment. #Sustainability #NetZero #ScienceBasedTargetsinitiative

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    Exciting news today - the growth journey continues - ad-on acquisition #20 since 2021: Ratos company LEDiL to acquire Ingemann Components A/S LEDiL, the global market leader in secondary optics for LED lighting, is joining forces with the northern European leader in optical diffusive and reflective components: Ingemann Components. LEDiL has signed an agreement to acquire all the shares of Ingemann, creating a combined company that will serve as a one-stop shop for indoor lighting manufacturers. As a result of the complementary offerings of LEDiL and Ingemann, LEDiL will accelerate Ingemann's geographic expansion through its global sales and distribution network. Ingemann also creates a platform for further growth in large-scale optics. "Add-on acquisitions are a core part of Ratos's strategy, and since 2021, we have completed 19 add-on acquisitions. With complementary offerings and LEDiL's global customer relationships coupled with proven operational excellence, this acquisition has all the prerequisites to drive profitable growth. LEDiL's acquisition of Ingemann will create synergies and benefit the customers," says Jonas Wiström, Chairman of the Board of LEDiL and President & CEO of Ratos. https://lnkd.in/dKX-PEgK

    Ratos company LEDiL to acquire Ingemann Components


  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    Great to see Ratos company Knightec in collaboration with their costumers Scania Group & Granitor in their joined project Let's Uptech at TV4 Nyhetsmorgon. Way to go - you make a difference!

    Visa organisationssidan för Knightec, grafik

    17 319 följare

    This week, Let's Uptech was featured on TV4 Nyhetsmorgon to highlight how our school collaboration initiative with Scania Group and Granitor has sparked students' passion for technology and engineering. During the segment, Yosef Werede Tedros shared his inspiring journey—from joining Let's Uptech at 15 and winning the scholarship task in 2015 to now thriving as a computer engineer at Knightec. Alongside him, Christian Levin, CEO of Scania Group & TRATON GROUP and a board member of Let's Uptech, discussed the critical shortage of civil engineers in various fields. They also addressed new statistics showing a worrying lack of interest in technology and science among primary school students. Let's Uptech is dedicated to bridging the gap between students and the engineering world. The initiative partners with 19 schools and reaches nearly 1,500 children each year. Together, we are making a difference. -> Watch the full segment from TV4 Nyhetsmorgon here: https://lnkd.in/dYHzYVTj If you want to know more about Let's Uptech and how to take part, contact Elvira Ahlring, head of Let's Uptech. Knightec - Your Strategic Partner in Product and Service Development #knightec #forwardtogether #joinus

    Skolprojekt ska motverka ingenjörsbrist. ”Behövs hundratals”

    Skolprojekt ska motverka ingenjörsbrist. ”Behövs hundratals”


  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    Recently we received some really good news from our Norwegian construction company HENT AS. Despite the tough construction market, the company does business like never before. Hats off for a fantastic job CEO Jan K. Jahren with Team - we look forward to following this large and impressive project. (Press Release, in English, from Ratos from last week --> posted in the comments!)

    Visa organisationssidan för HENT AS, grafik

    18 361 följare

    Vi skal bygge Nye Bodø lufthavn ✈🏗 Avinor har tildelt HENT den siste, store kontrakten for lufthavnen, og oppdraget er å bygge ny passasjerterminal og flere andre driftsbygg. Konkurransen har vært tøff og vi er svært takknemlige for tilliten. Konsernsjef i HENT, Jan K. Jahren:  –Vi er selvfølgelig svært tilfredse med at Avinor valgte oss. Det har vært en lang og grundig prosess under hele anbudsarbeidet, der vi har involvert hele bredden av selskapets kompetanse sammen med flere eksterne samarbeidspartnere. At dette teamarbeidet også ga som resultat at vårt svar på tildelingskriteriene pris, oppgaveforståelse og prosjektorganisasjon, at vi gikk seirende ut av konkurransen, er en stor anerkjennelse for hele HENT og tilhørende samarbeidspartnere. Nå ser vi frem mot oppstart av første fase, hvor vi sammen med Avinor og våre andre samarbeidspartnere skal optimalisere hele prosjektet. I fellesskap skal vi finne frem til de beste løsningene og felles målpris. Deretter starter selve byggingen og etter planen kan første fly ta av i 2029! Les mer: Norconsult | LPO arkitekter | Archus #teamhent #fremtidensbygg #byggebransjen #bodø Illustrasjon: Avinor/ NorConsult/ LPO/ Archus

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Ratos, grafik

    7 652 följare

    Many thanks to all our amazing colleagues who made this year's edition of The Ratos Summit such a fantastic day! Yesterday, all 17 companies in the Ratos Group gathered in Stockholm for a full day on the theme "Future-Proof Business". Special thanks to our external speakers who contributed in the most excellent way to increase our understanding of Operational Excellence, and our Operational Environment, including the new security situation, AI, connectivity, energy supply, the macroeconomic situation and the current investment landscape. Björn Rosengren Örjan Olsson Patrik Gardesten Mats Granryd Danica Kragic Kristin Magnusson Bernard

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