Testa Center

Testa Center

Forskning inom bioteknik

Boländerna, Uppsala County 3 133 följare

A test bed for biology and technology for production of biological products

Om oss

A test bed for biology and technology for production of biological products

Forskning inom bioteknik
2–10 anställda
Boländerna, Uppsala County
Biotechnology, Cell Therapy, Chromatography och Pharmaceuticals


Anställda på Testa Center


  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    Fantastiska nyheter för life science-sektorn i Sverige! Vi, tre av landets främsta innovationsinfrastrukturer Testa Center, NorthX Biologics och CCRM Nordic, står enade för att stödja små och medelstora företag genom Vinnovas nya utlysning. Vi ser fram emot att bidra till utvecklingen av precisionsmedicin och att tillsammans med Vinnova skapa nya möjligheter för innovation. Tillsammans är vi starka och gör skillnad! Länk till utlysningen: https://lnkd.in/dbm3mtjH ----- Great news for the life science sector in Sweden! We, three of the country's leading innovation infrastructures Testa Center, NorthX Biologics och CCRM Nordic, stand united to support small and medium-sized companies through Vinnova's new call for proposals. We look forward to contributing to the development of precision medicine and to creating new opportunities for innovation together with Vinnova. Together we stand strong and make a difference! Link to the call: https://lnkd.in/dbm3mtjH

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    🎉We are thrilled to announce the 30th BIO-Europe Pre-event that will take place November 3rd at Testa Center in Uppsala, Sweden. 🎉 At BIO-Europe, the latest breakthroughs and advancements in the biotech industry will be showcased, providing a platform for networking, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. The Pre-Event at Testa Center is designed to provide a unique and immersive experience, showcasing the state-of-the-art equipment, facilities, and expertise available. It's a chance to witness the incredible work being done by talented scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs who are shaping the future of biotechnology. So, don't miss out on this exciting opportunity and sign-up for the Pre-Event at Testa Center and stay at the forefront of biotech innovation. Sign-up here for the Testa Center visit at: https://lnkd.in/d7N4UbqD We look forward to meeting you there and immersing ourselves in the world of groundbreaking biotechnology! And for information about the BIO-Europe 2024 event in Stockholm, go to: https://lnkd.in/dnuNZ2D

    Uppsala guided tour

    Uppsala guided tour


  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    We are thrilled to announce that Testa Center is now a proud member of Föreningen ATMP Sweden! 🎉 Being part of this innovative network is a fantastic opportunity to engage with the Swedish ATMP ecosystem, collaborate with industry leaders, and contribute to the future of advanced therapy medicinal products. ATMP Sweden is dedicated to driving ATMP innovation, development, and access, providing valuable resources, networking opportunities, and a platform for communication and collaboration. To learn more about ATMP Sweden, conferences and events, visit: ATMP - Welcome to ATMP Sweden!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    Testa Center is happy to once again be a partner of the Industry Internship Program organized by the Centre for Digital Life Norway. This great initiative offers PhD students in Norway an invaluable experience beyond the academic sphere and enhances career development opportunities for the candidates while it strengthens the bonds between industry and academia. During the three-month internship, candidates actively engage in the daily operations and work routines of their host companies. Last year, we had the pleasure of hosting Anna Bergan Dahl and witnessing her remarkable dedication and skills as she worked on her project at Testa Center, which focused on the purification of adeno-associated virus (AAV) using magnetic beads. If you would like to read more about Anna's experience at Testa Center visit: https://lnkd.in/d9a6pZ22

    Visa organisationssidan för Centre for Digital Life Norway, grafik

    1 239 följare

    📣 We are so proud of our industry internship! This program gives PhD students experience outside of academia, and they tell us that it is transformative for both their future careers and research. This is our fifth round, and we will be placing six PhD students in biotech companies in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. 🗺 🙏 The companies opening their doors (thank you!) are Testa Center, Authera, AstraZeneca, AKVA group, BioInnovation Institute (BII) and Vectron Biosolutions AS. 👩🔬 During the internship period of three months the candidates will join in the daily activities and work routines of the companies. 👨🔬 They are given a defined project that is relevant for their development as PhD students and for the company. 👩🔬 The companies gain a highly motivated and skilled worker, a potential recruitment, as well as contact with academia. 🎉 This really helps extend career development beyond academia! The picture is of Clizia Russotto, who did her internship at Vectron Biosolutions last year.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    🌟 The countdown to Testa Challenge 2024 has begun! 🌟 As we gear up for the Testa Challenge 2024, our team is diligently preparing to ensure this year's challenge is our most successful and innovative yet. Our preparations are in full swing, and we have already secured our backup material to ensure that every experiment and application is supported by robust and reliable resources. We can't wait to see the groundbreaking solutions and breakthroughs that will emerge from Testa Challenge 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to prepare for this exciting event! https://lnkd.in/db92xzTZ #testachallenge2024

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    We are happy to announce that Testa Center will be attending Future Labs Live 2024 in Basel from June 25th to 27th. Future Labs Live 2024 is set to bring together visionaries, thought leaders, and professionals from various lab industries to explore, collaborate, and discuss the biggest challenges and achievements in creating tomorrow's lab of the future. This is a unique opportunity that offers unparalleled opportunities for networking, learning, and collaboration. If you are attending and would like to connect or discuss collaborative opportunities, please feel free to reach out. For more information about the event visit the link: https://lnkd.in/gHvk3Be

    DIGITAL. AUTOMATED. CONNECTED. | Future Labs Live 2025

    DIGITAL. AUTOMATED. CONNECTED. | Future Labs Live 2025


  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    We are delighted to announce the six companies selected for this year’s Testa Challenge. The chosen participants are Envue Technologies, Exner Process Equipment GmbH, InSpek, QUBICON, Timegate Instruments Ltd. and VentriLabs. These innovative companies will join the Testa Challenge 2024, where they will have the unique opportunity to test their digital and technical solutions in a real biomanufacturing environment. Here is some information about this year’s chosen companies: Envue Technologies is a company that specializes in imaging and visualization technologies. Their solutions are designed to enhance the understanding and control of complex biological processes in real-time. Exner Process Equipment GmbH is known for its innovative solutions in the field of process analytics. The company specializes in designing and manufacturing high-quality sensors and instrumentation for various industries, including biomanufacturing. InSpek offers real-time monitoring solutions for biomanufacturing processes. Their advanced analytical tools provide detailed insights into the biological and chemical parameters, ensuring better process control and product quality. QUBICON develops advanced control systems for bioprocesses. Their technologies focus on optimizing the performance and consistency of biomanufacturing processes, contributing to higher quality and yield. Timegate Instruments Ltd. is a technology company that focuses on time-resolved Raman spectroscopy. Their advanced analytical tools provide detailed chemical information, enabling improved process control and monitoring in various applications. VentriLabs is a cutting-edge biotech company that develops innovative solutions for biomanufacturing and medical applications. Their technologies often aim to improve efficiency and scalability in the production of biological products. We are excited to see the innovative solutions these companies will bring to the Testa Challenge 2024 and we look forward to the valuable insights and advancements that will emerge from this year's challenge. https://lnkd.in/db92xzTZ

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    Welcome to an information meeting to find out more about Vinnova's current call ''Use infrastructures to develop precision medicine''. With this call, Vinnova wants to make Swedish advanced infrastructures available to small and medium-sized companies in the life sciences. The offer opens up opportunities for collaboration to develop accurate diagnostics and treatment, or streamline and scale up production processes. The meeting will be held digitally through Teams on Wednesday the 19th of June at 13:30. For more information go to: https://lnkd.in/dKrZW9hh

    Informationsmöte: Nyttja infrastrukturer att utveckla precisionsmedici | Vinnova

    Informationsmöte: Nyttja infrastrukturer att utveckla precisionsmedici | Vinnova


  • Visa organisationssidan för Testa Center, grafik

    3 133 följare

    Last week, we joined the discussion about the importance and need of a targeted initiative for collaborative research in life science between industry and academia, catalyzed by innovation support. Life science is a cornerstone of Swedish industry and we hope that opportunities for collaborations between the industry and academia will continue to exist in the future.

    Visa organisationssidan för SwedenBIO, grafik

    14 473 följare

    ENADE BAKOM ETT KONKRET FÖRSLAG FÖR ATT STÄRKA SVENSK LIFE SCIENCE Ett förslag om ett program för avancerad life science ligger nu på regeringens bord! En branschdelegation med bland annat SwedenBIO uppvaktade statssekreterarna maria nilsson och Sara Modig idag och underströk behovet av en riktad satsning för samverkansforskning inom life science. Vi hoppas att detta blir en del av den kommande forskningspropositionen. Många framgångsrika svenska bolag och produkter är sprungna ur samverkansforskning mellan industri och akademi, katalyserade av innovationsstöd. Dessa möjligheter måste finnas även i framtiden. Life science är idag en svensk basnäring eftersom vi har vågat satsa. Vi får inte lätta på gasen nu, för då blir vi frånåkta på den internationella arenan. I delegationen: Jessica Martinsson från SwedenBIO Frida Lundmark från The Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, LIF Anna Sandström från AstraZeneca Anna L. från Swedish Medtech Karin Forsberg Nilsson från Uppsala University David Sonnek från Navigare Ventures Gunilla Osswald från BioArctic Micael Juul-Möller från Getinge Erik Renström från Lund University Jesper Hedberg från Cytiva Mia Phillipson från Uppsala University Magnus Larsson från MAX IV Laboratory Malin Frenning från RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Jonas Åström från Olink Proteomics Helena Lundberg Nilsson från Västra Götalandsregionen Jonas Hagelqvist IKEM - Innovations- och kemiindustrierna i Sverige Malin Andersson från Mölnlycke Health Care samt Jeanette Edblad från regeringens life science-kontor. #advancedlifesciencenow #swedishlifescienceunited

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