“south korea” Search Results - Bangkok Post : The world windows to Thailand
Search Result for “south korea”

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China takes a hard look at itself

News, Christopher Hill, Published on 04/07/2016

» These are difficult times for China. After decades of double-digit GDP growth, today's slowdown points to an economic system in trouble. Once hailed as a model of development, the Chinese economy now appears sclerotic and cumbersome. The Chinese public is growing restive and increasingly questioning the system's ability to deliver on official promises that the country's economic "miracle" will continue. Many Chinese fear that the "Chinese Dream" may be just that: a dream.


North Korean deal casts its shadow

News, Christopher Hill, Published on 05/08/2015

» It didn't take long, but, according to the Korea Central News Agency, the North Koreans are underwhelmed by the Iran nuclear deal — and thus unlikely to follow suit.