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SSD can be a fragging pain also

Life, James Hein, Published on 25/03/2015

» A solid state drive (SSD) has no moving parts and for the most part is — or at least should be — faster than a regular platter based hard drive. Over the years I have had a 128, 240 and more recently a 512GB SSD that I use as my system drive. After the installation of the last one, things started to slow down until it took less time to copy to a regular hard drive than to my new SSD. As you should when you want to check on something, I Googled (any other search engine will also work) for anything to do with my SSD model having problems. Unfortunately, while it is a Samsung 840 series, it is not the one that has had all the problems, so no useful suggestions. Finally, I decided to see if it was slow because it was fragmented.


Phishing, Stuxnet & Samsung

Life, James Hein, Published on 03/12/2014

» Today's new IT term is spear-phishing. According to Kaspersky Labs, Australia is attacked by phishers a quarter of the time, which I suppose makes them the most gullible nation.


Buyer's market for smartphones

Life, James Hein, Published on 12/11/2014

» With the Western markets saturated, the pattern for smartphone sales is starting to change. It is a very good time to be the buyer as competition is fierce for those upgrading and for the tiny minority who don't yet have a model from the upper end of the market. Last month, LG was the only major retailer who had a positive number in their earnings statement. By comparison Samsung, HTC and Sony did not do so well. Elsewhere, like in China and India, the markets are expanding and people are starting to update from a regular phone to the smarter variety, but in the lower price range.


How secure are our secure transactions?

Life, James Hein, Published on 22/10/2014

» So far, this month has been security issue after security issue. Not counting the usual Microsoft updates, Adobe has been having all sorts of vulnerability problems, which explains the rapid fire updates you keep seeing on your computer. The biggest hit nation so far this month, however, has to be South Korea.


News in the mobile world

Life, James Hein, Published on 06/11/2013

» Apple has outperformed the financial projections of Wall Street moneymen but income is still down. Earlier in the year, things were not looking so good but Apple had a strong finish on the back of the sale of their latest products and claimed that 340 million iPhones were sold. They also sold 14.1 million iPads last quarter and more than 4.6 million iMacs.


Growth slows in IT sector

Life, James Hein, Published on 14/08/2013

» As predicted, and has now been confirmed by the IDC, the IT market is tightening up. China has slowed its spending and the knock-on effects will impact everywhere. There will still be growth, but not as much as there was in 2012. The figures look likely to come in below earlier projections but, given that a tenth of a percent equates to tens of billions of dollars, even a small change can mean large sums of money not appearing in the market.


Samsung bites into big Apple

Life, James Hein, Published on 05/06/2013

» No prizes for guessing the fastest selling smartphone in South Korea. The Samsung Galaxy S4, of course _ it has sold 10 million units since the April launch. You will remember that the iPhone 5 sold five million units in its opening weekend but the S4 will be seriously attacking Apple's market share over the next month or so.


Court's Apple ruling sure to be appealed

Life, James Hein, Published on 05/09/2012

» The big news in the mobile-phone and tablet marketplace is the US-centric Apple win against Samsung in the United States. Many people regard this decision as ridiculous and think that it highlights how mercenary and capitalist Apple has become.


How to create your dream house with a 3D printer

Life, James Hein, Published on 21/08/2012

» It wasn't that long ago when printing something involved at least one sheet of paper and some ink. In recent times this has changed to no sheet of paper, an engineering plan and some exotic printing materials.