“south korea” Search Results - Bangkok Post : The world windows to Thailand
Search Result for “south korea”

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When less could be more: Let's enjoy life in 2016

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 01/02/2016

» I really like the first month of a new year, especially the first day. It feels like there is plenty of time left to begin doing new things and to consider the big picture. And even though the long holiday is over, there is no need to feel sorry. This is because more are around the corner -- Chinese New Year in February and the Thai New Year in April.


Japanese tourism as a new growth driver

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 27/11/2015

» It's been more than 20 years since I last went to Japan. I had been meaning to return several times, especially after the Japanese government waived the visa requirement for Thai tourists, but somehow I never managed to go.


The curious paradox of Thai education

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 03/07/2015

» One of the oldest and most prestigious international academic competitions opens tomorrow in Thailand. The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) will be held in Chiang Mai until July 16. This is the first time Thailand has held such an important event since its inception 56 years ago.


Facing up to the changing world of Chinese influence

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/05/2015

» Financing for development has always been a major element in helping to reduce inequality in the global economy. Today we are living in a much better world, where liquidity is abundant and extreme poverty has been greatly reduced. The past decade has also been one of significant increases in financial flows to developing countries. Yet inequality has not improved, and growth in these economies is still being held back by infrastructure shortages.


What the future could hold for Thailand: A country with vision

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 27/03/2015

» 'A life without purpose is a life without destination. A country with no direction is like a boat moved by random currents into any harbour."


Reducing inequality does not necessarily equal taxing the dead 

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 28/11/2014

» One of the most talked about topics these days is the inheritance tax. Last week, the cabinet approved in principle the draft inheritance tax bill, which has yet to go to the National Legislative Assembly. If it is passed, inheritances worth more than 50 million baht will be taxed.


Some thoughts that will keep you up at night

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 25/10/2013

» This Halloween the worst may be over for the world in general, but many people are still worried about economic conditions. In fact, the latest World Economic Outlook from the International Monetary Fund pointed to the rather spooky state of the global economy. It expects growth to expand by only 2.9% this year and 3.6% in 2014 _ down by 0.3 and 0.2 points respectively compared to the predictions it made just three months ago.


The forgotten element of thailand's growth

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 26/07/2013

» These days I believe I am not the only one who thinks the Thai economy is slowing down. Many agencies, both public and private, have all revised down their growth forecasts for the country. Following disappointing first-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) performance, most forecasts now call for full-year growth of just over 4% compared with 5% predicted earlier. Second-quarter official GDP figures scheduled to be released next month will also likely be lower than expected.


Japan is back for the last gamble

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 28/06/2013

» It is hard not to talk about Japan these days, considering how much cheaper the yen has become. Since the start of the year, the yen has dropped about 12% against the US dollar after reaching as low as 103 yen to the dollar last month. Despite gaining some strength in recent weeks, over the past year the yen has already lost more than a fifth of its value against the dollar, currently trading at about 97.


Happy songkran means happy tourism

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 26/04/2013

» The international New Year often catches me by surprise. There are just too many things to do at year-end and not enough time to think about the New Year, let alone making a proper New Year's resolution. The Thai New Year, however, is a totally different story. With a long weekend and few social activities, I can usually plan better for myself and others.