Search Results - Bangkok Post : The world windows to Thailand

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Terry Fredrickson, Published on 03/04/2013

» extremely happy or pleased ปิติ ยินดียิ่ง


'Endgame' strategy aims to end polio outbreaks in 2014

AFP, Published on 03/04/2013

» A new strategy for ending polio worldwide aims to boost security for violence-plagued vaccine workers and halt polio outbreaks by the end of next year, global health authorities said Tuesday.


Asia-Pacific nations vow action to stop people smuggling

AFP, Published on 03/04/2013

» Asia-Pacific nations agreed Tuesday to push for "more effective law enforcement" to stop people smuggling, Australia said as it seeks to stem the flow of asylum seekers arriving on its shores.


Body count rises to 20 in Bangladesh pirate attack

AFP, Published on 03/04/2013

» The Bangladesh Navy has now recovered 20 bodies of fishermen who were tied up and thrown into the deep sea in an apparent pirate attack, an officer said on Tuesday.



Court asked to halt charter push

News, Published on 03/04/2013

» The Constitution Court will on Wednesday consider a petition by a senator asking it to issue an injunction against the charter amendments now being debated in parliament.


Abducted marine unit private found shot dead

News, Published on 03/04/2013

» A marine private from the unit that killed 16 insurgents in Narathiwat's Bacho district in February was found shot dead after having been abducted by armed men on Monday night.


NACC to examine PM probe findings

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 03/04/2013

» Investigators have completed a probe into alleged loan transaction concealment by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, the findings of which will be passed to National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) chiefs on Thursday.


Obec boss says exam leaked after delivery

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 03/04/2013

» The Office of the Basic Education Commission (Obec) was not responsible for leaking assistant teacher recruitment exam papers and answers, Chinnapat Bhumirat, Obec's secretary-general, said yesterday.


Cross-border rail repairs set for e-auction

News, Amornrat Mahitthirook, Published on 03/04/2013

» The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) will hold an e-auction next Wednesday to repair a stretch of damaged track connecting Thailand with Cambodia, Transport Minister Chadchat Sittipunt said yesterday.


Niets claims test-maker shortage

News, Lamphai Intathep, Published on 03/04/2013

» The National Institute of Educational Testings Service (Niets) has asked for funding from the government to hire academics to design new testing and research methods.