Search Results - Bangkok Post : The world windows to Thailand

Showing 1 - 10 of 185


Suu Kyi visit brings harsh crackdown on Rohingya, advocates

Published on 23/06/2016

» Police on Thursday forced cancellation of a press conference and presentation at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand on the problems of the Rohingya people in Myanmar.


Death toll of Indonesia floods, landslides rises to 56

Kyodo News, Published on 23/06/2016

» JAKARTA - The death toll of floods and landslides in Indonesia's Java island rose to 56 people, with 22 others injured and nine missing, a government official said on Thursday.



Tornado kills 78, injures hundreds in China's Jiangsu

Kyodo News, Published on 23/06/2016

» At least 78 people were killed by a tornado and other extreme weather that hit east China's Jiangsu Province on Thursday, according to state-run media.



Visit is chance to rethink investments

News, Pianporn Deetes, Published on 23/06/2016

» This week's visit by Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's state counsellor, to Thailand appears to hold out hope for Thai state and private investors to revitalise their plans for key investments in Myanmar. Among these projects, the most prominent are the Dawei Special Economic Zone and a cascade of hydroelectric dams on the Salween River.



Giants set to dominate region

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 23/06/2016

» The e-commerce market in Southeast Asia including Thailand is entering a stage of consolidation, with only a few global cash-rich players surviving in the industry.



GT200 scam tests regime's mettle

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 23/06/2016

» The scandal of GT 200 has come back to haunt the Thai military again after a British court ordered a Briton serving a 10-year jail term for making bogus bomb detectors to forfeit cash and assets worth nearly £8 million, some of which should be paid in compensation to countries that bought the fake devices, including Bahrain, Lebanon, Niger and Georgia.



Cameron's reckless bluff put himself into political hot water

News, New York Times, Published on 23/06/2016

» David Cameron, the British prime minister, has no one to blame but himself.



Managing expectations

News, Editorial, Published on 23/06/2016

» Myanmar's democracy icon Aung Sang Suu Kyi returns to Thailand Thursday to meet several thousand of her countrymen and women working in Samut Sakhon province's Mahachai district. The last time she visited Myanmar workers in Thailand was in 2012.


Nietzsche's valuable lessons on European integration

News, Hugo Drochon, Published on 23/06/2016

» Terrorist attacks. Tensions over religious and ethnic minorities. Support for extremist politics. A widening North-South divide. A powerful German chancellor. An aggressive Russia expanding its territorial reach. A United Kingdom embroiled in distant wars, asking itself whether it should disengage from continental Europe. A young political order, born of a series of devastating international wars, threatening to implode.



It's time to 'Leave'

News, Postbag, Published on 23/06/2016

» Nigel Pike in his June 21 letter "A breakdown of Brexit" clearly illustrated why Brits should vote for Brexit, a sentiment with which, as a Brit, I completely agree.