Search Results - Bangkok Post : The world windows to Thailand

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When something wicked this way comes

Life, Cui Yuchen, Published on 07/03/2014

» Yunnan is the most beautiful province in southwest China. It is called the “South of Colourful Clouds” and its pleasant climate, natural scenery and multi-ethnic culture attract both domestic and international tourists, including those from Thailand.



Life uneasy at the coal face

News, Published on 07/03/2014

» Residents of Krabi’s Nua Khlong district — whose hometown is designated for a coal-fired power plant project of the Egat — are awaiting this Sunday with anxiety.


'Blue' business bests green growth

News, Published on 07/03/2014

» In recent years, an increasingly loud chorus of environmentalists, civil-society actors, and international institutions have been demanding that conventional "brown" economic development, which depends on fossil fuels, be replaced by a lower-carbon "green" growth model. But there is a third, more competitive option: a "blue" economy driven by business-level innovation, rather than top-down policies.


Postbag: Dig deeper into AIS

News, Published on 07/03/2014

» Re: “PDRC campaign against Shin Corporation hits SET” (BP, Feb 25). Is AIS truly free of Thaksin & Co’s ownership and influence, as InTouch, its parent firm, contends? The truth is very hard to find. AIS’s website shows Shin Corp and SingTel Strategic Investments as owning 63% of AIS, and no individual is among the top 10 AIS shareholders, so what InTouch claims is correct — but has InTouch dug deep enough? Let’s look at Shin Corp as an example. Shin’s website shows that Cedar Holdings and Aspen Holdings own 96% of the firm — and Cedar and Aspen are not publicly listed. Bloomberg lists Cedar Holdings as being Thailand-based, but gives no information as to shareholders. Aspen Holdings is an US-based insurance firm, but, again, Bloomberg gives no information as to shareholders.


In loving memory of bangkok shutdown

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 07/03/2014

» And so Bangkok Shutdown has ended, not with a bang, but with a confused whimper. While you were probably still sleeping off Saturday night’s debauchery, Sunday morning saw protesters leave their bases at Asok, Pathumwan and Ratchaprasong to form one super-stage at Lumpini Park.


Guru Asks

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 07/03/2014

» What is the best restaurant in Asia?