Roche Slovenija

Roche Slovenija


Ljubljana, Slovenia 3,546 followers

Doing now what patients need next.

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Družba Roche s sedežem v Švici je podjetje s 125 letno tradicijo. Je vodilno raziskovalno usmerjeno podjetje ter največje svetovno biotehnološko podjetje z edinstvenimi zdravili na področjih onkologije, imunologije, nalezljivih bolezni, oftalmologije in nevroznanosti ter vodilno globalno podjetje v in-vitro diagnostiki in tkivni diagnostiki raka in pri vodenju sladkorne bolezni. Naš cilj je omogočati posamezniku prilagojeno zdravljenje, ki lahko bistveno izboljša zdravljenje, kakovost življenja in preživetje bolnikov. 30 zdravil je uvrščenih na seznam esencialnih zdravil Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije. V Sloveniji je Roche z divizijama farmacevtike in diagnostike prisoten od l. 1996. Za več informacij obiščite To družabno omrežje ni namenjeno poročanju neželenih dogodkov in drugih varnostnih informacij o zdravilih. Če menite, da imate kakršne koli neželene dogodke pri uporabi zdravil podjetja Roche, se takoj posvetujte z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom. V primeru, da imate oz. ste imeli težavo pri enem od naših izdelkov, pa naj gre za zdravilo, diagnostični test ali napravo, želimo za to izvedeti, vendar družabna omrežja niso najboljše mesto za to. Prosimo, da o domnevnih neželenih učinkih, ki jih opazite pri zdravljenju z zdravili, poročate Nacionalnemu centru za farmakovigilanco preko spletnega obrazca ali na drug način naveden na spletni strani JAZMP ( Lahko pa nam informacijo o neželenem dogodku ali pritožbo na zdravilo sporočite na e-naslov:, po telefonu na številko 01 36 02 600 ali po faksu na številko 01 36 02 644. Če boste preko družabnega omrežja delili neželen dogodek, bomo morda morali stopiti v stik z vami za dodatne informacije, da bomo lahko informacijo poročali regulatornim organom. Vašo objavo bomo morda morali odstraniti, da zaščitimo vašo zasebnost.

Company size
51-200 employees
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Privately Held
Medical Devices, Pharmaceutical industry, Diabetes Care, Onkology, Neurology, Hematology, Health Care, Diagnostics, Women's Health, Personalized Healthcare, Foundation Medicine, and Foundation One


Employees at Roche Slovenija


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    Vsako leto 28. julija obeležujemo svetovni dan hepatitisa, da opozorimo na bolezen in možnosti za njeno preventivo in zdravljenje. Letos ga v Sloveniji obeležujemo z geslom "Testirajte se, preprečite raka!" 🏥 Roche Slovenija deli vabilo, da lahko  izkoristite možnost brezplačnega testiranja na okužbo z virusom hepatitisa C ta teden v sredo in četrtek (24. in 25. 7)  na Kliniki za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja UKC Ljubljana (Poljanski nasip 58, med 11. in 18. uro). 👨⚕️ Velik korak naprej bi predstavljali tudi presejalni programi za odkrivanje raka jeter, saj ga je težko zaznati zgodaj, ko je njegovo zdravljenje še uspešno. Ali ste vedeli:  ❗ 8 OD 10 okuženih z virusom hepatitisa se tega sploh ne zaveda. 🧒 43 % OTROK na svetu je cepljenjih proti hepatitisu B. Pri nas jih je bilo v šolskem letu 2021/2022 cepljenih 77,3 %. Cilj SZO je 95 %.

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    Roche je prejel oznako CE za svojo rešitev za neprekinjeno spremljanje glukoze Accu-Chek SmartGuide®. ✅Vgrajeni algoritmi bodo s pomočjo umetne inteligence uporabnike opozorili na potrebno ukrepanje, še preden se bo zaplet sploh pojavil. ✅ "Vodenje ravni glukoze v ciljnem področju in preprečevanje neželenih glikemičnih dogodkov je še vedno izziv življenja s sladkorno boleznijo, ki pogosto zahteva tudi do 180 odločitev dnevno," je dejal Matt Sause, izvršni direktor Roche Diagnostics. "Naša nova rešitev bo pomagala pri obravnavanju pomembnih neizpolnjenih potreb, povezanih z vodenjem sladkorne bolezni, kar bo uporabnikom omogočilo, da prevzamejo nadzor in živijo boljše in bolj zdravo življenje." Več:

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    👏 Čestitamo predsednici Europa Donna Slovenija Slovenije, dr. Tanja Spanic, ki sodeluje kot soavtorica pravkar izdanih ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology priporočil o kliničnem poročanju rezultatov genomskih testov pri solidnih rakih. 🔬 Priporočila zajemajo pripravo poročil o genomskih značilnostih solidnih tumorjev, ki so podlaga za klinične odločitve o najbolj ustreznem zdravljenju za bolnike z rakom in so pomembna za večino testov NGS, ki se uporabljajo v klinični praksi in kliničnih raziskavah. To je pomemben korak v smeri prilagojenega zdravljenja za vsakega bolnika posebej. ❗ Aktivno sodelovanje slovenskih strokovnjakov pri tej zelo pomembni objavi priporočil je izrednega pomena za Slovenijo in slovensko medicinsko znanost.. Video: Povezava na priporočila:

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    "I'm very pleased that we have established, or helped to establish, BILDAI, the Bled Institute for Leadership in AI and Technology. And this is exciting because for the first time in the region, this is a real partnership between academia, industry and government," said Eva McLellan, General Manager of Roche Slovenia. With an international conference, the Bled Institute for Leadership in Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence (BILDAI) aims to provide the first answers on how to balance healthcare in Slovenia in the long term.  The kind of problems for which the BILDAI Institute is really well positioned are problems that cut across sectors. In healthcare, for example, one of these problems is the efficiency of the system. How can we use AI and technology to improve science, improve research, improve efficiency and improve patient care. What we know is that if we bring together science, data-driven healthcare, digitalisation and artificial intelligence, healthcare in Europe can be much more effective, much more efficient and simply lead to much better outcomes for patients, says Oliver Bleck, Area Head Roche Pharma International. Whenever we make a decision to get better value for money, we have to base our decisions on data. "The data we have today is scattered, it's not connected and it's not a good basis for decision making. If we can't make good decisions, we can't invest in the programes that will improve health the most," said Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, Slovenia's Minister of Health.  The Ministry of Digital Transformation is a proud partner of BILDAI because it is an excellent example of cross-sectoral collaboration, minister Emilija Stojmenova Duh stated.  We have all crucial stakeholders present here, and this is the perfect thing, how we can make full use of digital transformation in the healthcare sector, she added. In Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije The Medical Chamber of Slovenia they expect  the BILDAI will offer various educational programs that will improve the knowledge and skills of medical doctors in Slovenia in this field. Just as important as it is to technically build artificial intelligence, it's just as important to build human and leadership intelligence to be able to lead through that. “And this could be a blueprint, then for other European countries to follow and even help accelerate the digitalization across Europe,” Oliver Bleck concluded.  Ministrstvo za zdravje Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo / Ministry of Digital Transformation IEDC - Bled School of Management #BILDAI #Leadership #Healthcare #future

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    Vodilna vloga Evrope na področju inovacij v zdravstvu se je v zadnjih 20 letih zmanjšala. Ožanje definicije neizpolnjenih zdravstvenih potreb bo še dodatno spodkopalo konkurenčnost. #EUPharmaLegislation Da bi to spremenili, pozivamo EU, naj prizna, da so odkritja in razvoj zdravil globalno usklajena prizadevanja. In da vsaka od inovacij prinaša dodano vrednost zdravstvenim sistemom. #SixBoldActions.

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    Europe’s healthcare innovation lead has regressed over the past 20 years. And constraining definitions of unmet medical need will further erode competitiveness. #EUPharmaLegislation To turn this around we call on the EU to recognize that medicines’ discovery and development is a globally coordinated endeavour. And that each of quantum leap and incremental innovation bring value to health systems. #SixBoldActions.

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    🩻Impresivni podatki: Če digitalizacijo v zdravstvu izvedemo, kot je treba, naložbe vanjo prinesejo zdrave donose – za vsak evro do tri evre, poudarja Francesca Colombo OECD - OCDE Impressive data: If digitization in healthcare is carried out properly, investments in it bring healthy returns - up to three euros for every euro, OECD expert says. ‼️Ponosni smo, da smo del iniciative BILDAI, ki bo gradila prihodnje vodje na področju podatkovnih inovacij in digitalne preobrazbe. We are proud to spearhead BILDAI, an initiative dedicated to building leadership that drives innovation in data and digital transformation. 🖊️Great article about conference: #digitalisation #bildai #healthcare Eva McLellan Oliver Bleck Petra Rupar Janez Bernik Ministrstvo za zdravje Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo / Ministry of Digital Transformation IEDC - Bled School of Management Jure Brankovič

    Za vsak evro v digitalizacijo zdravstva tri evre donosa

    Za vsak evro v digitalizacijo zdravstva tri evre donosa

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    Global Biotech Executive, Transformational Leader & Talent Cultivator | GM Roche Pharmaceuticals | Co-Founder, Unlocking Eve

    The Roche Children's Walk has always held a special place in my heart, regardless of the country or affiliate with which I have been working in. This event has been running 21 years strong, and unites our employees from all corners of the world to support children's programs both globally and within our local communities. Yesterday, at Roche Slovenija after the walk we experienced another unifying moment through football. Slovenia played a strong game and tied, bringing us all together in the right spirit. Wishing best of luck to all the national #European teams competing in the coming weeks! #ChildrensWalk #Community #Football #RocheSlovenia #TeamSpirit

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    Area Head Europe South at Roche

    Health systems in Europe are struggling to meet demand and deliver the care that people need today. They face huge challenges about how they’ll care for even more: a greater number of older, more complex patients with more chronic diseases in the future.  Potentially life-changing innovations in treatment and care can be slow to reach patients, if they reach them at all. We know that data driven healthcare, digital technologies and AI could make patient care so much more effective and efficient. Yet they aren’t being routinely adopted by health systems in Europe so far. So here is my call to Europe: this is the time to focus on the solutions that innovation can offer, this is the time for European policymakers and industry to act together. And if you are looking for inspiration, Slovenia is a good example for acting together towards better patient care and marking health care systems more sustainable. I was fortunate to attend the opening conference of the newly established Bled Institute for Leadership in Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence (BILDAI). #BILDAI  - a great example of a partnership between government, academia, Roche and the Bled institute for Leadership aiming to equip health care leaders with competences and skills to drive a digital transformation of the health care system. “Health is a fundamental driver of economic growth and development, with far-reaching societal benefits. By prioritizing health, we not only reduce long-term healthcare costs but also enhance productivity and elevate the overall quality of life,” explained Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, Minister of Health, the Slovenia approach. It is a privilege to support our Slovenian partners in becoming a center for artificial intelligence and in trailblazing  data-driven healthcare. Thank you to our Roche Slovenija colleagues and to Roche Pharma Slovenia General Manager Eva McLellan for pursuing this unique partnership.  What lessons can Slovenia share with other European countries? 🏗️ Building a foundation: Becoming a data-driven health system does not happen overnight. The transformation needs to be a national strategic priority and health care decision makers need to be equipped to lead the change. 🫱🏻🫲🏼Building partnerships: Partnerships are vital to create systemic change. As we move forward together, we will achieve so much more, faster. ❤️Creating more value: Acknowledging that investing in health improves outcomes for individuals, drives national economic growth and delivers benefits to society as a whole.

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    Global Biotech Executive, Transformational Leader & Talent Cultivator | GM Roche Pharmaceuticals | Co-Founder, Unlocking Eve

    I believe driving #innovation through #partnerships is crucial for transforming our health systems. Investing in health is investing in our greatest asset—people. Can we foster healthier populations without escalating costs? Is health an expense, a charitable endeavor, or an investment that lifts all boats? How can we expedite the safe and effective integration of #AI and innovation to modernize our health system? These were the questions we explored at the Leadership in Healthcare Amidst New Technologies meeting in Bled. #BILDAI united leaders from government, industry, and academia to shape the future of healthcare in the digital age. Thank you to our amazing collaborators, among them Minister of Health Dr. Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, Minister of Digital Transformation Dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh. Special thanks to Oliver Bleck and our international guests for joining us- Ricardo Baptista Leite, M.D. Francesca Colombo Andrzej Rys Nora Colton Igor Rudan Vladimir Gligorijević. Slovenia is leading the shift to data-driven, #sustainable health systems, setting a blueprint for Europe. I look forward to the collaboration ahead. IEDC - Bled School of Management Stjepan Oreskovic Danica Purg Janez Bernik Mojca Šelih Petra Rupar Janko Burgar Jure Brankovič

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    Roche Slovenia is proud to be a founding partner of the Bled Institute for Leadership in Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence, an innovative educational initiative that brings the latest insights of leadership in digital transformation. The International Healthcare Conference was a cohesive and focused event aimed at bringing together key figures from various sectors in healthcare: leaders and managers of public and private institutions, health insurance companies, ministries and those responsible for managing quality systems. Ministrstvo za zdravje Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo / Ministry of Digital Transformation Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije The Medical Chamber of Slovenia Hrvatska liječnička komora #digitalisation #Roche #BILDAI #Bled #AI #data #healthcare #leadership #collaboration #data #diversity

    We have just concluded the international conference organized by BILDAI, the Bled Institute for Leadership in Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence, co-founded by IEDC - Bled School of Management and Roche Slovenija.   The conference brought together healthcare leaders, innovators, and policymakers to discuss "Leadership in Healthcare Amidst New Technologies," with 170 participants from 12 countries. Our discussions highlighted the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in healthcare, confirming the potential of new technologies to revolutionise healthcare services and enhance professional activities at all levels.   Many thanks to our esteemed speakers: Dr. Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, Dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, Dr. Andrzej Rys, Dr. Bojana Beovic, Prof. Danica Purg, Dr. Dorjan Marušič, Eva McLellan, Francesca Colombo, Prof. Igor Rudan, Prof. Nora Colton, Dr. Philipp Rösler, Dr. Ricardo Baptista Leite, M.D., Steve Harding, Dr. Stjepan Oreskovic, Dr. Vladimir Gligorijević, Dr. Izidor Mlakar, Janez Bensa, Tanja Spanic, Anže Droljc and Tjaša Sobočan.   Special thanks to our partners and sponsors: Ministrstvo za zdravje, Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo / Ministry of Digital Transformation, Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije The Medical Chamber of Slovenia, and companies Better, Parsek Group, FarMedica, and Roche Slovenija.   The BILDAI Institute continues to connect governmental bodies, businesses and educational institutions to focus on developing creative and holistic leadership in the era of digitalisation and AI in healthcare and other sectors.

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