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Integrated and stand alone marketing solutions for B2B technology brands

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Find your next customers within our audience of enterprise technology buyers

Why work with us?

Influential journalism nurtures Influential audiences

Our editorial coverage of the enterprise technology sector has been influencing the procurement decisions of hundreds of millions of IT Professionals and Decision Makers for over 25 years.

B2B Context and Mindset

Our independent journalism provides the right context for enterprise technology vendors to reach enterprise technology buyers while they are in a receptive mindset.

An audience with buying power

Our reach puts brands in front of the people that build the business case, recomend the solutions and sign off on annual enterprise technology budgets that combine into Trillions of Dollars.

Our Portfolio

Spanning the spectrum of enterprise technology buyers

The Register

The Register is the daily digital newspaper for IT departments across the world. It provides unrivalled reach and influence thanks to its roster of journalists and highly engaged audience of decision makers and influencers.

Next Platform

The Next Platform puts analysis first with deep coverage of high-end computing. It is read by technology strategists and architects that push at the limits of computing.

Blocks and Files

Blocks and Files is the final word on enterprise storage. It is read by Storage architects, storage admins and anybody serious about having a robust storage strategy across their organization.


DevClass covers the entire software development lifecycle, it’s tools, frameworks, languages and best practices. It is read by software architects, engineers and developers.


Meet (a few of) Our Readers

Not data points - real readers

Solutions and Services

How to reach our audiences

Brand impact and awareness

Launch, educate, reinforce and develop understanding of your brand amongst the worlds most influential enterprise technology buyers with unmissable advertising solutions

Prospect Creation

World class insight driven lead generation and appointment setting across engaged, active and trusted audiences.

Content strategy and development

Harness our editorial expertise to develop Content solutions that resonate across enterprise technology audiences. We augment your strategy, asses your needs, build and deliver content at scale in multiple languages.

Events and experiences

Join us for exclusive conferences and custom audience builds for workshops, webcasts, dining and other tailored experiences

Analytics and Orientation

Use our analytics to support your next steps and keep them focussed on delivering success from the audience sgements that really matter to your organization

Market Segmentation

We’ll investigate, map and segment your audience using our unique market insights

Turning intelligence into activation

Seamless Insights and integrations

Live reporting

Stay on top of your active campaigns and programs with live reporting and analysis to keep performance opimized and activities aligned.

Interrogable insights

Gain detailed intelligence to improve ongoing decision making and help orientate marketing strategy

Seamless Integrations

We integrate with all the leading CRM platforms along with custom API integrations

Elevate your B2B Marketing

Media influence, technology innovation and audience scale

Procurement plans and buying habits

Employ deep insights on buying habits and procurement plans and activate opportunities across the buy-cycle.

GTM and GAP Analysis

Lean on us to unearth the very best strategies and tactics to move audiences from unaware to advocate

Persona Match

Develop sophisticated multi-level ICP's using our Context Graph and target them through a suite of scalable solutions

Why Real Readers Matter

According to our clients