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Wage gap by age
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This dataset contains age wage gaps defined as the difference between mean (median) earnings of 25-54 year-olds and that of 15-24 year-olds ""Youth over prime-age"" (respectively 55-64 year-olds ""Senior over prime-age"") relative to mean (median) earnings of 25-54 year-olds. Earnings refer to gross earnings of full-time dependent employees unless otherwise indicated.

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1 September 2023

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Interpretation: a negative number means that seniors/youth earn X% more than prime age workers. A positive number means they earn X% less than prime-age workers.

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For Hungary and Norway, senior over prime-age refers to persons 55+ over prime age and not 55-64. Data for youth cover ages below 25 and not 15-24 in Norway.

Wage gap by ageAbstract

This dataset contains age wage gaps defined as the difference between mean (median) earnings of 25-54 year-olds and that of 15-24 year-olds ""Youth over prime-age"" (respectively 55-64 year-olds ""Senior over prime-age"") relative to mean (median) earnings of 25-54 year-olds. Earnings refer to gross earnings of full-time dependent employees unless otherwise indicated.

Contact person/organisation


Unit of measure used


Date last updated

1 September 2023

Other data characteristics

Interpretation: a negative number means that seniors/youth earn X% more than prime age workers. A positive number means they earn X% less than prime-age workers.

Item coverage

For Hungary and Norway, senior over prime-age refers to persons 55+ over prime age and not 55-64. Data for youth cover ages below 25 and not 15-24 in Norway.