01/7Meditation and its many techniques

Meditation and its many techniques

People meditate in different ways. Some focus on their breath, others on the centre of their eyebrows, and some on the energy centers in the spine. Some visualise a calm lake or a light. These methods do help improve focus, but their benefits often don't last. The problem with these techniques is that they don't completely clear the mind of negative emotions like lust, anger, greed, envy, and illusion.

And so, in his recent book 'Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism', Swami Mukundananda explains a few ways in which people can make their meditation more effective and simpler. Here is an excerpt from the book with permission from the publisher Rupa Publications India.


02/7Advantages of Meditating upon God

Advantages of Meditating upon God

Imagine you are riding a bicycle. If you apply the brakes, you will not be able to retain your balance. You will either topple to the left or to the right. However, if you gently steer the handle, the cycle will smoothly turn in the direction you desire. Similarly, the mind is a machine that continuously generates thoughts. If you try to stop the flow, it becomes an unstable condition, and such a thoughtless state is difficult to sustain. However, if you turn the mind towards God, it very easily begins meditating on the divine Names, Forms, Virtues, Abodes, and Pastimes of the Lord.

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