Tonko, Peters Introduce Carbon Dioxide Removal Legislation | U.S. Representative Paul Tonko
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Tonko, Peters Introduce Carbon Dioxide Removal Legislation

Legislation requires DOE to make investments in CDR to support innovative technology development, combat climate change

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WASHINGTON, DC—Representatives Paul D. Tonko (NY-20) and Scott Peters (CA-52) today introduced the Federal Carbon Dioxide Removal Leadership Act of 2022, legislation that would address climate change by investing in carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies.

“Scientists have made it clear—we must use every tool at our disposal in order to address the ever-worsening climate crisis,” Congressman Tonko said. “Nothing can substitute for eliminating fossil fuels and reducing our carbon dioxide emissions, but investing in technology that removes harmful legacy emissions from our atmosphere will also be key to that effort. Our legislation takes needed steps to spur these developments while also creating good-paying jobs, supporting innovation and propelling forward our nation’s clean energy economy. I’m thankful to Congressman Peters for his leadership on this bill and urge my colleagues to join us in cosponsoring this smart, clean, and meaningful legislation.”

“Monday’s IPCC climate report stressed that although carbon removal solutions are still evolving and expensive, they will be ‘unavoidable’ to maintain a safe climate. Now is the right time for the federal government to provide the support necessary to ensure rapid development and deployment of these technologies,” said Rep. Peters. “Our bill answers this call to action by creating a sustainable, long-term market for direct air capture and other carbon removal processes. We are on the clock to address the climate crisis, and advancing carbon removal is unequivocally a step toward a forward-looking clean energy economy. The Federal CDR Leadership Act is good for jobs, good for American global leadership, and good for the planet.”

Statements of support from organizations can be viewed HERE.

The Federal Carbon Dioxide Removal Leadership Act of 2022:

  • Requires the Department of Energy (DOE) to remove an increasing amount of carbon dioxide emissions using direct air capture or other technology-based removal solutions; 
  • Ensures best practices for monitoring, reporting, and verifying carbon removals and for robust public engagement; 
  • Sets a declining per-ton price ceiling to incentivize cost reductions over time and give flexibility for DOE to invest in nascent technologies with high carbon removal potential; 
  • Creates a set-side for newer CDR technologies to promote a broad portfolio of technologies; 
  • Prioritizes domestic job creation, environmental justice, innovative technologies, and community benefits. 

A fact sheet of the legislation can be viewed HERE.



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