Water & Energy for Food (WE4F): A Grand Challenge for Development  

Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) a joint international initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union (EU), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Netherlands, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

WE4F, through its Regional Innovation Hubs, provides financial support, technical assistance, and investment facilitation to water-food, energy-food, and water-energy-food innovations.

The supported innovations impact smallholder farmers, helping them unlock missing inputs, finance, technology, and markets. By using these innovations, farmers and food companies can enhance their climate resilience and reduce CO2 emissions.

How WE4F Works

The WE4F program capitalizes on the learnings from Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development (PAEGC) and Securing Water for Food (SWFF) Grand Challenge. The program is focused on environmentally sustainable innovations aiming to improve energy and water efficiency in the agricultural sector. 

The WE4F initiative will work with promising innovations that were identified and nurtured during the PAEGC and SWFF to support their next level of scaling. At the same time, the program will open up new calls for innovations within the water-agriculture-food nexus. WE4F will incorporate the Regional Innovation Hub (RIH) model used in PAEGC and the Technical Assistance Facility developed under SWFF.  By combining these two successful key programmatic elements together, WE4F’s decentralized approach will put a stronger focus on improving local framework conditions for innovations and facilitating end-user financing. 

Steering Committee

WE4F is a joint international initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union (EU), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Netherlands, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Omer van Renterghem

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands

Omer is working in the Inclusive Green Growth Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on water management. He is responsible for a number of programs, amongst these Securing Water for Food, the Valuing Water Initiative, and a strategic partnership on sustainable landscape management with WWF and IUCN. He also supports development of Netherlands water programs in Rwanda and Ethiopia.

Before joining the water cluster his focus was on environmental aspects of the broader sustainability agenda: green growth, natural capital accounting, and circular economy. He initiated the Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA), focusing on the business case for integrated landscape management, and he was leading a project team on landscape approach. In addition, until recently, he was involved in the international Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).

Pia Lindström

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sweden

Pia Lindström is a program manager at the Unit for Global Economy and Environment at Sida, primarily working with challenge funds within the fields of environment and climate change including resilience. he holds a M.Sc. degree in International Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and a B.Sc. in Political Science from Stockholm University. She has previously worked with the EU Commission/EuropeAid on corporate social responsibility issues and has for six years been based in the field in Bhutan and India working for the UNDP as well as managing local NGOs focusing on climate smart agriculture, sustainable waste management, appropriate technologies including sustainable energy and water projects, and youth social entrepreneurship programs.

Etienne Coyette

Head of Sector Climate Change DG INTPA, European Union

Etienne is an agricultural engineer in landscape management and currently works in sustainable agriculture and land governance. After 11 years of experience in Central Africa and Central America, he worked on rural development and natural resources management for a Brussels based organisation, undertaking numerous field missions in Africa, Latin America and Asia. He joined the European Commission in 2004 in its environment service before moving to the external cooperation service in 2011 to work on climate change.

Dr. Günther Rapp

Project Lead GIZ Secretariat Unit, Germany

Günther is the Team Lead of Sun4Water. He has more than 30 years of experience on Food Security, Water and Sanitation, Agriculture, Management of Protected Areas, Solid Waste Management, Biosecurity, Peace Building. Before joining the Sun4Water Secretariat Unit in Bonn, Germany, he worked on various projects in Niger, Benin, Vietnam, Philippines, the South Pacific and Tanzania.


Cassy Rodriguez

Donor Relations Manager, USAID Secretariat Unit

Cassy is the Donor Relations Manager for WE4F serving as a link between the Steering Committee and the USAID Secretariat. Prior to joining the program, Cassy served as the Program Specialist for the Securing Water for Food (SWFF) Grand Challenge supporting the USAID Team Lead and the SWFF Technical Assistance Facility. During her tenure at SWFF, Cassy conducted various monitoring and evaluation of implementation sites across Africa, S/SE Asia, and Latin America. Cassy holds an M.S. in International Development from New York University and is a Magna Cum Laude B.A graduate in Psychology/Anthropology from Stony Brook University.

Robert Kranefeld

Donor Relations and International Partnerships Manager, GIZ Secretariat Unit

Robert is the Donor Relations and International Partnerships Manager for WE4F serving as a link between the Steering Committee, partners on global level and the GIZ Secretariat and Hubs. Robert studied in Germany, France and Canada and holds a M.A. in Geographies of Globalisation from the University of Frankfurt and a B.Sc. in Geography from the University in Münster (both Germany). Robert is fluent in French and English and native in German. He has 7 years of professional experience in the development sector. Prior to his work with WE4F he was the regional coordinator in the Niger Basin for the GIZ project “Nexus Regional Dialogues” and worked as a policy advisor on water and climate change adaptation.

McKenzie Horwitz

Monitoring & Evaluation Manager, USAID Secretariat Unit

McKenzie Horwitz serves as the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager for the WE4F USAID Secretariat Unit. In partnership with the WE4F GIZ Secretariat Unit, her role includes the design and management of the WE4F M&E framework and systems, as well as overseeing the implementation of monitoring, evaluation, and learning activities across all USAID-supported Regional Innovation Hubs.

She received a M.A. in International Economics and Development from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C. where she specialized in quantitative methods and economic theory. She received a B.A. in Economics and International Studies from Texas A&M University. Prior to joining WE4F, she supported the creation of a data quality framework applied to national WASH initiatives in India.

Katie Bailey

Communications and Knowledge Management Manager, USAID Secretariat Unit

In partnership with the WE4F GIZ Secretariat Unit, Katie manages the global communications and knowledge management strategies and oversees the hubs’ communications and knowledge management activities. She received her M.A. in Environmental Policy at Middlebury Institute of International Studies and her B.A. in Political Science and French at Hood College. She has five years of experience in supporting, developing, and leading communications and knowledge activities for agriculture, energy, and water organizations in domestic and international settings.

Noémie Tokplen

Specialist Communications and Event management, GIZ Secretariat Unit

Noémie Tokplen works in the WE4F Coordination Unit at GIZ as a junior specialist in communications. She received a B.A. in language, culture and media studies from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the Sorbonne Paris 4 and a M.A. in Intercultural Studies from the University Freiburg and the École normale supérieure de Lyon. She worked in the communication, campaigning and editorial departments of newspapers, television, international organizations and companies in France, Germany and the UK. At WE4F Noémie will be responsible
for internal and external communications as well as for event management.

Sandra Suarez

Grants and Finance Manager, USAID Secretariat Unit

Sandra Suarez  started serving as the Grants & Finance Manager in January 2022 for the WE4F USAID Secretariat. Prior to joining the program, Sandra served as the Program Development Specialist-Budget for USAID/Colombia where she managed the overall budget of Colombia Mission, Bilateral Agreements, coordination between Washington the mission, and the mission’s planning matters for external contacts. Prior to joining USAID, Sandra served as the Budget and Accounting Chief for the International Narcotics Law Enforcement Affairs, where she managed a $1.9 billion dollars budget for seven fiscal years and  supervised a team consisting of a Team Leader,  four Accountants, a Voucher Examiner Supervisor, and seven Voucher Examiners. Sandra has attended Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Santo Tomás, Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS, and Universidad Sergio Arboleda and the European Business School, resulting in an Accounting CPA, a civil engineering degree, and a topography degree with a specialization in environmental studies, and a MBA.