Alexander Island Archives -

Alexander Island

Epishelf lakes

This page is mostly sourced from Davies et al. 2017, and focuses on the epishelf lakes at Ablation Point Massif, Alexander Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Read the full paper here: Davies, B.J., Hambrey, M.J., Glasser, N.F., Holt, T., Rodés, A., Smellie, J.L., Carrivick, J.L., Blockley, S.P.E., 2017. Ice-dammed lateral lake and epishelf lake insights into Holocene …

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George VI Ice Shelf

George VI Ice Shelf is a floating ice shelf between Alexander Island and the Antarctic Peninsula. This webpage is based on: Holt, T.O., Glasser, N.F., Quincey, D. and Siegfried, M.R., 2013. Speedup and fracturing of George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula. The Cryosphere, 7: 797-816. Holt, T., Glasser, N., Quincey, D., 2013. The structural glaciology …

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Ice shelf moraines

This is a page about an article written by Michael Hambrey, Bethan Davies and colleagues on ice shelf moraines on Alexander Island in Antarctica[1]. You can download the article here (open access). Full reference: Hambrey MJ, Davies BJ, Glasser NF, Holt TO, Smellie JL, Carrivick JL. Structure and sedimentology of George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic …

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Alexander Island

These articles cover the results of our 2012 field season to Alexander Island, Antarctic Peninsula. You can read the blog about our fieldwork here. Watch a video about our research on Alexander Island: The main results of this work are published in: Hambrey MJ, Davies BJ, Glasser NF, Holt TO, Smellie JL, Carrivick JL. Structure …

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Alexander Island Project

The Alexander Island Project is a continuation of our James Ross Island project, entitled “Glacial history of the NE Antarctic Peninsula over centennial to millennial timescales”. This is a NERC-funded project, led by Professor Neil Glasser, with co-investigators Professor Mike Hambrey, Professor John Smellie, Dr Jonathan Carrivick and Dr Bethan Davies, from Aberystwyth, Leeds and …

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Alexander Island

Ablation Point Massif These photographs are from our November to December 2012 season to Alexander Island on the Antarctic Peninsula. We undertook 5 weeks of fieldwork, where Mike Hambrey, Bethan Davies and Ian Hey (BAS Field Assistant) investigated both modern and ancient ice-shelf moraines. We spent four weeks at Ablation Point Massif, an Antarctic Specially …

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