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Activity report, AntarcticGlaciers, June 2022-June 2023

Dear readers, I felt that it was an appropriate time for a brief report on users of AntarcticGlaciers in the last year. This deep dive into Google Analytics helps me and my colleagues to see where the traffic comes from, and how best to target the traffic to ensure the peak usability. It is useful …

Activity report, AntarcticGlaciers, June 2022-June 2023 Read More »

SCAR medal for outreach and education

Hello folks, I’m delighted to say that I’ve been honoured with the 2022 medal for Antarctic Education and Communication by the international body for organising Antarctic research and collaboration, the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research. I’m absolutely thrilled and very indebted to my nominator Huw Griffiths. The medal is awarded for my work in Antarctic …

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Talk on teaching resources: recording available

On 14th July 2020 I gave a public webinar, kindly hosted by SedsOnline. The talk covered glaciers and climate change, before outlining how this website aligns with post-16 curriculum and highlighting some other excellent resources for teaching glacial environments. You can watch the whole talk below.

Free Talk about teaching glaciers and glaciation in schools: Seds Online, 14th July a tool for teaching Glaciers and Glaciation to high school and college students”. Dr Bethan Davies – Royal Holloway University of London 4 PM LONDON, Tuesday 14th July 2020 Information here: . You must register (for free) with Seds Online to watch the webinar. The link will be available on the website 10 …

Free Talk about teaching glaciers and glaciation in schools: Seds Online, 14th July Read More »

In defence of reticence

Occasionally, comments on this website call me reticent. I think that this is because I try not to let my personal opinions cloud my professional, scientific judgement. I am proud to be reticent. I always try to be informative, to give values of uncertainties and ranges and assessments of confidence. I try to present both …

In defence of reticence Read More »

Analysis of as a tool for online science communication

Davies, B.J., and Glasser, N.F., 2014. Analysis of as a tool for online science communication. Journal of Glaciology 60(220), 399-406. Download the preprint: Davies_et_al_2014_preprint. The following is a shorter, simpler version of the published paper. Science communication for the time-limited academic Academic research into climate change is driven by pressing human concerns. Because climate …

Analysis of as a tool for online science communication Read More »

Setting up a science blog

Online science communication There are as many outlets for science communication as there are scientists doing it. They range from traditional press releases and media interviews1 to science cafes, public debates and lectures, museums, open days, TV programmes2 and films. However each comes with its own specific limitations; many preach to the converted. Many people …

Setting up a science blog Read More »

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