Climate communication for communes

Climate communication for communes

Towns and communes have the important task of informing their citizens. Through active communication, they can reach out to the population and raise local awareness on climate-related issues. The Climate Programme supports communes with training courses and ideas that are easy to put into practice.

Climate communication workshops and individual consultations

Communal authorities regularly have to deal with climate issues and inform the local population about them. When taking specific measures, such as removing parking spaces or designing climate-friendly open spaces, they have to communicate effectively in order to ensure public acceptance. Through targeted communication, a commune can inform people about climate protection projects and proactively monitor their implementation. Practice-oriented training for communal employees and committee members and the new climate communication consultation service is provided in cooperation with Sanu Future Learning AG.

© Adobe Stock / Thomas Reimer

Climate communication workshop: Fostering sustainable behaviour

January 2024 in Neuchâtel

Participants are taught the environmental psychological background of behavioural change and learn how people's behaviour patterns can be changed using the Want–Can–Do Model. This practice-oriented workshop uses a case study to develop ideas that can also be implemented in small and medium-sized communes. There will also be time for questions and discussion; the aim of the workshop is to learn with and from each other.

Climate communication consultation service for communes (pilot project in German and French)

The Federal Office for the Environment's climate programme now provides small and medium-sized communes with free, individual advice. Communes can get advice on climate communication projects from sanu future learning AG in a two-hour consultation.

A consultation can be booked for the following topics:

  • Developing and implementing communication strategies
  • Reaching target groups via the right channel (with a focus on social media)
  • Creating participatory processes
  • Fostering behavioural change


You can find all information including registration for the workshop or an individual consultation at (in German or French)

Sticky notes for efficient, effective communication

Sticky notes featuring practical tips from the Climate Programme support PR activities at the city and commune levels. They are a fun way to help raise awareness among the population of a climate-friendly way of life. Succinct, motivational climate tips in Post-It form are the perfect way to get things off the ground. Stuck in strategically important locations, they serve as a reminder both at home and at work. The computer keyboard is one example, with a note to 'Go by bike!', or 'Lights out!' by the door. These remind people of their good intentions in the right place and at the right time. Little by little, old habits can be changed, and positive new experiences can take their place.

Climate tips
© Heyday, Bern

The set of sticky notes (with tips and empty pages for personal tips or notes), as well as a useful guide, can be displayed at the counter in municipal authority offices, handed out at events, or sent out by post.

Order climate tips free of charge from, art. no. 810.400.137.d (in German or in French, available while stocks last)

Digital climate tips on food waste and heating

Selected climate tips on the topics of food waste and heating are also available in digital form. They can be integrated into commune websites, or used in presentations, for example (available in German or in French).

Further information

Last modification 19.05.2022

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