Bangkok Post - BJT urges end to "bullying" of senators-elect
BJT urges end to 'bullying' of senators-elect
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BJT urges end to 'bullying' of senators-elect

The final round of the senate election took place in Nonthaburi on Wednesday. (Photo: Nutthawat Wichieanbut)
The final round of the senate election took place in Nonthaburi on Wednesday. (Photo: Nutthawat Wichieanbut)

The Bhumjaithai Party (BJT) is urging its critics to stop bullying senators-elect over their backgrounds, saying the process was designed to ensure candidates who come from ordinary backgrounds have the same chance as privileged candidates of entering the Upper House.

"Some senators-elect come from ordinary backgrounds. They do not belong to wealthy clans or famous families. Some are not university graduates. Right now, they are being bullied by some critics who show nothing but disrespect for their dignity," said Somsak Prissananantakul, a BJT member and former MP in a Facebook post on Sunday.

He cited as an example one senator-elect in Ang Thong province, who he claimed is being bullied over her educational background.

"She only finished Mathayom 6 [Year 12] and she makes her living as a tailor, so they questioned why she was elected as a senator," Mr Somsak said.

Another senator-elect in Ang Thong, who served as a village chief and health volunteer, is also being bullied over her background, despite her capabilities and practical experience, he said.

Mr Somsak's remarks came as the party fights accusations that it meddled with the Senate election process. The allegations emerged after it was claimed that a significant number of senators-elect appeared to be affiliated with the party, which calls the Northeast its political stronghold.

Responding to the claim, Karom Polpornklang, a deputy government spokesman and member of the BJT, said critics must find evidence to back up their accusations.

"Every candidate had to follow the Election Commission's regulations. We must respect the outcome of the Senate election," he said.

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