Events | Federal Statistical Office


Various events are organised by the Data Science Competence Center (DSCC) to share knowledge in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence (AI). These events ensure an exchange of ideas and best practices in accordance with the values of the Rule of Law.

The events organised by the DSCC are aimed at staff of public administrations as well as their academic and institutional partners in the framework of the development of the Community of Practice (CoP): Data Science and AI for Public Good.

Symbolbild Datenwissenschaft für Public Good Seminars


The Data Science and AI for Public Good webinar series focuses on topics related to data science and artificial intelligence (AI).
Symbolbild Datenwissenschaft für Special interest groups

Interest groups

The interest groups allow researchers to exchange information on the fields of data science and artificial intelligence (AI).


Federal Statistical Office
Data Science Competence Center DSCC

Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
