The Swiss Federal Statistical Office | Federal Statistical Office

The Swiss Federal Statistical Office

As the national competence centre for official statistics, the FSO is the central hub in Switzerland's data ecosystem. It supports and strengthens the whole public administration in dealing with data.

In addition to its core statistical business, the FSO has also been entrusted with data stewardship and data science since 2021.

Every day, vast amounts of data are generated from various sources that can be used for the production of official statistics. This requires new methods and instruments. Thanks to many years of experience in dealing with data and the intersection of the three areas of responsibility - statistics, data stewardship and data science - the FSO is working on the constant further development of its offers and services.


The FSO operates on the basis of the Federal Statistics Act. The statistical information produced is objective, well-founded and enables international comparisons to be made. Official statistics provide information on the state and development of the population, economy, society, education, research, space and environment in Switzerland and serve as an important basis for fact-based democratic debate.

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Data stewardship

Using data stewardship, the FSO creates infrastructure and processes for efficient data exchange within the administration. The data must be interoperable for this purpose, which means, for instance, that they must be described in a uniform way. Data stewardship standardises, harmonises and documents data and creates the necessary conditions for the multiple use of data.

National data management (NaDB)

Data science

The FSO faces the challenges of the present and the future with new data science approaches. It provides advice to other federal offices using its expertise in data science. To quickly and sustainably promote the use of AI and trust in new technologies, one of the highlights is the work being carried out with and on the Competence Network for Artificial Intelligence.

Data Science Competence Center DSCC


Federal Statistical Office Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



Our English pages offer only a limited range of information on our statistical production. For our full range please consult our pages in French and German (top right hand screen).