National data management (NaDB) | Federal Statistical Office

National data management (NaDB)

The Federal Council expects to make data management in the public sector easier and more efficient by reusing data: Persons and businesses will only need to report certain information once (once only principle).

All of the Confederation’s departments, the Federal Chancellery, all areas of Switzerland’s statistical system, representatives from the canton, social partners and other private organisations and associations are involved in the NaDB programme. Responsibility for the implementation of the NaDB programme rests with the Federal Statistical Office.

l14Y interoperability platform: technical core of the NaDB

The I14Y interoperability platform (I14Y IOP) has been available since June 2021 to promote the multiple use of data in the long term. All of the Federal Administration’s data collections are described here in a form that provides information on the existence and quality of the data held. In addition, a directory of electronic interfaces (APIs) will facilitate access to the actual data. Cantons, communes and private individuals can also use the I14Y IOP.

Reuse of data thanks to harmonisation and standardisation

In order for data to be reused, all public sector agencies, as well as those of the Swiss statistics system, need to use the data catalogue and metadata (description of a dataset) in a uniform manner. In addition, the different agencies must be able to exchange the data, i.e. data must be interoperable.

The coordination of the standardisation and harmonisation tasks falls within the role of the Swiss Data Steward. The joint storage of metadata with decentralised data storage (local data custodian) is considered a future-looking procedure to establish the reuse of the Administration’s data.

Into the future with the NaDB programme

How do the once-only principle and the I14Y platform work? How are they related? The 3-minute video "With the I14Y into Switzerland's digital future", provides an easy understanding of the concepts involved.

Further information


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CH-2010 Neuchâtel



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